[Added 10-23-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-6]
It is the intent of the Horsham Township Council to amend the Horsham Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance to provide regulations to govern the development and redevelopment of property in the Business Park District. The Business Park District was established to provide for the revitalization of business parks in the Township by invigorating the business parks with new amenities, gathering places, and trails to attract both tenants and workers. It is the intent of the Horsham Council that the regulations of this Article X further implement the objectives of the Business Park Master Plan, adopted on January 13, 2017, and the Business Park District Zoning and Map Amendment adopted by Council on August 28, 2017, by including provisions for improvements to pedestrian and vehicular access, and sustainable stormwater practices, energy efficiency, and natural resource management.
This Article X shall apply to all development and redevelopment in the Business Park District (BPD), including, but not limited to, the Mixed-Use Core Overlay District (BPD-MUC) and the Commercial Corridor Overlay District (BPD-CC).
All development in the Business Parks District, including both overlay districts, shall comply all provisions of the Horsham Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, including the provisions of this article. If this section conflicts with any other part of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, and compliance with both standards is not possible, the standards contained herein shall take precedence.
General standards.
The applicant shall prepare a design manual which shall be submitted prior to or simultaneously with the filling of an application for final land development approval. The design manual shall demonstrate how the development will comply with all applicable standards of the Horsham Township Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances. The design manual shall use full-color architectural drawings, landscape designs, photographs of lighting fixtures, benches, and trash receptacles, photographs of existing site conditions, building material samples, and any other materials requested by the Township.
Site design.
Overall site coordination. The site shall be designed as a unified development, with a coordinated site design, architectural design, landscape plan, signage, wayfinding, lighting, site amenities, paving and other similar features that create a high-quality environment. Where possible, the landscaping, signage, lighting, and architectural design of the development site shall coordinate with other projects developed under Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Land Development regulations for the Business Park District.
Street layout and pattern.
Streets shall be connected with each other and with streets on abutting properties in an interconnected grid pattern. New streets shall be generally laid out in the manner represented in the Horsham Business Parks Master Plan.
Culs-de-sac shall not be permitted unless no other options are possible.
Common open space.
Common open space shall be designed as a continuous, interconnected system of areas, wherever practicable, and shall be located as close as possible to pedestrian walkways. Open spaces shall be interconnected with common open space or Township-owned parkland on abutting tracts.
Within the required common open space, the development shall provide for outdoor gathering areas and incorporate elements such as gardens, shade structures, and walking trails.
Common open space areas shall meet all requirements of Zoning Ordinance § 230-261A(1).
Public art and gateways. All new developments are highly encouraged to incorporate public art and create focal points at gateways to the Horsham Business Parks. Public art and gateway installation shall be subject to the approval of the Township. Public art and gateway installations bring visual interest to the development, create a unique identity, and help to establish landmarks and points of interest within the Horsham Business Parks. Examples of appropriate public art and gateway treatments include sculpture, murals, mosaics, and artistic lighting. Gateway locations can be found in the Horsham Business Parks Master Plan.
Pedestrian and bicycle circulation. All developments shall include an integrated and coordinated pedestrian circulation system linking the development with nearby uses and buildings, parks, transit facilities, and other pedestrian traffic generators. Pedestrian and streetscape improvements shall generally follow the recommendations outlined in the map below:
BPD Sketch 1
Sidewalks. All new developments and redevelopments shall install sidewalks along all lot frontages adjacent to public and private streets and connecting to existing sidewalks on abutting tracts. Except where otherwise noted below, sidewalks shall be no less than five feet in width, with a landscape area of no less than five feet in width located between the sidewalk and the street curbline.
The sidewalks along Gibraltar Road, Prudential Road and Rock Road shall be no less than five feet in width.
The sidewalks along Blair Mill Road, Witmer Road, Welsh Road and Dresher Road shall be no less than eight feet in width, with a lawn area (with perennial beds where appropriate to the overall landscape design) of no less than eight feet in width located between the sidewalk and the street curbline.
Internal pedestrian walkways. All new developments and redevelopments shall provide internal pedestrian walkways that connect the public sidewalk system to the building entrances, parking areas, plazas, courtyards, transit stops, and other public amenities on the site.
