[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Valley Forge Sewer Authority 6-8-1987; revised 4-10-1989. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Allocated capacity — See Ch. 126, Art. I.
[Amended 8-12-1996]
The sewerage facilities built to extend sanitary sewage services to a new area will serve the public for many years. The facilities, upon final acceptance and a successful warranty period, will become the property of the Valley Forge Sewer Authority, and the Authority will own, maintain and operate them for the use of the public.
The applicant/developer is responsible to comply with the Authority's regulations throughout the various phases of the development process to ensure satisfactory completion of construction, testing and inspection. The administrative procedures for approval and construction of sewerage extensions are provided in a checklist format at the end of this section. A checklist will be maintained for each project with dates assigned at the completion of each task and official action.
The sewerage facilities must be designed and constructed in accordance with the technical specifications covered herein. The facility design must minimize any detrimental impact on the environment. The facility must avoid or minimize impacts to valuable natural resources, such as wetlands and high quality streams. The Authority insists new facilities be built with regard to the highest quality standards and the integrity of the system be maintained in excellent condition.
The design drawing submittals must be certified by a Pennsylvania registered professional engineer representing the applicant.
Sewerage facilities proposed to serve new developments shall be properly sized to consider the ultimate needs of the area to be served, as designated by the Act 537, Sewerage Facilities Plan for the respective township.[1] Sewerage facility extensions shall be designed to utilize gravity interceptors. If necessary, after evaluation of alternate means is exhausted, use of a pump station may be approved but will be subject to the Authority's plans and specifications for pump stations. Where a pump station or low pressure sewer system is proposed, the Authority's Engineer will investigate gravity alternatives before a pressure system or pump station is approved.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.
The applicant shall bear all costs incident to the application, permits, construction, inspection and dedication of the facilities.
Payback agreements may be executed with the initial developer providing sewerage facilities within the designated area to be served. Reimbursement will be provided to the extent that those sewerage facilities will serve adjacent designated areas. Subsequent developers in the area will be required to make financial contribution in proportion to the allocated capacity utilized within the existing downstream sewerage facilities serving the area in which the development is located. The financial contribution, herein referred to as "special charges," is available for reimbursements in payback agreements. The Authority will decide whether a proposed extension to sewerage facilities is necessary.
The applicant is also responsible for all costs in upgrading limiting capacities in existing downstream sewerage facilities to serve the ultimate needs of the designated area. A sufficient balance must be maintained in an escrow account to reimburse the Authority for costs associated with evaluating limiting sections.
The applicant must execute the appropriate agreements.
The following procedures are intended to facilitate proper design, material selection and installation of new sewerage facilities. When followed, they will benefit the builder by minimizing the cost for maintenance during the warranty period and protect the public interests after the system is turned over to the Authority.
The procedures are broken down into three phases.
The application phase, which covers the period from project inception through final approval for construction by the Authority, inclusive of permits and execution of agreements.
The construction phase, which covers the period from the preconstruction conference through testing and certificate of satisfactory construction.
The warranty phase, which covers submission of record plans and an eighteen-month warranty period.
General procedures.
Any applicant desiring extension of the sewerage facilities shall make preliminary application in writing to the Authority on the form attached hereto as Exhibit A,[1] accompanied with the appropriate fees. The initial application documents shall be submitted to the Authority via the respective township. After the initial submission, all subsequent application submissions shall be made directly to the Authority. There are three stages in the application process. Each stage requires approval by the Authority before proceeding with subsequent stages. These stages are:
Sketch plan.
Preliminary plan.
Final plan.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
Coordination of the tasks required for the three stages of the application phase shall be handled directly with the Authority's staff and engineer while simultaneously working with the respective township.
Sketch plan. When the subdivision sketch plan is submitted to the township, four copies shall also be submitted to the Authority, via the township.
Sketch plan requirements. The sketch plan shall show the property boundaries and their relationship to adjoining tax parcels. The plan shall also provide the approximate sewer layout and the point of connection to the Authority's system with the manhole number of the connecting sewer indicated. Plan sheets shall be at least 22 inches by 34 inches but no larger than 30 inches by 42 inches.
Purpose of the sketch plan. The principal purpose of the sketch plan is to provide the Authority with information on proposed additions to the sewerage facilities and to afford the opportunity for the prospective developer(s) and the Authority to work out problems related to the timing and location of service and determine whether an easement is needed to serve adjacent properties. This stage of planning is not intended to provide information with regard to the final design of sewers.
