There shall be the following elected officers of the Town: a First Selectman, who shall be a member of the Board of Selectmen; two Registrars of Voters, five Constables, and such other elected officers as may be required by this Charter or by other law enacted after the effective date of this Charter.
The provisions of § 9-183 et seq. of the General Statutes shall apply for Justices of the Peace.
There shall be the following elected Boards of the Town: Board of Selectmen; Board of Finance; Planning and Zoning Commission; Zoning Board of Appeals; Board of Assessment Appeals; and Board of Education, and such other elected Boards as may be required by this Charter or other law enacted after the effective date of this Charter.
Whether created by resolution, ordinance, statute or this Charter, the Board or Committee shall select its own officers unless the Charter, resolution, ordinance, or statute creating it states otherwise.
There shall be a biennial election of the Town, known as the "regular Town election," on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered calendar year. Special Town elections may be held from time to time as provided by law.
All officers listed in § C-45A, except Registrars of Voters and the First Selectman, shall be elected at each regular Town election unless otherwise provided in this Charter or by other law.
Effective with the state election of November 2012, the Registrars of Voters shall be elected quadrennially for a four-year term.
Members of all Boards listed in § C-46A shall be elected at each regular Town election in the manner further provided in this article unless otherwise provided in this Charter or by other law.
The election of the First Selectman shall be separated from that of the remaining members of the Board of Selectmen. That is, votes for the unsuccessful candidate for First Selectman shall not be counted as votes for that candidate for membership on the Board of Selectmen. Further, no person shall be a candidate for both First Selectman and for membership on the Board of Selectmen.
A special election shall be held to fill a vacancy that may occur in the office of the First Selectman. The provisions of § C-51C for filling such vacancy shall apply.
No person who is not an elector of the Town may be an elected officer or member of an elected Board of the Town.
Except for the First Selectman, no individual may be elected to more than two successive full terms as a member of any Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, those individuals who are members of the Board of Selectmen on the effective date of this Charter may be elected to as many as two successive full terms as a member of such Board after the effective date of this Charter.
No member of an elected Board may hold any other elected municipal office or be appointed a municipal officer except as provided in this Charter of by other law. No Registrar of Voters shall concurrently hold the office of Town Clerk.
The provisions of § 9-167a of the General Statutes as to minority representation shall apply to all elected Boards and to the filling of vacancies. Thus, in the case of all elections to all elected Boards including the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Education, a party may nominate and an elector may vote for the full number of members to be elected for a single term, provided that the number of members from a single party to be declared elected does not exceed the number that may take office. In the case of the Board of Selectmen, the maximum number that may be of a single party shall be three.
In all cases for purposes of minority representation, if an unexpired portion of a term is to be filled at the same time as a full term, the unexpired term shall be deemed to be filled before the full term.
The salary of the First Selectman shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen, with discussion taking place in executive session without the presence of the First Selectman, and a vote taken in open session without the First Selectman's vote. Such amount shall be included in the Board's annual request for appropriations. The amount of compensation, if any, to be paid to the Selectmen other than the First Selectmen shall be proposed by the Board of Selectmen, approved by the Board of Finance and included in the Board of Selectmen's annual request for appropriations. The amount of compensation, if any, to be paid to other elected officers or members of elected boards shall be set as provided for in this Charter or by other law, and in absence thereof, by the Board of Selectmen and shall be included in the annual request for appropriations of said Board. Compensation for an individual temporarily filling a vacancy in the office of First Selectman shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen at the time the vacancy is filled.
The reasonable and necessary expenses of an elected Official actually incurred in the conduct of the duties of the office shall be paid by the Town upon the requisition by such Official, in writing, and the approval of the First Selectman or a person designated by the First Selectman.
The rate of compensation of any elected Official except that of the First Selectman shall not be changed during that Official's term of office or membership.
All fees, fines and levies of every kind paid to or received by any elected Official or Board shall promptly be remitted to and deposited by the Treasurer in accordance with this Charter or by other law or by resolution of the Board of Selectmen and accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
No elected Official of the Town of Wilton shall receive any salary from the Town of Wilton except such salary as may be payable by reason of such elected office.
