[Adopted as Art. IV, Secs. 1 through 3 and 9, of the 1983 Code; amended 11-1-2021 STM by Art. 2]
The Select Board shall have full authority as agent of the Town to prosecute and defend all suits in which the Town is a party. It may settle, at its discretion, any legal and valid claim or suit against the Town which does not require the payment of more than $300. Any settlement requiring a payment greater than $300, except when authorized by law, shall be made only when authorized by vote of a Town Meeting.
The Select Board may appear, either personally or by the Town Counsel, before any committee of the Legislature, any state or County official or any board or commission to protect the interests of the Town, but are not authorized by this article to commit the Town to any course of action.
All conveyances under seal which may hereafter be executed by the Town, pursuant to a vote of the Town or otherwise, shall be sealed with the Town Seal and subscribed by a majority of the Select Board for the time being, unless otherwise directed by the Town or by statute.
No member of the Select Board shall enter into any contract or agreement from which he will derive any direct or indirect benefit with any department of the Town without the majority approval of the Advisory Committee. Said approval shall be recorded by the Secretary of the Advisory Committee, and a copy thereof duly attested by said Secretary shall be attached to such contract or agreement.