[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §1, 12-3-1951]
Every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the fire limits as set out in this Section shall, except as provided for in Section 505.020, be enclosed on all sides with walls constructed wholly of brick, stone, hollow tile, hollow or solid concrete block, concrete or other equivalent incombustible materials; and shall have the roof, also top, and sides of all roof structures, including dormer windows, covered with incombustible or fire retardant materials. All cornices shall be of incombustible material.
Buildings with wooden framework clad with sheet metal or stucco or veneered with brick or its equivalent shall be classed as frame.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §2, 12-3-1951]
No frame, wooden or metal structure shall hereafter be built within the fire limits as given herein, or as they may be hereafter established, except the following:
Temporary one-story buildings for use of builders.
Wooden fences not over ten (10) feet high.
Porches, balconies and canopies not exceeding ten (10) feet in width, nor extending more than three (3) feet above the second (2nd) story floor beams. No such structure shall be joined to any similar structure of another building.
Bay windows when covered with incombustible or fire retardant materials.
Small detached frame outbuildings not exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height, and not within five (5) feet of any lot line.
One-family frame dwellings not exceeding two (2) stories in height and separated by at least five (5) feet from lot line of adjoining property.
A building of frame construction or of unprotected metal construction occupied exclusively as a private garage or stable, not more than one (1) story in height nor more than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet in area, located on the same lot with a dwelling; provided that such building be placed at least three (3) feet from the lot line.
One-story, all-metal buildings with no wood in wall or roof structure, with an area not exceeding one thousand (1,000) square feet, and not within ten (10) feet of any lot line.
Coal tipples, ice houses, material bins, trestles and water tanks when built of planking and timbers of the dimension usual for heavy timber construction.
Cooling towers not in excess of two hundred fifty (250) square feet in base area and fifteen (15) feet in height.
No frame or metal building not in conformity with this Section shall be moved from without to within the fire limits.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §3, 12-3-1951]
Any existing frame building within the fire limits not in conformity with this Chapter, which may hereafter be damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to an amount greater than one-half (½) of its value, exclusive of foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §4, 12-3-1951]
The floor area of buildings between fire walls shall not exceed the following:
One Story
Exceeding One Story
If fronting on a street or if fronting on only one (1) street
6,000 sq. ft.
5,000 sq. ft.
If fronting on two (2) streets
7,500 sq. ft.
6,000 sq. ft.
If fronting on three (3) streets
9,000 sq. ft.
7,500 sq. ft.
If fronting on four (4) streets
10,500 sq. ft.
9,000 sq. ft.
For the purpose of this Section, a public thoroughfare less than fifty (50) feet wide (building line to building line) shall not be classed as a street.
Non-fire-resistive buildings, fully equipped with approved automatic sprinklers may be one hundred percent (100%) greater in area than the above.
Fire-resistive buildings (reinforced concrete frame, floors and roofs or the equivalent) shall not be limited as to area or height.
No building shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in height unless of fire-resistive construction (reinforced concrete frame, floors and roof or the equivalent).
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §5, 12-3-1951]
Every room of any building exceeding one thousand (1,000) square feet in area or occupied by more than one hundred (100) persons shall have at least two (2) exits. Every story of any building shall have at least one (1) exit and every story that exceeds two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet in area shall have at least two (2) separate and independent exits. All doors in required exits shall swing in the direction of exit travel. The term "exit" and the required number of exits, their location, unobstructed width, illumination and indicating signs shall be in accordance with a nationally recognized standard and satisfactory to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §6, 12-3-1951]
Those walls which are required by this Chapter to be of masonry construction shall be continuous from foundation to the roof. The thickness of such walls shall be sufficient to carry safely all imposed loads and shall comply with minimum dimensions as specified in this Section.
Brick bearing walls not common to more than one (1) building, shall have a minimum thickness of twelve (12) inches for one-story buildings or for the upper two (2) stories of buildings more than one (1) story in height. This minimum thickness shall be increased four (4) inches for each two (2) stories or fraction thereof below the upper two (2) stories. For example, minimum thicknesses required for a seven-story wall would be twenty-four (24), twenty (20), twenty (20), sixteen (16), sixteen (16), twelve (12) and twelve (12) inches.) Brick bearing walls, not common to more than one (1) building, may be eight (8) inches in thickness under the following conditions:
Walls of dwellings not over two (2) stories in height, and
Walls not over fifteen (15) feet in height, provided such walls are reinforced at intervals not exceeding twenty (20) feet by cross walls, piers or buttresses.
Brick non-bearing walls, not wholly supported by girders at each story, and not common to more than one (1) building, shall conform to minimum thicknesses of Subsection (1) above, except that walls four (4) inches less in thickness may be permitted where sixteen (16) inches or greater thickness is specified in Subsection (1). (For example, minimum thicknesses required for a seven (7) story wall would be twenty (20), sixteen (16), sixteen (16), twelve (12), twelve (12), twelve (12), and twelve (12) inches.)
