[Adopted as Sec. 15-1 of the 1976 Revised General Ordinances; amended in its entirety 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-021]
For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein:
Any person making written application for the permit hereinafter mentioned.
A concrete, block or asphalt edging along a road used to direct surface water runoff.
Any alteration, change or impact to property.
A privately owned access from the road to the property.
To dig up, break, tunnel or undermine in any manner any type of surface.
The document approving any construction/alteration or working within the right-of-way as defined herein.
Any person who has been granted and has in full force and effect an excavation permit issued hereunder.
The area designated under the Map Filing Law, Land Use regulation or other established legal document as reserved for property access, public improvements and public utilities.
Any street, avenue, terrace, court, way, alley, cartway, or public thoroughfare that is within the right-of-way.
An activity involving physical effort including but not limited to excavation, digging, tunneling, backfilling, placement of material, concrete pouring and paving or construction of any type in order to achieve a purpose or result.
It shall be unlawful for any person to complete any work within a Township right-of-way, unless such person shall have first obtained a right-of-way entry permit from the Township Clerk's office.
It shall be unlawful for any person to excavate/open in any manner any road, in or under any surface of any road for any purpose or to place, deposit, or leave upon any road any excavated material obstructing or tending to interfere with the free use of road, unless such person shall have first obtained a right-of-way entry permit from the Township Clerk's office.
It shall be unlawful for any person to manipulate, attach, detach, tie into, remove or otherwise alter municipal stormwater infrastructure, unless such person shall have first obtained a right-of-way entry permit from the Township Clerk's office.
It shall be unlawful for any person to overlay or construct a driveway within the right-of-way in any manner, for any purpose, unless such person shall have first obtained a right-of-way entry permit from the Township Clerk's office. A person shall be exempt from the right-of-way entry permit only if such work is part of a previously approved Planning Board, Zoning Board or Residential Lot Development Plan. If the property has an established and approved curb within the right-of-way, a person may pave/repave the driveway to the curb without any permit. Any paving/repaving on the street side of the curb requires a right-of-way permit.
It shall be unlawful for any person to replace or construct or alter any length of curb within the right-of-way in any manner, using any material on any road for any purpose, unless such person shall have first obtained a right-of-way entry permit from the Township Clerk's office. A person shall be exempt from the right-of-way entry permit only if such work is part of a previously approved Planning Board, Zoning Board or Residential Lot Development Plan.
No right-of-way entry permit shall be issued unless a written application or the issuance of a right-of-way entry permit on forms supplied by the Township Clerk's office is submitted to the Township Clerk, signed by the person making the application or by a duly authorized agent, and shall contain the following information:
Applicant's name, phone number and address.
Name of property owner, phone number and the address with the tax map block and lot number.
A plan or sketch in triplicate, detailing the work to be performed; on approval, one approved copy is to be returned with the permit to be issued, which approved copy and permit are to be in the possession of the person supervising work.
Description of work to be completed.
Surface type to be opened, square yards to be disturbed and/or length of curb in feet.
On or about start date and estimated date of completion of work.
As per N.J.S.A. 48:2-83, all applications for permits shall provide a One-Call verification number. Permit applications may be submitted, and reviewed and preliminarily approved without the One-Call verification number; however, no permit shall be issued prior to the applicant providing proof to the Township that the applicant has notified the One-Call Damage Prevention System.
All applications for permits shall be accompanied with a public liability insurance policy or a certificate of insurance with statutory workmen compensation, contractor’s liability of $1,000,000 and automobile liability of $1,000,000 liability policy to be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in New Jersey, indemnifying and protecting the Township from all liability by reason of property damage or personal injuries or death which may result or may be claimed to result as a result of any accident occurring at the point of the opening. If work is to be performed by an independent contractor, other than by the applicant, then such certificate of insurance shall be required of the independent contractor.
[Amended 3-3-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-010]
A public utility, in lieu of furnishing a public liability insurance policy or certificate of insurance, may file proof that it is a self-insurer under the insurance and motor vehicle laws of the State of New Jersey, accompanied by a certificate of financial responsibility. Should such public utility contract out work provided for in the application and permit, the contractor engaged shall file the certificate of insurance as required above.
