[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Batavia as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 127.
Off-highway vehicles — See Ch. 223.
[Adopted 12-2-1987]
This article shall apply to all existing traffic regulations that have been posted at the Sheraton Downs, Town of Batavia, New York, on or after October 1, 1987.
The Town of Batavia hereby establishes and adopts all those regulations, as posted, regarding parking, standing, and speed that are, or were, in existence on October 1, 1987, on the property located at the Sheraton Downs property, Park Road, in the Town of Batavia, New York.
It shall be unlawful for any persons to violate any of the regulations that have been established by the town pursuant to the terms of this article.
The town hereby designates any policing agency, or agent, having jurisdictional authority to enforce the regulations adopted by the town pursuant to the terms of this article.
For any violation of regulations established under this article, the penalty shall be the same as if said violation occurred on public property, and the provisions and sanctions of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law and regulations promulgated thereunder shall apply.