Brick non-bearing walls, wholly supported by girders at each story, may be twelve (12) inches in thickness where common to more than one (1) building or eight (8) inches in thickness where not common to more than one (1) building.
Brick walls which are common to more than one (1) building, when not covered by Subsection (3) above shall conform to the minimum thickness of Subsection (1), except that no such wall shall be less than sixteen (16) inches in thickness.
Natural stone walls shall be four (4) inches thicker than specified above for brick walls. Hewn or squared stone walls shall conform to the thicknesses specified above for brick walls.
Concrete block or hollow tile walls shall conform to the thicknesses specified above for brick walls, except that no hollow block or hollow tile wall shall be used where common to more than one (1) building.
Reinforced concrete walls of monolithic construction shall be not less than two-thirds (⅔) the thicknesses specified above for brick walls except that no such wall shall be less than six (6) inches in thickness. Concrete walls not properly reinforced shall conform to the thicknesses specified above for brick walls.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §7, 12-3-1951]
Parapets eight (8) inches or more in thickness shall be extended a minimum of eighteen (18) inches above the roof level on those walls which are required by this Chapter to be of masonry construction, except as specifically exempted below. All parapeted walls shall be suitably coped. Parapets shall not be required on:
Walls terminating at roofs of fireproof or semi-fireproof construction.
Walls facing blank walls of adjoining buildings when such blank walls rise eighteen (18) inches, or more higher.
Walls facing on a street having a width of fifty (50) feet or more.
Walls of a building which is fifty (50) feet or more distant in all directions from other buildings.
Walls of a detached dwelling or of a building not exceeding one thousand (1,000) square feet in area.
Walls of a building where the roof has an angle of more than twenty degrees (20°) with the horizontal.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §8, 12-3-1951]
For the purpose of preventing the spread of fire from building to building communicating openings in fire walls and certain openings in exterior walls required by this Chapter to be of masonry or equivalent construction shall be protected by approved fire doors, approved fire windows or other approved means satisfactory to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. Protection shall be required for conditions as follows:
When communicating openings are located in fire walls separating buildings. In such cases, communicating openings shall be protected by fire doors approved for the protection of openings in fire walls.
When openings are located above the first (1st) story in an exterior wall facing on a street less than fifty (50) feet measured from building line to building line.
When openings in an exterior wall are less than fifty (50) feet distant in a direct unobstructed line from an opening in another building. Protection shall not be required where openings in exterior walls face in the same direction.
When openings in an exterior wall are above and are less than fifty (50) feet distant from any part of a neighboring roof.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §9, 12-3-1951]
Firestopping in all classes of buildings shall be arranged to cut off all concealed draft openings, such as at floors, ceilings, roofs and attic spaces, and shall form effectual fire barriers horizontally and vertically. In buildings of non-fire-resistive construction, wood two (2) inches in thickness, nominal dimension, may be used; in other types of construction approved non-combustible material shall be used.
[Ord. No. 250 Art. II §10, 12-3-1951]
All workmanship and building materials shall be of good quality and shall conform to specifications which the Committee on Buildings and Grounds prescribes. The more generally standard specifications for quality of materials are those of the American Society for Treating Materials. All parts of every building shall be designed to safely carry loads to be imposed thereon and shall in all other respects conform to good engineering practices.
[Ord. No. 293 §§1-7, 5-9-1957]
There is hereby established a street numbering system in the City of Tipton, Missouri, designating the method of numbering real estate frontage for dwellings and business houses on the streets and avenues in the City of Tipton, Missouri.
One (1) street number shall be allotted for each twenty-five (25) feet of frontage on the streets and avenues of the City of Tipton, Missouri.
Where there is more than one (1) tenant or occupant in any one (1) building with one (1) entrance to the buildings, the several occupants shall be given a number and they shall be designated as No. ___A, No. ___B, No. ___C, etc. In all two (2) story buildings where there is an occupant upstairs, the upstairs occupant's dwelling or office shall be designated by adding one-half (½) to the number for the first (1st) floor.
The dividing line for starting street numbers and dividing same east from west, shall be Osage Avenue in said City of Tipton from the City limits on the north to the south end of Osage Avenue in front of Catholic Church, or to Cooper Street, and then the dividing line shall drop over west to High Street from Cooper Street south to the south end of the City limits of the City of Tipton, Missouri. All real estate fronting north on any street in the City of Tipton, Missouri, shall carry odd numbers, and all real estate fronting south on any street in the City of Tipton, Missouri, shall carry even numbers. Street numbers shall start with the low numbers on property adjacent to Osage Avenue and High Street. Street addresses shall be known as No. ___ West Street from Osage Avenue and High Street west, and shall be known as No. ___ East Street from Osage Avenue and High Street east.