Right-of-way permits and related work are discouraged between November 15 and April 1 or during a period of five years after the completion of a major construction improvement of a road. However, exceptions will be made for emergencies. If a right-of-way entry permit is to be issued during either of the former conditions, the applicant must comply with the following:
For the section "Excavation/Pavement Disturbance":
The new service shall be bored under the paved road whenever possible.
Initial trench and pavement restoration as per Pavement Restoration Detail.
Infrared pavement restoration shall be used for final pavement restoration.
For the section "New Driveway Construction/Driveway Overlay":
The one-year cash maintenance bond amount shall be doubled.
If a right-of-way entry permit is to be issued for the installation of new, additional or replacement utility transmission lines or for the removal of existing utility transmission lines, the applicant must comply with the following:
If the area to be disturbed in the right-of-way is within a paved roadway, the disturbed entire lane roadway shall be milled and paved full-width to a depth of two inches as directed if the area of disturbance equals 20% or more of the affected lane for a continuous trench along the road or for multiple lateral connections within 500 feet of roadway. Exceptions may be approved by the Engineering Office. All disturbed areas require a minimum of two inches of surface course over four inches of stabilized base and six inches of properly compacted material. The Engineering Office may approve temporary restoration procedures if the required trench compaction cannot be met.
Paving material shall be surface course mix, 19M64 and base course mixture or an approved equal.
If the area to be disturbed in the right-of-way is not within a paved roadway, the trench shall be restored with approved material and the final surface restoration shall be equal to that prior to the disturbance.
The application for a right-of-way entry permit to perform excavation work under this article shall be accompanied with a cash maintenance bond, made to the Township for deposit with the Township Treasurer, as follows:
For the "Excavation/Pavement Disturbance" section of the permit, the one-year cash maintenance bond shall be $400 plus any applicable estimated quantities for the final paving using the same calendar year pricing from the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council.
Utility companies regulated by the NJ Board of Public Utilities will be exempt from the cash bond for any disturbance under 20 square yards if they have filed a surety bond in the amount of a $10,000 running to the Township (see § 332-13, Surety bond).
For the "Storm Drainage Connection/Alteration" section of the permit, the one-year cash maintenance bond shall be $100 or $30 per square yard of right-of-way disturbed, whichever is greater.
For the "New Driveway Construction/Driveway Overlay" section of the permit, the one-year cash maintenance bond shall be $300. If the permit is issued between November 15 and April 1 or if the road has been paved within the last five years the cash bond amount shall be $600.
For new curbing/curb replacement, an additional bond amount of $10 per foot will be added whenever the curb is greater than 30 feet in length.
In addition to the foregoing cash maintenance bond, the applicant shall pay a permit fee and an inspection fee as set forth in Chapter 135, fees and costs.
The one-year cash maintenance bond shall ensure the performance and the repair of the public infrastructure to be in as good a condition as it was prior to any work being done. If the permittee fails to make the necessary repairs in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division or Department of Public Works, the Township may use any or all of the entire amount of such cash bond to pay any cost the Township occurs to restore or maintain that portion of public infrastructure.
Such cash maintenance bond and fees shall be turned over to the Township Treasurer, and upon certification by the Engineering Division of Director of Public Works that the right-of-way has been properly restored, the cash maintenance bond shall be returned to the applicant.
The Director of Public Works, the Supervisor in the Engineering office and the Township Engineer shall have full supervision over any opening to be made in any street under any permit granted hereunder, and the work on any such permit shall be commenced within 10 days of the date of the issuance of the permit, and such work shall proceed with due diligence to its completion. If for any reason the work on the opening is not commenced within the period of 10 days, the permit shall be void, and any deposit held by the Township thereunder shall be returned to the applicant upon surrender of the permit, unless an extension of time is granted in writing, endorsed on the permit, within which to commence the work, whereupon the applicant shall commence such work within the time set forth under the extension or forfeit any right to make any opening under the extension, and permit. The work under any extension shall proceed with due diligence to its completion.
If the permit is revoked, the Township will return the one-year cash maintenance bond amount to the applicant upon surrender of the permit. The filing fee and inspection fees will not be refunded.