Internal pedestrian walkways shall be no less than five feet in width.
All internal pedestrian walkways and crosswalks shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of pavers, bricks, scored concrete, stamped asphalt, or continental-style crosswalk striping to enhance pedestrian safety and comfort.
Public multi-use trail. All new developments shall construct trail segments through their property in the locations identified on the sketch provided above at § 198-64 as BPD Sketch 1.
Public multi-use trails shall be generally laid at locations shown in BPD Sketch 1 and in the manner represented in the Horsham Business Parks Master Plan.
Public multi-use trails shall be no less than eight feet in width in the BPD-MUC and five feet in width in all other areas of the BPD, to comfortably accommodate both bicyclists and pedestrians, unless an alternate trail width has been approved by the Township.
Public multi-use trails shall, where possible, connect to common open space areas and to sidewalks and nearby pedestrian destination points.
Public multi-use trails shall be located in the public right-of-way, or, if not along a public street, a trail easement not less than 20 feet in width shall be provided.
Public multi-use trails shall be constructed in accordance with the Guidelines for Trail Development in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, as last revised. The Guidelines for Trail Development in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania can be located at www.[1]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Public multi-use trails shall include signage, crosswalks, and lighting in accordance with the Guidelines for Trail Development in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Where a property contains a portion of an existing trail, the applicant shall upgrade the trail segment to meet the standards of this Subsection C.
Streetscape design. All developments shall include a well-designed and attractive streetscape that enhances pedestrian safety and fosters a sense of place within the Horsham Business Park Zoning District. The following elements shall be included along the streets in the Business Park Zoning District:
Street trees. Street trees shall be planted along both sides of all public and private roads in the Business Park District in accordance with the following regulations:
Full-canopy street trees shall be planted no closer than 40 feet on center nor further than 50 feet on center for each side of the street, except along arterial streets where, with the approval of Council, street trees may be up to 100 feet on center, or, with the approval of Council, an equivalent number may be planted in an informal arrangement. Columnar form street trees shall be planted no closer than 25 feet on center nor further than 40 feet on center, or with the approval of Council, an equivalent number may be planted in an informal arrangement.
Street trees shall be planted a minimum distance of two feet and a maximum distance of six feet outside and parallel to the right-of-way line.
Street trees shall have a minimum caliper of three inches when planted.
Street tree species shall be selected that are appropriate for their location. The following factors shall be considered when selecting a tree species: maintenance requirements, hardiness, heat tolerance, drought tolerance, salt tolerance, shape and form, and the subsurface growing conditions. The use of native species is encouraged. Examples of street tree species are listed below:
Recommended Street Tree Species
*Acer Rubrum "October Glory" (October Glory Red Maple)
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo)
*Platanus eacerifolia "Bloodgood" (Bloodgood London Planetree)
*Quercus phellos (Willow Oak)
*Quercus rubra (Red Oak)
*Tilia Americana (American Linden)
Tilia cordata (Littleleaf Linden)
Native Species
Refer to § 198-39G relative to guarantee for street trees.
Planters. Planters shall not obstruct the required sight triangle at intersections. Planters cannot impede pedestrian traffic flow when placed on sidewalks. An unobstructed pathway of at least five feet in width shall be maintained.
Pedestrian-scale lighting. All new developments and redevelopments shall provide pedestrian-scale streetlights along all lot frontages adjacent to public and private streets.
Lighting fixtures shall be installed at maximum of 60 feet on center along sidewalks, and a minimum distance of two feet outside the right-of-way line. Footings for pedestrian-level lighting shall not project more than six inches above the finished elevation of the adjacent sidewalk. Spacing shall be based on IESNA RP-8, most current edition, standards for street and sidewalk lighting.
The lighting fixture shall be Landscape Forms model "Alcott" in silver finish, or approved equivalent as determined by the Township.
Lighting fixtures shall have a maximum mounting height of 14 feet.
Lighting fixtures shall be consistent with the design guidelines approved by Council in order to achieve consistency throughout the Business Park District.
Benches shall be provided and spaced at a minimum of one bench per 500 linear feet of street frontage, or portion thereof.