Potential wetland involvement.
Along with the sketch plan, a readable photocopy of the appropriate soils and wetland mapping shall be included. The sources for this information shall be the Soil Conservation Service's County Soil Survey and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wetland Inventory Map(s). The copies shall be no less than 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches in size with the proposed project area highlighted or outlined so as not to alter or conceal any soil group(s), streams, springs, wetlands or other distinguishing features.
The principal purpose of providing the soil and the wetland maps is to ensure early recognition of potential wetland involvement. According to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including adjacent and isolated wetlands, is an activity regulated by the Corps of Engineers. Responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the law is the responsibility of the property owner or project proponent.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP), Chapter 105, entitled "Dam, Safety and Waterway Management" also regulates construction in waterways and wetlands in the commonwealth. Since waterways and wetlands are regulated federally and by the commonwealth, Pennsylvania DEP requires the submission of a joint permit application. Pennsylvania DEP will forward a copy of the permit application to the Corps of Engineers. Any developer who wishes to fill, construct in or otherwise disturb a wetland or waterway must submit a joint permit application to Pennsylvania DEP. Two permits will result, an Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit and a Pennsylvania DEP Chapter 105 permit. Both permits must be obtained prior to receiving final plan approval from the Authority.
Application fee. The Authority requires an application fee at the time of submission of the sketch plan and Exhibit A. The amount to cover the application processing shall be:
[Amended 9-9-2002 by Res. No. 2-2002[2]]
Five hundred twenty-five dollars for a residential project involving a single lot and one EDU.
Six hundred seventy-five dollars for any residential, commercial or industrial project involving two to five EDUs or lots.
Nine hundred seventy-five dollars for any residential, commercial or industrial project involving six to 10 EDUs or lots.
One thousand fifteen dollars for any residential, commercial or industrial project involving 11 or more EDUs or lots.
Editor's Note: This resolution also provided that these fees will take effect on 1-1-2003.
Review of proposed sewer layout.
The Authority's Engineer shall evaluate the existing sewerage facilities and proposed routing to ensure it is situated to serve the best interest of the public and that it is consistent with the township's overall sewerage planning. This will include an analysis to determine whether adjacent properties may receive sewerage service through the proposed extension. If further study is deemed appropriate, in the sole discretion of the Authority, the applicant will be advised that a feasibility study of extensions of the system beyond the planned area of development will be conducted by the Authority's Engineer. An estimate of the cost of the feasibility study will be provided to the applicant for establishment of an escrow to reimburse the Authority for work conducted by its Engineer.
The Authority will make such comments, including technical comments from the Authority's Engineer, if any, as it deems appropriate. A copy of these comments will be sent to the representative township by the Authority. Significant changes and corrections to the plans based on these comments must be satisfactorily addressed before sketch plan approval will be issued.
Preliminary plan.
The developer and his engineer shall meet with the Authority's staff and the Engineer prior to the preparation of preliminary plans to establish the technical requirements and the format for plan presentation as set forth in Exhibit B, Checklist for Developer's Plans.[3] The administrative tasks involved will also be discussed, and questions which the developer has will be answered.
Editor's Note: Exhibit B is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
The applicant is required to submit four sets of preliminary plans to the Authority. The preliminary plans shall include the detailed design of sewerage facilities, including, but not limited to, the location and grade of sewers. The Checklist for Developer's Plans, Exhibit B, shall serve as a guide for application preparation. The plans must be prepared under the supervision of or by a Pennsylvania registered professional engineer acceptable to the Authority whose seal, signature and registration number shall appear on each sheet of the plans. All plans must meet the current requirements of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Valley Forge Sewer Authority and other controlling agencies. A preliminary plan will not be accepted prior to completion of the sketch plan phase.
The following specific submittals are also required, if applicable:
Sewers through publicly dedicated areas.
If any sewer lines are proposed to be routed through publicly dedicated areas within the development, the plans shall note that such rights-of-way are also reserved for the benefit of the Authority. For lines within the development that are outside of areas to be publicly dedicated or where off-site rights-of-way are involved, such property plats and legal descriptions, indication of ownership or transfer negotiation status shall be included. Sanitary sewer easement, a minimum of 20 feet wide, with main centered in the middle shall be provided. The easement must extend to a publicly dedicated area to facilitate vehicular access. The width of the easement may increase dependent on the depth of the sewer. Where two sanitary easements intersect or join at a ninety-degree angle, the easement shall include the fillet area of each intersection. The fillet area shall have a minimum radius of 25 feet. Additionally, should the easement be required for future construction of sewers, an easement of 40 feet may be required. All sewerage facilities must be accessible by vehicle, and easements shall be graded accordingly. Where an easement must be accessed from a road, the curb will be depressed to allow vehicle ingress and egress.
