Legislative powers. The legislative powers of the Town shall be vested in the Town Meeting and in the Board of Selectmen as specified in Chapter III of this Charter.
Persons qualified to vote. Persons qualified to vote in Town Meetings shall be electors of the Town or property owners with qualifications as provided by the C.G.S.
Town Meetings shall be called by the Board of Selectmen for the following purposes:
Act on a recommendation to sell real estate used or reserved for Town purposes. A recommendation from the Board of Finance, and a report from the Planning Commission in accordance with C.G.S. § 8-24 are required before consideration of this action.
The issuance of Bonds and all other forms of financing as per charter Section 6.12.
All requests for special appropriations over 2% of the Town operations budget as per charter Section 6.6.2.
The acceptance of any federal, state or private grant which participation shall require the Town to contribute funds in excess of 2% of the Town operations budget.
Petition to overrule ordinances, except emergency ordinances.
Such other matters or proposals as the Board of Selectmen, in their discretion shall deem of sufficient importance to be submitted to a Town Meeting, or as otherwise may be required by this Charter.
All Town Meetings shall be called pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-3 by resolution of the Board of Selectmen, fixing a time and place of said meeting, notice of which shall be given at least five days in advance by publication in a newspaper having a general circulation in the Town, and by posting in a public place.
All Town Meetings shall be called to order by the Selectmen-Chair or his delegate. A moderator shall be elected, and all business conducted shall be in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order, as amended, and with the provisions of Chapter 90 of the C.G.S. The Town Clerk shall serve as Clerk of all Town Meetings. In the absence of the Town Clerk, an acting clerk may be designated by the Town Meeting.
A Town Meeting shall be required to authorize a referendum except as otherwise provided by this Charter.
Special appropriations. In those situations provided by Section 6.12 of the Charter that require a referendum, the moderator of the Town Meeting shall, after reasonable discussion of the issue, adjourn the meeting to reconvene at a time specified in C.G.S. concerning referendums. At such adjourned session, such appropriation shall be submitted to persons qualified to vote in Town Meetings for a "yes" or "no" vote on the voting machines. The polls shall be open in accordance with Section 7-7 of the C.G.S. After the polls are closed, the moderator shall cause the vote to be counted and the appropriation shall, if approved, be deemed adopted by the Town Meeting.
Petition for referendum. 200 persons qualified to vote in a Town Meeting may petition over their signatures for any item on the call of a Town Meeting to be voted on in referendum, except for the annual budget as per Section 3.9.3 of the Charter. The procedure shall be in accordance with Section 7-7 of the C.G.S.
All ordinances, except emergency ordinances, shall be subject to overrule by a Town Meeting. All resolutions or votes of the Board of Selectmen excluding the internal procedure of the Board of Selectmen, shall be subject to overrule by a Town Meeting.
Time limit. Within 30 days after the publication of any ordinance or the making of such resolution or taking of such vote, a petition signed by not less than 200 persons qualified to vote in a Town Meeting is filed with the Town Clerk requesting that the item be put to a Town Meeting. The effective date of such ordinance, resolution or vote shall then be suspended.
Town Meeting. The Board of Selectmen shall fix the time and place of such Town Meeting, which shall be held within 21 days after the filing of the petition. Notice thereof shall be given by publication in full of the ordinance, resolution, or vote and shall indicate that a "yes" vote shall be required to overrule such action.
Effective date. Such ordinance, resolution, or vote so referred shall take effect immediately or on a subsequent date provided by Section 3.9.1 unless a majority of those thereon shall have voted in favor of overruling.
Petition. 200 persons qualified to vote in a Town Meeting may at any time petition for a Town Meeting, over their signatures on a form provided by the Town Clerk, for the enactment of any proposed lawful ordinance in accordance with Section 3.9 or overrule of action taken by the Board of Finance under Section 6.6 or other action by filing such petition, including the complete text of such ordinance or, other proposed action with the Town Clerk.
Review of proposed ordinance. Any such proposed ordinance or other action shall be examined by the Town Counsel before being submitted to a Town Meeting. The Town Legal Counsel is authorized to correct the form of such ordinance or other action for the purpose of avoiding repetitions, illegalities and unconstitutional provisions, but not materially changing its meaning and effect.
Time limit. The Board of Selectmen shall call a Town Meeting to be held not less than 10 nor more than 30 days from the date of such filing.
Content of call. The call for such Town Meeting shall state the proposed ordinance or other action in full and shall provide for a "yes" or "no" vote as to its enactment.
Effective date. If the majority of those voting shall vote "yes" then such ordinance or other action shall take effect on the 10th day thereafter. Such a majority must equal or exceed 5% of the eligible electors of the Town, as determined by the last completed registry list of the Town.
Failure to act. In the event the Board of Selectmen do not act on the petition within 21 days of receipt of the petition, the petitioners may request in writing to the Town Clerk to call a Town Meeting to act on the petition within the time limit set forth in Section 8.6.3.