The dividing line for starting street numbers dividing same from north to south on the Avenues of the City of Tipton, Missouri, shall be Pettis Street, and for all properties lying east and west of present end of Pettis Street, the dividing line from north to south shall be a straight line drawn on the map east and west from the present termination points of Pettis Street. All real estate fronting east on any avenue in the City of Tipton, Missouri, shall carry even numbers, and all real estate fronting west on any avenue in the City of Tipton, Missouri, shall carry odd numbers. Street numbers for the Avenues of the City of Tipton, Missouri, shall start with the low numbers on property adjacent to Pettis Street, or extension thereof, if necessary. Street addresses shall be known as No. __ South Avenue from Pettis Street south, and shall be known as No. __ North Avenue from Pettis Street north. If there are any north and south streets in the City of Tipton, which are named streets instead of Avenues, then said north and south streets shall be numbered on the same basis herein set forth for numbering Avenues.
The dividing line for street numbers on U. S. Highway No. 50 shall be the point of intersection of High Street with said U. S. Highway No. 50, for purpose of dividing same east from west. Real estate fronting north on U. S. Highway No. 50 shall carry odd numbers, and real estate fronting south on U. S. Highway No. 50 shall carry even numbers. The low numbers shall start on real estate adjacent to High Street. Addresses on U. S. Highway No. 50 shall be known as No. ___ West 50 Highway from High Street west, and shall be known as No. ___ East 50 Highway from High Street east.
It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to put up his/her own street number without first having obtained permission from the City to do so, and having a number assigned to his/her property by the City. The City Clerk shall assign all street numbers for new numbers after the initial installation. The City shall furnish the number plates for all numbers after the initial installation, unless the property owner wishes to use a number of his/her own design.
[Ord. No. 00-04 §§1 — 6, 7-5-2000]
Official System Established. The City of Tipton, Missouri, does establish an official system for the numbering of houses, lots, and annexed territory.
Assignment Of Numbers. The City shall appoint an employee or official to be responsible for the City's obligations with respect to the assignment of street numbers to houses, buildings, or vacant lots in the City. Street numbers shall be assigned whenever it is deemed by the City that it would be in the public interest to do so.
Display Of Numbers. The owner or occupant of each house or building in the City shall be required to place in a conspicuous location, visible from the street, numbers which shall conform to the number assigned thereto. Such numbers shall be of sufficient size to be legible from the street, with a three (3) inch minimum, and shall be located on the building within view of the main entrance. The assigned street numbers may also be displayed in additional locations at the discretion of the property owner. The assigned numbers shall be visible and preferably in color contrast to the house or building to which they are attached. In areas where the house or building is located more than one hundred (100) feet from the centerline of the street, the assigned number may be displayed in the yard visible when viewing the main entrance.
Official Number Prerequisite To Construction. No construction for any house or building requiring a street number in the City shall commence until the applicant therefor has obtained from the City an official street number for such house or building.
Use Of Unofficial Number Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant of any house, building or vacant lot to which an official number has been assigned by the City to use any other number for such house, building or vacant lot.
Each owner of a house, building currently within the City corporate limits shall comply with the terms of this Section within ninety (90) days from and after its passage and approval. Any new housing or buildings constructed, area annexed, or construction commenced after the effective date of the passage and approval of this Section shall comply with the terms of this Section prior to the commencement of construction.
Each violation of any term of this Section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period up to ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
[Ord. No. 64 §§1-5, 5-7-1925]
No oil tank or tanks shall be erected in the City of Tipton, Missouri, for the purpose of distributing any kind of oil or gasoline to retail dealers or consumers of such oils and gasoline, except on a strip of land designated in Subsection (B) of this Section.
The strip of land on which oil tanks may be erected is between the street connecting Moniteau Street and Pettis Street, between the Missouri Pacific water tank, and pumping station known as Gravois Avenue, on the west side, the Missouri Pacific stock yards on the east side, the Missouri Pacific Railway tracks on the south side, and Pettis Street on the north side.
No person or persons, corporation, association, or company shall erect any oil tank or tanks for the purpose set forth in Subsection (A) along any railway track or tracks, or any other place in the City of Tipton, Missouri, except as designated in Subsection (B) of this Section.
Any person or persons, corporation, association, or company before erecting any tank or tanks in the zone as described in Subsection (B) of this Section shall first make application to the City Clerk, giving complete details of the erection of such tank or tanks, as to the size, capacity, the construction of the foundation, the kind of material, etc., and pay the City of Tipton the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each and every tank erected.
Any person or persons, corporation, association, or company erecting or attempting to erect any oil tank or tanks for the purpose set forth in this Section within the City limits of this City, except on the ground designated for such purpose shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each and every offense.