Standard rights-of-way agreement(s) with legal description must be executed before final approval will be issued.
Sewage other than domestic waste. If any sewage other than domestic waste is to be discharged, refer to Procedures for Procurement of an Industrial Waste Discharge Permit discussed in Exhibit C.[4]
Editor's Note: Exhibit C is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
If wetlands or other valuable natural resources are involved or in close proximity to the proposed project area, boundaries of these areas must be shown on the site plan. Also, if permit(s) are required in association with the natural resources delineated above, a list of permits applied for shall be provided to the Authority. This list shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
Type(s) of permit(s) applied for.
Agency(ies) involved.
Date(s) application(s) submitted.
Agency's(ies') reference number if known.
Agency's(ies') contact person if known.
Copies of all pertinent correspondence shall be provided to the Authority.
Overall sewer routing. The overall sewer routing shall be presented on a site plan which indexes the applicable plan and profile pages. Each plan and profile page shall include a key index to the overall site with the presented area highlighted. Where sewer runs extend onto subsequent pages, cross-reference information shall be provided.
Planning module/permit procedures.
If required by the Pennsylvania DEP, the applicant must process a postcard application for sewerage facilities through the township to Pennsylvania DEP concerning the proposed project. From the information provided on the form, Pennsylvania DEP will identify the appropriate modules to be prepared.
Prepare the planning module components deemed appropriate by Pennsylvania DEP for submission in the name of Valley Forge Sewer Authority by the respective township. The Authority must sign the module to indicate the availability of capacity prior to submission to the township. Indicating the availability of capacity does not obligate or commit the Authority to guarantee capacity until final plan approval is given as specified herein. The entire planning module package should be submitted to the Authority for review. Evidence that the module has been submitted to Pennsylvania DEP must be furnished to the Authority prior to obtaining preliminary approval. Evidence of module approval from DEP must be furnished to the Authority prior to obtaining final approval.
If the DEP approves the planning module(s), a letter from the agency will be forwarded to the township and the Authority informing of such approval and notifying the applicant that an application for the DEP water quality management permit, if required, can be prepared in the name of the Authority.
Design calculations for low-pressure sewers and grinder pump units:
Design calculations for every unit which will be served by a grinder pump or a low-pressure sewer shall be submitted. In each instance, the location of the grinder pump station shall be depicted on the plans. The following data shall be provided:
Pump on.
Pump off.
High level alarm.
Invert in at the point of connection to the gravity line.
Length and diameter of laterals and low-pressure sewer.
Projected flow with most probable number of pumps operating.
System/pump curves for each connection.
Identify which pumps will shut off when most probable number of pumps is operating.
Only one pump manufacturer may be used for a subdivision. The following pump manufacturers may be used:
Environment 1.
All commercial and industrial pumped connections require a duplex grinder unit.
Supplemental application submittals.
Also to be submitted to the Authority at the time of preliminary plan submission are the following:
An itemized estimate of cost of the sewerage project (materials, cost of installation, including excavation and restoration of unpaved surfaces and repaving of existing roads).
Escrow deposit in the amount of 2% of the itemized cost estimate for the project for reimbursement to the Authority for administrative and engineering services in reviewing the application, plans and modules. A minimum deposit of $2,000 is required. In the event that the charges against the escrow are projected to exceed 85% of the deposit, the applicant will be notified by letter from the Authority's accounting department and will be required to supplement the amount to cover the projected balance of charges. Any unused portion of the escrowed amount will be applied to the Authority's costs for inspection during construction, testing and inspection after construction is completed and incorporation of as-built drawings.
Written application requesting allocated capacity shall be made on the form attached hereto as Exhibit D.[5] Such application shall not be approved nor guaranteed until final plan approval by the applicable township and Valley Forge Sewer Authority is given. The first quarterly payment of the annual charge shall be prorated based upon the number of calendar days remaining in the quarterly billing period and shall be due and owing to the Authority at the time of the approval of the final application by the Authority. The applicant will then continue to make quarterly payments. Should the applicant fail to make the quarterly payments, the capacity allocated to the project may be reallocated to another project. The applicant would then have to make a new request for allocated capacity if it is available. The Authority shall, in its sole discretion, based upon engineering advice and other factors and conditions relating to the sewerage system existing at the time of approval, determine the allocated capacity for the project.
