[Adopted 12-15-2009 by Ord. No. 1054 as Title 1, Ch. 10, Secs. 1-10-1 and 1-10-3 through 1-10-7, of the 2009 Code of Ordinances]
This article was enacted pursuant to §§ 62.11(5) and 66.0627 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
The City Treasurer shall, on October 15 of each year, give written notice to the owner or occupant of each parcel or lot for which there has been assessed special charges for current services during the year preceding October 1. The written notice shall state the amount still owed, and shall identify the current services for which the charge has been assessed, and shall state that unless the amount is paid by November 1 an additional penalty of 10% of the amount in arrears will be added thereto. The notice shall further provide that, unless the amount in arrears plus the penalties are paid by November 15, or unless the owner or occupant petitions the Council for a review of the proposed assessment by November 15, the amount will be levied as a tax on the lot or parcel served and for which payment is delinquent. On November 16, the Treasurer shall certify to the City Clerk a list of all parcels or lots for which payments are in arrears and for which written notice has been given, excepting those parcels for which a petition for review has been filed. Such certification shall include the amount of the arrears, together with any penalty added thereto. Such delinquent amounts, including any penalty, shall thereupon become a lien upon the property and shall be placed on the tax roll.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes snow and ice removal, weed elimination, street sprinkling, oiling and tarring, repair of sidewalks or curb and gutter, garbage and refuse disposal, recycling, stormwater management, including construction of stormwater management facilities, tree care, removal and disposition of dead animals under § 60.23(20), Wis. Stats., loan repayment under § 70.57(4)(b), soil conservation work under § 92.115, and snow removal under § 86.105.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Refers to those charges made by the City, as determined in accordance with standards and charges established by the City Council from time to time.
The owner or occupant of any parcel or lot receiving notice of a proposed assessment for current services during the year preceding October 1 shall have the right, on or before November 15 of the year in which such notice is received, to petition the Council for review. Such petitions for review shall be made in writing, shall specify the reason or reasons upon which the owner or occupant believes the proposed assessment for current services was in error or otherwise deficient, and shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than the close of business on November 15 of the year in which the notice is received. The City Clerk shall transmit all such petitions for review to the Council not later than November 30. The Council shall thereafter set a hearing which shall be between December 1 and February 28 of the following year, and shall notify the owner or occupant of the time and date of the hearing by written notice mailed to the owner or occupant at least five days prior to the hearing. The Council shall, at the hearing provided herein, review the petition and take testimony from the owner or occupant with respect to the petition. The Council, after the close of the testimony, shall either:
Affirm the proposed assessment for special charges and direct that the assessment be placed on the tax roll for the tax year next following the tax year in which the notice of the proposed assessment for special charges was delivered or issued to the owner or occupant;
Modify the proposed assessment for special charges where the Council finds that the proposed assessment is incorrect either as to amount, user, occupant or property owner, and in such event shall direct the Clerk to issue a revised assessment for special charges and shall direct that the revised assessment for special charges be placed upon the tax roll for the tax year next following the tax year in which the notice of the proposed assessment for special charges was delivered or issued to the owner or occupant; or
Direct the Clerk to remove the proposed assessment for special charges from the City's records in the event the Council finds that the owner or occupant has paid the proposed assessment for special charges.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, liens shall not be assessed against the owner of any residential rental property with respect to electrical services provided the property by the City, provided the owner of the property provides notice to the City Clerk as to the name, address and other pertinent information requested by the City as to each tenant or occupant of the property, the date of the inception of the lease or rental agreement, and the date of the termination of the lease or rental agreement. All such notices shall be in writing, and shall be on forms prepared by the City Clerk from time to time. The City Clerk shall determine the nature and extent of the information needed, provided, however, that such information shall be limited to information reasonably necessary to determine the nature, history and use of electrical services by the tenant or occupant. As to any leases or rental agreements in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, this exemption shall apply, provided that the owner of the property provides the information requested by the City to the City Clerk's office not later than May 15, 1987. As to all leases or rental agreements created on or after the effective date of this article, this exemption shall apply, provided that the information requested by the City is submitted to the City Clerk's office within seven days of the inception of the lease or rental agreement, and within seven days of the termination of the lease or rental agreement.
This article shall not affect the right of the City to collect delinquent charges by other means. If this article is found to be illegal, other chapters are not affected thereby. If any portion of this article is found to be illegal, it shall not affect the remainder of this article.