Any tattoo establishment and/or body piercing establishment licensed to operate in the Town of Hudson and found to be in noncompliance with any of the requirements of this chapter may have his/her license revoked by the Health Officer or his/her duly appointed agent at the time of inspection.
A first offense revocation shall be for a period of at least 48 hours or until such time as the issues of noncompliance are brought into compliance. A reinspection fee of $150 shall be charged individually to all artists involved in the issues of noncompliance.
Any licensed tattoo and/or body piercing establishment found to be in noncompliance of this chapter and not operating under the intent of this chapter shall have his/her license permanently revoked. Such revocations may be made by the Health Officer, his/her duly appointed agent, and/or per order of the Board of Health and shall be the result of documentation of such noncompliance.
Appeals from administrative decisions to revoke a license(s) shall be made within ten (10) days of the revocation in writing to the Board of Health with a request for a public hearing.
Any licensed tattoo or body piercing establishment found to be in noncompliance with this chapter for a second offense shall face court action and fines per offense as allowable under NH RSA 31:39 III (effective August 9, 1993). If the court rules that the establishment may reopen upon compliance, a reinspection fee as addressed in § 304-25A shall be assessed.
Anyone operating a tattoo or body piercing establishment in an unapproved zoning site shall face court action and fines as allowable under NH RSA 676:17 for each day that such violation continues after the violator has received written notice from the municipality that he/she is in violation.
Anyone found to be operating an unlicensed tattoo or body piercing establishment or otherwise found to be performing unlicensed tattooing or body piercing in the Town of Hudson shall face court action and fines as allowable under NH RSA 31:39 III per offense. The establishment shall remain closed until all requirements of this chapter are in compliance and a permit has been issued.