[Amended by Acts of 2020, Ch. 164, approved 8-25-2020]
The town manager, subject to the approval of the select board, may reorganize, create, consolidate or abolish committees, commissions, offices, departments, and agencies under supervision of the town manager, in whole or in part, may establish new committees, commissions, offices, departments, and agencies as deemed necessary, and may for such purposes transfer the duties and powers, and so far as is consistent with the use for which the funds were voted by the town, transfer the appropriation of one committee, commission, office, department or agency to another.
[Amended by Acts of 2018, Ch. 76, approved 4-12-2018]
Until such time as otherwise provided in accordance with section 5-1, there shall be established a department of public works under the direction of the town manager. The town manager shall appoint a director of public works who shall be a person especially suited by education, training and previous experience to perform the duties of the office. The director shall be responsible for the supervision and coordination of all public works operations of the town that are placed under control of the director by this charter. The department shall assume all of the powers and duties now vested in or exercised by any of the following departments and offices, which are hereby renamed divisions and included within the department of public works: highway, engineering, sewer, recreation, public buildings, parks, and tree warden.
The town manager shall, in conjunction with the personnel board, adopt rules and regulations establishing a personnel system. The personnel system shall make use of modern concepts of personnel management and may include, but not be limited to the following elements: a method of administration; personnel policies indicating the rights, obligations and benefits of employees; a classification plan; a compensation plan; a method of recruiting and selecting employees based upon merit principles; a centralized record keeping system; disciplinary procedures; and other elements that are deemed necessary. All town agencies and positions shall be subject to the rules and regulations adopted under this section excluding employees of the school department.