The objective of this district is to encourage mixed use development consisting of residential, commercial, office, recreational, civic and related development plans. The MUD requires innovative design and planning in order to promote more efficient use of land and public facilities.
The development should consist of a harmonious grouping of buildings and uses, circulation, parking and open space contained in an integral cohesive plan.
This plan should address a unified architectural theme as well as a master land use plan.
It is the purpose of the MUD Mixed Use District:
To create a mixed use environment which emphasizes pedestrian circulation, attractive civic spaces, squares, greens and parks with a special sense of community and identity.
To reduce dependence upon the automobile by providing living, shopping, employment and recreational opportunities within walking distance, generally located in a compact, mixed use village center.
To encourage one or more unified architectural styles that bring harmony and balance to the entire project.
To encourage the creation of a principal or main street, with sidewalks and public spaces, for a variety of commercial, civic, outdoor and pedestrian uses and activities.
To encourage the provision of more affordable housing through a greater diversity of housing types.
To encourage dispersed parking spaces, the sharing of parking and to discourage large parking lots and paved areas.
To encourage village-wide pedestrian/bicycle circulation systems, linking major elements of the community.
It is recognized that these purposes may best be implemented by modifying some of the zoning and subdivision standards. The architectural character of the MUD may require narrower streets and pavement, reduced front yard setbacks and yard areas, the encouragement of on-street parking, shared parking, pedestrian and bicycle paths and a mix of uses within a single building or groups of buildings.
Where an NC Neighborhood Commercial, HC Highway Commercial, CI Commercial Industrial, or P1 Planned Industrial district is contiguous to an MUD district, these other district areas may be designed and integrated into the MUD master plan without regard to the actual location of the zoning boundary line. The intent is to encourage a unified master land use plan, with particular attention to a complete architectural theme.
The minimum tract area shall be 50 acres to be considered for a MUD Mixed Use District.
In any MUD Mixed Use District, land, building or premises shall be used by right only for one or more of the following:
Residential uses.
Single-family detached dwellings of varying lot sizes.
Patio or zero-lot-line detached dwellings.
Townhouse attached dwelling, twins and duplexes.
Multifamily dwellings, including dwellings over shops and other nonresidential uses.
Congregate care housing, with or without nursing and medical facilities.
Age-restricted housing.
All permitted uses specified in the A Residence District.
Civic buildings.
Churches and other places of worship.
Financial establishments with drive-in facilities.
Movie theaters, single screen.
Arts and crafts studios and shops.
Professional services.
Medical clinics.
General offices.
Research buildings.
Hotels and motels.
Village centers.
Customary accessory uses.
Kiosks, street vending carts and sidewalk cafes, limited to the village center area.
Swimming pools on individual lots.
Carriage houses containing dwelling units.
Parking areas and multilevel garages.
Flagpoles and clock towers.
The following area and bulk regulations shall apply:
Single-family detached homes.
Minimum lot size: 5,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Minimum front yard: 25 feet.
Minimum side yard: 10 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Zero-lot-line detached homes.
Minimum lot size: 4,500 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 40 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Minimum front yard: 25 feet.
Minimum side yard: 15 feet on one side only.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Townhouses and multifamily units: as set forth in Article XIV, MH Medium High Density Residential District, except that those density regulations are not applicable.
Civic uses and retail uses: as set forth in Article XVII, NC Neighborhood Commercial District.
Single-family and zero-lot-line detached homes. A maximum of six units per acre shall be permitted, excluding open space and commercial retail areas.
Townhouses and multifamily units. A maximum of 10 units per acre shall be permitted, excluding open space and commercial retail areas.
Dwelling unit above retail shall be excluded from these density calculations.
There shall be designated open space for active and passive recreation activities equal to 10% of the total area of the project, which may include nature observation areas.
At least 50% of the open space shall be accessible for active or passive recreation uses.
The nature and type of recreation facilities shall be consistent with the activity patterns of the MUD residents.
Section 285-177 regarding timing of construction shall be applicable in the MUD District.
The residential portion of the project shall consist of 30% to 75% of the developable tract area.
A minimum of three dwelling unit types shall be required, in addition to dwellings over retail.
The applicant shall submit architectural drawings showing the overall unified architectural theme of the project. This may be in the form of illustrations and sketches. Finalized architectural plans are not required.
There should be a consistent architectural theme or combination of styles, architectural elements and details. All buildings shall relate generally to this established architectural theme, including sign, light posts and other site elements.
All buildings shall be harmoniously related to each other and to the existing and proposed road networks, as well as to open spaces and other civic spaces. Linkages to adjacent developments, including streets and pedestrian ways, are important considerations.
Consideration shall be given to orientation, architectural style, color and materials, pedestrian linkages, vehicular circulation and parking, lighting and street furniture.
Village centers are encouraged in MUD projects.
The village center containing the highest density and mixes of uses may include retail, offices, restaurants and sidewalk cafes, professional services, residential dwellings above retail shops and offices, attached and small lot single-family detached dwellings and civic uses. Other encouraged uses are child-care and nursery facilities, arts and crafts shops and other civic uses, such as churches, recreation facilities, post offices and government offices.
The village center should be compact and pedestrian oriented. The compact character of the village center is achieved by reduced pavement widths, area and bulk requirements, in terms of yards and setbacks, distances between buildings and building heights.
A village "square" or "green" is encouraged in MUD projects.
The parking regulations of Article XXX, and all other regulations of this chapter, where applicable, shall be followed.