The term of office of the First Selectman and the Registrars of Voters shall be four years, and for each of the other elected officers listed in § C-45A shall be two years and until a successor shall have taken office. The terms of office of other elected Officials shall be as provided for in this Charter or ordinances and resolutions creating the office or Board.
Terms of office shall commence on the first day of December next following election in the case of officers listed in § C-45 and of all members of Boards listed in § C-46, except Justices of the Peace and Registrars of Voters, and on the same date in the case of all other appointed officers and members of Boards unless otherwise provided in this Charter or by other law creating the same.
Vacancies on the Board of Assessment Appeals and the Zoning Board of Appeals and in elected offices (other than that of the First Selectman) shall be filled for the unexpired portions of the terms by appointments of the Board of Selectmen, except that, where terms extend beyond the November 30 succeeding the next regular Town election, the vacancy term shall extend only until November 30 following the next regular Town election, at which election successors shall be elected for the remaining unexpired portions of the terms. The official ballot shall specify the vacancies to be filled.
Vacancies on the Board of Selectmen (other than in the office of the First Selectman), the Board of Finance, the Board of Education and the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be filled by the remaining members of such Boards, except that the Board of Selectmen shall fill any vacancy on any other such Board if the remaining Board members do not fill such vacancy within 30 days of the day such vacancy occurs. The terms of those appointed to fill vacancies shall extend only through November 30 following the next regular Town election, at which election successors shall be elected for the remaining unexpired portions of the terms.
A vacancy in the office of First Selectman shall be filled by the Second Selectman or, if he or she cannot serve, by another Selectman or an elector of the Town chosen by the remaining members of the Board of Selectmen until a replacement for that position is determined by a special election, to be held as soon as is reasonably possible after the vacancy occurs, to fill the unexpired term.
If at any time after the election of any person to an elected office or membership on an elected Board, but before that person shall have taken office or membership, such person shall have become unable to take the same by reason of death, disqualification or resignation, a vacancy in such office or membership shall thereupon be deemed to exist for purposes of this section.
Beginning with the first regular Town election following the Transition Election, two Selectmen shall be elected at each regular Town election to serve for four-year terms and until their successors shall have taken office.
The members of the Board of Selectmen elected to serve on December 1 of any year shall from the date of the immediately preceding regular Town election have all powers of the Board of Selectmen to make appointments and to fill vacancies in offices and memberships on Boards the terms of which extend beyond or commence after the next succeeding November 30.
The term of office of each member of the Board of Finance shall be four years and until a successor shall have taken office. Three members shall be elected at one regular Town election and three members shall be elected at the next succeeding regular Town election, and so forth alternately.
The Board of Finance shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall perform the functions prescribed therefor in Article VII.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of nine members. The term of office of each shall be four years and until a successor shall have taken office. Five members shall be elected at one regular Town election and four members shall be elected at the next succeeding regular Town election, and so forth alternately.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall perform the functions prescribed therefor by law.
No member of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall receive compensation for services as such.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist of five regular members and three alternate members. Each regular member and each alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall serve for a four-year term and until a successor shall have taken office. Two regular members and two alternate members shall be elected at one regular Town election, three regular members and one alternate member shall be elected at the next succeeding regular Town election, and so forth alternately. For the limited purpose of compliance with § 9-167a of the General Statutes as to minority representation, the regular members and the alternate members shall be considered as separate boards.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall perform the functions prescribed by law.
The Board of Assessment Appeals shall consist of three members. The term of office of each shall be four years and until a successor shall have taken office. Two members shall be elected at one regular Town election and one member shall be elected at the next succeeding regular Town election, and so forth alternately. However the Board of Selectmen may make additional appointments to the Board of Assessment Appeals when necessary to handle the workload, subject to the minority representation provisions of § 9-167a of the General Statutes.
The Board of Assessment Appeals shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall perform the functions prescribed by law.
The Board of Education shall consist of six members. The term of office of each shall be four years and until a successor shall have taken office. Three members shall be elected at one regular Town election and three members shall be elected at the next succeeding regular Town election, and so forth alternately.
The Board of Education shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall perform the functions prescribed by law.
Elected boards shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall perform the functions prescribed therefor by this Charter or by other law creating the same and shall be subject to such other provisions not inconsistent with this Charter as shall be contained therein.