The benches shall be consistent with the design guidelines approved by Council in order to achieve consistency throughout the Business Park District. Benches shall be permanently mounted to a concrete pad or other means acceptable to the Township.
Benches shall be placed so as not to impede pedestrian traffic flow. An unobstructed pathway of at least five feet in width shall be maintained.
Trash and recycling receptacles. Adequate trash and recycling receptacles shall be provided to discourage littering. This requirement for trash and recycling receptacles is separate and apart from disposal containers needed for the principal building on the property and the use conducted therein.
Trash and recycling receptacles shall be provided at bus stops, roadway intersections, and other actively used pedestrian areas.
The trash and recycling receptacles shall be consistent with the design guidelines approved by Council in order to achieve consistency throughout the Business Park District.
Trash and recycling receptacles shall be placed so as not to impede pedestrian traffic flow. An unobstructed pathway of at least five feet in width shall be maintained.
Architectural design. Preliminary architectural elevations shall be prepared by a registered architect. Such elevations shall illustrate the general design, character, and materials for facades of buildings visible from public streets, pedestrian walkways, and open space lands available for public use.
Overall design. All buildings within a single project shall have a unified or complementary architectural character. Developments shall create focal points with respect to avenues of approach or other buildings and relate open space between all existing and proposed buildings. To the extent possible, the architectural design of buildings shall be consistent with other properties developed or redeveloped as part of the Business Park Zoning District.
Building materials. In the Mixed Use Core and Commercial Corridor Overlays, quality building materials, such as brick, stone, concrete, and glass, shall be used to create visual interest and enhance the quality of the development.
The following building materials are prohibited in the Mixed Use Core and Commercial Corridor Overlays: aluminum or vinyl siding or shutters; white, tan, or painted brick; T-111 or other similar plywood siding. The use of exterior insulation and finishing systems (EIFS) is discouraged and in no case may it make up more than 10% of the publicly visible exterior skin of any building.
Except on rear walls, not visible from any public way, all forms of exposed concrete block shall be prohibited.
Facade articulation. The architectural design of a building shall create visual interest and reduce the apparent scale and mass of large buildings to enhance visual quality and create a human-scaled development.
Multistory buildings shall articulate the line between the ground and upper levels with a cornice, canopy, balcony, arcade or other fenestration or architectural detailing.
Buildings shall incorporate vertical articulation elements such as building wall offsets, recesses and projections, balconies, columns, pilasters, or changes in building materials. In the Mixed Use Core and Commercial Corridor Overlays, vertical articulation elements shall occur at least every 75 feet along the horizontal length of all building facades.
Pedestrian entrance.
All facades of buildings oriented towards existing and/or proposed streets shall feature at least one clearly defined, highly visible pedestrian entrance with a direct sidewalk connection to the abutting street.
All pedestrian entrances shall be accentuated. Permitted entrance accents include recessed, protruding, canopy, portico, or overhang.
Transparency. All facades of new buildings shall be of finished quality and shall be similar in terms of color and materials across all facades. Blank facades shall not be permitted along any exterior wall facing a street, parking area, pedestrian way, or stream. All sides of a building shall contain windows and other architectural elements for all stories of the buildings, with particular attention paid to the design and articulation of the ground floor.
In the Mixed Use Core and Commercial Corridor Overlays, ground-floor facades shall include a minimum of 55% windows.
In the Mixed Use Core and Commercial Corridor Overlays, upper-story facades shall include a minimum of 30% windows.
Rooftop mechanical equipment. All rooftop mechanical equipment and other appurtenances shall be concealed by or integrated within the roof form or screened from view from adjacent buildings and from ground level in a manner that is consistent with the architectural design of the building.
Service and loading areas. Service and loading areas shall be incorporated into the overall design theme of the building so that the architectural design is continuous and uninterrupted. All service and loading areas shall meet the minimum screening requirements of SALDO § 198-39E(8).
Off-street parking and loading.
Surface parking lots.
Vehicular access. Vehicular access to surface parking lots shall be from an alley or the secondary street frontage, wherever possible. Driveways shall have a maximum width of two lanes or 22 feet, whichever is less, unless a dedicated separate left-turn egress lane is required based on a traffic study. Driveways shall be located a minimum of 300 feet from any intersection or other driveway.
