Editor's Note — Ord. no. 1742 §1, adopted January 20, 2004, repealed art. V "Allenton street improvements escrow accounts" and enacted the new provisions set out herein. Former art. V derived from ord. no. 931 §§1 — 4.
[Ord. No. 1742 §1, 1-20-2004; Ord. No. 2093 §1, 8-18-2009; Ord. No. 2504, 9-3-2019]
With the exception of a single driveway limited to a width and length necessary to serve only the capacity of the principal garage or carport operated in connection with a single residence, no driveways or driveway extensions may be constructed or utilized unless such are authorized by the City subject to the following:
An application shall be made to the City which must include:
Applicant's name and signature;
Subject address;
Plot plan depicting the locations of existing driveways and any proposed driveways or driveway extensions, as well as the locations of any existing and proposed structures.
The City shall give consideration to the application based on the following criteria:
That the driveway or driveway extension shall not create a traffic or safety hazard to the subject or adjacent properties; and
That the driveway or driveway extension shall not substantially impact stormwater conditions; and
That the driveway or driveway extension shall not negatively affect the character or general welfare of the neighborhood.
Lots located within the Large Lot Residential Zoning District are not subject to the above requirements, provided that the proposed driveway or driveway extension is a minimum of twenty (20) feet from all property lines.