[Amended 9-17-1993 by L.L. No. 8-1993]
These subdivision regulations shall take effect as provided by law. They shall apply to all pending subdivision applications where the approved final map has not yet been signed by the Chairman or Secretary at the time these regulations become effective.
The Planning Board shall have authority to modify or waive, subject to appropriate conditions, any provision of these subdivision regulations as, in its judgment of the special circumstances of a particular subdivision, is not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, except where such authority would be contrary to other laws.
[Added 9-17-1993 by L.L. No. 8-1993]
In the case of a resubdivision which would alter lot lines or dimensions of lots previously created, the Planning Board may modify or waive any provision of these subdivision regulations pursuant to § 162-59, including the provisions relating to submission, approval and filing of a final plat, provided that:
The resubdivision would not create any additional lot.
The resubdivision would not alter any street.
The sketch plan submission shall include an accurate survey of the existing lots, the proposed alteration thereof and the lots resulting from such alteration.
Prior to granting sketch plan approval, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed alteration if required pursuant to any previous Planning Board subdivision approval.
If the Planning Board waives the provisions relating to submission, approval and filing of a final plat, pursuant to Subsection A above:
The sketch plan approval shall constitute the basis for the approved alteration.
The sketch plan approval shall expire six months after the date of such approval, unless within such time the subdivider shall have recorded in the office of the County Clerk a deed or deeds transferring the land area or areas involved in the alteration to or among the appropriate existing lot or lots, such that any land area being transferred shall merge of record in the same ownership with the appropriate existing lot and such that each lot resulting from the alteration shall be placed of record in single and separate ownership.