The Borough of Dumont is committed to the highest professional standards. This means that we conduct our business ethically and in strict accordance with the law. In the long run, this is the only way that we will achieve our mission: to anticipate and fulfill the public service needs of our community through excellent public service.
This code is designed to lay a common foundation and guidelines for all Borough of Dumont employees so that each of us can be proud of what we do on the job and of who we are. Each employee will be held accountable for conducting himself or herself in accordance with this Code of Conduct. The Borough of Dumont will also hold others who act on behalf of the Borough, such as consultants and temporary employees, to the same standard.
No code can anticipate every question that might arise on the job. Do not hesitate to raise any questions or concerns you may have with your supervisor and/or the Borough Manager's Office. If you are unsure, please ask.
All Borough of Dumont employees must take personal responsibility for protecting and enhancing our Borough's reputation for integrity. During the spring of each year, Borough officials must submit to the Borough Clerk's Office and the Department of Community Affairs a financial disclosure form. Failure to submit this form in a timely fashion may result in a penalty or other sanction.
When faced with a situation or dilemma affecting their job, employees sometimes find it helpful to consider certain basic questions, for example:
How does the situation or dilemma appear to an objective third party?
Does the action fit with my personal ethics?
How would I feel about explaining the action to my family members or a friend?
What would I think if I were a member of the public and presented with the issue?
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 31, Ethics.
Borough of Dumont employees are expected to ask questions when they are unsure of the propriety of a course of action. If you believe your supervisor or manager wants you to take an action that violates ethical conduct or law (including laws against discrimination), it is your responsibility to question that action with your manager. You have the responsibility to report all violations in writing to the Borough Administrator's Office of the Borough of Dumont pursuant to Article XXI of this Code of Conduct.
If you are a department head or supervisor, you have a special responsibility because of your leadership role. You must set an example for your staff and show integrity, honesty, and fairness in every action you take on the job whether with staff, community members, regulatory representatives, or others. Managers and supervisors must communicate to their staff the seriousness of the Borough of Dumont's expectations for ethical conduct. Managers and supervisors must avoid even the appearance of unspoken approval of actions that may be improper.