Pedestrian access. Safe provisions for pedestrian access to and through a parking lot shall be required. Pedestrian walkways through the surface parking shall be well-lit and shall connect to building entrances and to sidewalks along public streets.
Interconnected parking areas. Parking areas on abutting nonresidential lots shall be interconnected by access driveways, in compliance with the standards and procedures set forth in § 230-38B. Interconnections shall be logically placed and easily identifiable to ensure convenient traffic flow.
Structured parking garages.
Parking garage structures shall be architecturally consistent with the architectural style and materials of the primary structure on the site.
Cars shall be generally visually screened from the street through facade features such as grills, lattices, mock windows, louvers, false facades, etc.
Parking garage structures shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with the standards set forth in § 198-64G(2)(b) herein.
Landscape design. Landscape standards shall meet all provisions of the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, except as modified or supplemented below.
Plant diversity requirements. Native species must comprise at least 75% of the selected plants in each plant categories (shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials) unless otherwise approved by the Township. Refer to § 198-39F, Recommended plant materials.
Parking lot planting.
Internal planting.
Wherever possible, existing trees shall be preserved in the parking lot's area.
At least one shade tree shall be provided for every 10 parking spaces. Trees shall be planted in planting islands or continuous center islands separating parking rows. All rows of parking must be terminated by a parking lot island or landscape area.
For lots with greater than 100 parking spaces, the parking area shall be divided by continuous center islands perpendicular to the spaces every third parking row.
Planting islands are required to have a planting area of at least 170 square feet and minimum width of 10 feet. All parking lot islands shall have soils improved to the depth of 30 inches.
In addition to one shade tree per island, planting islands shall be planted with groups of flowering shrubs, groundcovers, grasses and perennials to cover 75% of the surface area. Plantings shall be designed to maintain motorist visibility.
The perimeter of the planting island shall be curbed, but when site conditions allow (via modified curbing) islands to accept stormwater runoff, as a bioretention area. A soil improvement detail shall be provided with the landscape plan.
Continuous center islands are required to have a minimum width of 10 feet. All linear planting beds shall have soils improved to the depth of 30 inches.
In addition to shade trees, when required, linear planting beds shall be planted with groups of ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, groundcovers, ornamental grasses and perennials to cover 75% of the surface area.
When site conditions allow, the perimeter of the planting strip shall be designed to accept stormwater runoff, as a bioretention area. A soil improvement detail shall be provided with the landscape plan.
Parking lot screening.
When site conditions allow, the perimeter of the parking lot shall be designed to accept stormwater runoff, as a bioretention area. Curbs separating landscape areas from parking shall have gaps to allow surface water to flow to the bioretention area. Soils shall provide adequate infiltration rates.
Parking lot screening that abuts a street or sidewalk. One shade tree and 10 shrubs shall be planted every 25 feet along street frontage. Alternatively, a low decorative wall or fence not to exceed three feet in height along with one tree per 30 feet of buffer length and five shrubs.
Drainage area and detention/retention basin planting. When utilizing bioretention basins as soil- and plant-based filtration devices, the following standards shall supplement § 198-39E(7)(g). Refer to § 198-39F, Recommended plant materials.
Basin perimeter plantings shall provide 85% planting coverage.
Shade trees: a minimum of one large canopy tree per 100 square feet of bioretention area.
Ornamental trees: a minimum of two ornamental trees per 100 square feet of bioretention area.
Shrubs and grasses: a minimum of six shrubs and eight grasses per 200 square feet of bioretention area. The number of shrubs may be reduced up to 50% when replaced with the equivalent number of grasses.
Lighting. Lighting shall be designed so as to create a sense of identity and cohesion across the site. For example, lighting can be designed to enhance the nighttime appearance of landscaping, building entrances, architectural details, signs, and public art. All lighting shall comply with § 198-45 of the Horsham Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Light fixtures shall be as designated by resolution of the Horsham Council to achieve consistency throughout the BPD.
Utilities. All new electric, telephone and cable lines, and building services shall be placed underground for new developments and additions.