The Township may at any time revoke or annul any permit, or extension endorsed thereon, for cause, or for making any work not in accordance with the permit granted, or for failure or neglect to pursue the work in accordance with such permit or by reason of any condition which would, or the Township fears might, prove to be dangerous or injurious to any person or property, or the Township deems harmful to or not for the best interests of the Township, and every person receiving a permit or any extension thereof shall accept the same subject to the foregoing provisions, without any liability or responsibility attaching to the Township for any loss or damage that might result by reason of such revocation.
All pavement or surface over any opening for which any permit is granted as aforesaid shall be replaced by the permittee by a temporary pavement of a bituminous concrete, base course of HMA 19M64, immediately after filling, except that if the road is gravel, the temporary replacement shall be by gravel; permanent pavement is to be restored by permittee, not less than 30 nor more than 60 days after opening is made, unless this time is extended by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or Township Engineer, depending on road or weather conditions. Should the permittee fail to do so, the cash bond provided for herein, or such portion thereof as may be necessary, shall be used to pay the cost of consolidating the material used, to refill the opening, and to replace the pavement or surface; and the balance, if any, shall be returned to the applicant 12 months after the issuance of the permit, if the surface is then in good condition, or as soon thereafter as the necessary repairs thereto are made, upon presentation to the Township of the original permit, and the signing by the applicant of a receipt for the amount so returned.
Whenever an opening is made not in pavement, the trench shall be backfilled and compacted with suitable approved material or in accordance to § 332-9 of this chapter. The final surface restoration shall be equal to that prior to the disturbance. Should the permittee fail to do so, the cash bond provided for herein, or such portion thereof as may be necessary, shall be used to pay the cost of consolidating the material used, to refill the opening, and to restore the surface; and the balance, if any, shall be returned to the applicant 12 months after the issuance of the permit, if the surface is then in good condition, or as soon thereafter as the necessary repairs thereto are made, upon presentation to the Township of the original permit, and the signing by the applicant of a receipt for the amount so returned.
Every opening and all excavations and backfilling shall be the responsibility of the person to whom any permit is issued to work within the right-of-way. Such person shall give at least a twenty-four-hour notice to the Engineering Division or Director of Public Works before any right-of-way work is commenced. Such person shall give reasonable notice to the Township Engineer or to the Director of Public Works and Engineering or other person designated by the Township before any backfilling is commenced. All excavations shall be made in open trenches in compliance with O.S.H.A. standards, except where otherwise permitted or directed by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or Township Engineer. The sides of the excavation shall be supported when necessary by suitable plank and shoring which shall be drawn as the work progresses unless the Director of Public Works and Engineering or the Township Engineer orders the same left in place. All the work of excavating and backfilling shall be prosecuted with all possible vigor. All trenches shall be backfilled by depositing therein approved, suitable fill in layers of not more than six inches in depth, each thoroughly rammed, and if required by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or Township Engineer flushed with water, or both. Surplus earth shall not be piled over filled openings so as to interfere with traffic. All old paving material shall be carefully conserved and placed over the trench in as good condition and as near the street grade as practicable, and all surplus material and rubbish of any kind shall be promptly removed by the person to whom such permit is issued. Where excavation is made in a tunnel beneath a concrete pavement having a concrete base, the tunnel shall be backfilled with concrete composed of one part of portland cement and nine parts of hard steam boiler cinders or other approved material stamped in place so that the cavity is completely filled, provided that before any work of tunneling is commenced the method of such tunneling shall be first approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or the Township Engineer.
Whenever an opening is made in a paved road, the pavement of surface shall be cut with an approved pavement cutter no wider than one foot outside of either side of the pipe to be laid. Should ground conditions warrant a wider opening, such widening and the method for same shall be with the consent of and under the supervision of the Director of Public Works and Engineering of the Township or the Township Engineer.
Whenever a new paved driveway is to be constructed in the Township right-of-way, the proposed driveway shall be in accordance with Chapter 500, § 500-76, Vehicular Circulation, except in the case of previous nonconforming use. Any proposed driveway or curb within a Township right-of-way not previously approved through the Township land use development process shall be reviewed for conflicts including but not limited to curb configuration, sight distance, gutter disruption, width, approach angle and general traffic safety. Said review is to insure the benefit, safety and performance of Township infrastructure and shall not be construed as design.
