[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Ocean 10-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-16. Amendments noted where applicable.]
In addition to any/all hard copy submissions already required of all map and plan materials currently being submitted to the Township of Ocean, a digital graphics file containing the data outlined in § 411-2 shall also be submitted with each project. All files must be submitted in the native file format.
All electronic files must be created in the New Jersey State Plane Coordinate System North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83), in US Survey feet. All digital files must georeference to available digital mapping resource data from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to name just a few. The geographical referencing process, known as "georeferencing," essentially ensures that the positioning of all geographical data layers will be correctly referenced to the map projection of the New Jersey State Plane Coordinate System for increased accuracy.
All linework shall connect at line end points. Overlaps, gaps or dangles are not acceptable. Polygon objects, such as parcels or other boundaries, shall be created from line segments, connecting to adjacent linework at intersections. Single, closed polygons are not to be used where coincidental boundaries may occur. All text shall be clearly legible and not obscured by polygon boundaries/linework.
All digital files for proposed property upgrades/changes/improvements shall be submitted to the Township of Ocean within 30 days of recordation of the final plat or parcel map. Upon acceptance of the improvements by the Township, the digital files for all public, private and site development, upgrades, changes and/or improvements shall be submitted by the originating party. These digital files shall contain all information as shown on the approved hard copy plans, as well as any approved changes or revision, and any/all "as-built" information. Any proposed deviation from these guidelines shall be considered by the Township on a case-by-case basis only.
The following minimum information, including its metadata, must be provided as outlined for each type of project referenced:
Signalized data. Signalized data shall include striping, traffic signs, traffic signals, MUTCD sign type, sign text, sign support type, and legend.
Contour data. Contour data shall include contour lines and contour elevations, light detection and ranging (LiDAR), and digital elevation model (DEM). (The dates of flights range can vary depending on your given location. Be sure to review the metadata file to verify this information before using this data set. The general file format is *.tif with supporting shapefiles.)
Grading data. Grading data shall include street grade, top of curb elevations, and gutter elevations.
Road data. Road data shall include right-of-way lines, street name(s), sign locations, center line locations, median island locations, sidewalk locations, retaining wall locations, sound barrier locations, driveway/gutter line locations, curblines, handicap ramp locations, traffic light locations, tree/shrub locations, bridge/culvert name/code, water/road spanning over, bridge/culvert construction type, bridge/culvert year built, guide rail location, guide rail side of road, end cap type, sign post type, bus stop location, and legend.
Surface data. Surface data shall include water body locations, stream/drainage ditch locations, park locations, railroad locations, bike path/trail locations, well locations, aboveground storage tank locations, and legend.
Survey data. Survey data shall include boundary line locations, monument locations, center line locations, lot/parcel boundaries, easement locations, control lines, and legend.
Utilities data. Utilities data shall include transmission line locations, pole locations, transformer locations, lateral locations, meter locations, valve locations, cleanout locations, catch basin locations, culvert/culvert fencing locations, waterline locations, water material, water pipe size, sanitary sewer line locations, sanitary sewer material, sanitary sewer pipe size, stormwater line location, stormwater drainage facility locations, sanitary sewer service area, pipe size, pipe material, upstream elevation, downstream elevation, slope from manhole to manhole, manhole locations, manhole install date, invert elevation, invert, rim elevation, cover type, manhole type, pump station location, pump type, pump elevation, pump rotation, stormwater inlets, inlet type, inlet elevation, control valve location, control valve rotation, control valve diameter, control valve type, curb stop location, curb stop valve rotation, curb stop valve diameter, curb stop valve type, hydrant locations, hydrant install date, hydrant manufacturer, hydrant operable Y/N, hydrant owned by, water lateral location, water lateral material, water lateral pipe size, sanitary lateral location, sanitary lateral material, sanitary lateral pipe size, service connection location, valve location, valve type, and legend.
Transit data. Transit data shall include rail station locations, rail service lines, rail service type, and station name.