No equipment or apparatus shall be taken beyond the limits of the Borough of Haledon for the purpose of a parade or contest without the permission of the Mayor and Council of the Borough or Fire Commissioner in the event the Mayor and Council are unavailable to give permission.
It shall be the duty of every member of the Department on an alarm of fire to report with all possible speed and due care to the firehouse of their respective companies. The first member at the firehouse shall take immediate command until the arrival of one of the designated officers, and until such time, the orders of such member shall be obeyed as though coming from an officer.
Every member of the Department shall be bound by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Fire Committee with the approval of the Mayor and Council, and each member shall take the following oath:
"I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of New Jersey, and the laws and ordinances of the Borough of Haledon and obey all rules/regulations and orders of the Haledon Volunteer Fire Department, and faithfully serve the Borough of Haledon according to the best of my knowledge and ability so help me God."
Each member, after subscribing the foregoing oath, shall receive from the Chief of the Department a copy of the ordinance creating the Haledon Volunteer Fire Department and a copy of the Department's rules and regulations.
All resignations of members from their respective fire companies shall be presented, in writing, to the Chief and, upon acceptance, forwarded to the Borough Council.