[Adopted 7-17-2007 by Ord. No. 07-2392; amended 12-26-2007 by Ord. No. 07-2400[1]]
This ordinance was adopted to place Ord. No. 07-2392, which was adopted as Ch. 285, as Art. II of this Ch. 221.
The immobilization of any vehicle by means of a tire boot or other similar device, without: a) the express consent of the owner of the motor vehicle; or b) the specific order of the Bergenfield Police Department, after a police officer has determined that such a disability is necessary for the furtherance of an investigation being conducted pursuant to the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice (N.J.S.A. 2C:1-1 et seq.), is hereby prohibited.
For the first offense by any person or entity who is found to have violated this article, a minimum fine of $500 and/or a sentence of 10 days in the county jail shall be imposed. For a second offense and any subsequent offenses, there shall be imposed a fine of $750 to $1,000 and/or a sentence of more than 10 days but not more than 30 days in the county jail.