The excavation and all piles of excavated material or any material used in the work to be performed in the opening for which a permit is issued shall be carefully guarded and lighted or caused to be carefully guarded and lighted by the person to whom such permit has been issued, who shall be liable for all loss and damage caused by the prosecution of the work or failure to properly guard or maintain the opening.
The permittee shall take appropriate measures to assure that during the performance of the excavation work traffic conditions as nearly normal as practicable shall be maintained at all times so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the occupants of the abutting property and to the general public, provided that the Township Engineer, with the approval of the Chief of Police, may permit the closing of streets to all traffic for a period of time prescribed by him if in his opinion it is necessary. The permittee shall route and control traffic including its own vehicles as directed by the Police Department. The following steps shall be taken before any road may be closed or restricted to traffic:
The permittee must receive the approval of the Township Engineer and the Chief of Police therefor.
The permittee must notify the volunteer fire company and volunteer first aid squad in the area of any street so closed.
Upon completion of construction work the permittee shall notify the Township Engineer, Chief of Police, and volunteer fire company and first aid squad, before traffic is moved back to its normal flow so that any necessary adjustments may be made.
Where flagmen are deemed necessary by the Township Engineer or Chief of Police, they shall be furnished by the permittee at its own expense.
Excavations on opposite sides of a road, in the same locality, and at the same time, shall not be permitted. Where such excavations are required, the permittee shall first complete the work on one side of the road, and shall not commence work on the opposite side until work on the initial side has been completed, backfilled, and land or road restored to its initial condition. Where more than one permit has been issued for the excavation along a road in the same locality, the Township Engineer shall regulate as to the side of the road first to be excavated. Where the excavation is to be from one side of the road to another, the permittee may make said excavation, provided proper access for traffic is first made, subject to the approval of the Chief of Police and the Township Engineer.
Nothing contained in this article shall be construed as requiring the issuance of a permit for the performance of any opening or excavating by the Township or under a contract with the Township for the construction of sewers, drains or street improvements or for any right-of-way excavation/opening required through the land use development process.
Any public utility as defined in N.J.S.A. 48:2-13, which desires to obtain permits under this article, may file with the Township Clerk and Township Treasurer a surety bond in the amount of $10,000, running to the Township; such bond shall be that of a surety company authorized to transact business in New Jersey, except that if the public utility is a self-insurer under the motor vehicle or insurance laws of the State of New Jersey, it may file its own bond, together with proof it is a self-insurer, and a certificate of financial responsibility; any bond filed must be satisfactory to the Township Attorney in form and substance. Such bond shall be conditioned upon compliance by such public utility with the applicable provisions of this article with respect to each right-of-way permit which shall be made by such public utility in the Township and shall further provide that the obligation of such bond shall be a continuing obligation to the full amount thereof with respect to each right-of-way permit. Whenever any public utility which shall have filed such a bond shall request the Township Clerk in writing to issue to it a right-of-way permit, it shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to issue such permit, provided the permit filing fee and the inspection fee as set forth in this article are paid at the time of the filing of the application for such a permit.
The amount of this bond may be increased by the Township Council depending upon the number of right-of-way openings impacting the municipal infrastructure and the estimated cost of restoring the streets.
This article shall be enforced by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Supervisor of the Township Engineering Office, or the Township Engineer who shall have the authority to issue stop work orders when necessary to ensure the ordinance enforcement and the public safety. Failure to comply with a stop-work order will cause the right-of-way permit to be revoked and all other Township-issued permits suspended.
Any person aggrieved by any action of the Director of Public Works and Engineering or Township Engineer or any other Township official in the enforcement of any provisions of this article shall have a right of appeal to the Township Administrator. The appeal must be taken within 14 days after the action complained of has occurred. Appeals shall be made in writing to the Township Administrator, and shall set forth reasons for the appeal. The Township Administrator thereupon shall set a date for a hearing to take place within 30 days after receipt of the request for a hearing.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to the owner or occupant of any property completing regular lawn or vegetative maintenance. A person shall be exempt from the right-of-way entry permit if such work is part of a previously approved Planning Board, Zoning Board or Residential Lot Development Plan.