Editor's Note: Exhibit D is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
Upon receipt of the preliminary application and required supplemental data and escrow deposit, the Authority will submit the same to the Authority's Engineer for review and comment. An incomplete submittal will not be accepted.
A letter report from the Authority's Engineer, including the Checklist for Developer's Plans and a marked-up set of plans, will be provided to the applicant for use by his engineer in revising the preliminary plans. The applicant will be required to revise the plans. This response shall include written correspondence responding to the Authority's Engineer's comments item by item. Once the plans satisfy the requirements herein, the Authority's Engineer will recommend preliminary plan approval. Upon receipt of the Authority's Engineer's recommendation, the Authority will review the preliminary application and advise the requesting party of the results of the review.
Final plan.
Schedule of construction. Each application shall include a time schedule for construction and connection. The schedule should anticipate downtime for inclement weather.
Plan content and review procedure. The final plans, which may be prepared in conjunction with final subdivision plans, shall contain the completed design for all sewers or other facilities required. They shall be prepared in compliance with orders of the Authority resulting from the review of preliminary plans. Two copies of the plans shall be submitted. One set shall be submitted to the Authority and one set to the Authority's Engineer. The Authority's Engineer and the applicant's engineer will work together to resolve all technical issues. When the Authority's Engineer and Authority's staff are satisfied that all comments have been addressed, the applicant will be notified to submit 10 copies of the construction plans to the Authority. All plans must be received at least 10 days prior to the Authority's regularly scheduled monthly meeting in order for the development to be included on the Authority's agenda.
Wetlands. If wetlands (or other natural resources) are involved, evidence of permit(s) approval shall be submitted to the Authority. All permit(s) applied for as outlined in the preliminary plan must be addressed by either providing evidence of approval or written explanation indicating why the permit(s) were not applied for.
Rights-of-way. If rights-of-way are involved, property plats and legal descriptions of the easement conveyed to the Authority must be submitted, together with the Authority's standard agreement and executed deeds of dedication in the form prescribed by the Authority.
Water quality management permit. When required by Pennsylvania DEP, final plans shall be accompanied by a completed water quality management permit application prepared in the name of the Valley Forge Sewer Authority and be accompanied by two sets of final plans as required by the Pennsylvania DEP.
Standard agreements. The following standard agreements must be executed by the applicant and returned to the Authority before final plan approval may be granted. All agreements prepared to the satisfaction of the Authority must be submitted no less than 10 days prior to the Authority's regularly scheduled monthly meeting. If the agreements are incomplete and/or incorrect, the subdivision will not be included on the Authority's agenda.
Tapping agreement.
Sewer extension agreement.
Rights-of-way agreement (if applicable).
Construction escrow agreement.
Allocated capacity agreement.
Pay-back agreement (if applicable).
Industrial waste discharge agreement (if applicable).
Hold harmless agreement.
Financial security.
The final application shall include the posting of financial security to ensure completion of the construction in accordance with approved plans and the rules and regulations of the Authority. Financial security may be federal or commonwealth chartered lending institution irrevocable letters of credit and restrictive or escrow accounts posted with a federal or commonwealth chartered lending institution satisfactory to the Authority, if the lending institution is authorized to conduct such business within the commonwealth. Such security shall provide for and secure to the Authority the completion of the improvements which may be required within one year from the date of posting the security. The amount of financial security shall be equal to 110% of the cost of the required improvements for which financial security is to be posted. The cost shall be established by estimate acceptable to the Authority's Engineer.
If more than one year from the date of posting such financial security is required for completion of the required improvements, the amount of financial security may be increased by an additional 10% for each one-year period beyond the first anniversary date from the posting of financial security or to 110% of the cost of completing the required improvements as reestablished on or about the expiration of the preceding one-year period.
The procedure for progress releases of the financial security is described in § 70-5B(4).
Inspection escrow. The final application shall include a deposit of 15% of the cost of the required improvements with the Authority in escrow to pay for inspection during construction, testing and inspection as construction is completed, and incorporation of as-built drawings. The minimum deposit is $2,500. Any unexpended balance in the escrow will be returned; however, release of funds from this account will not be authorized until after the Authority accepts dedication.
Supplemental application submittals. Final application shall be accompanied by:
First quarterly payment of the annual charge for allocated capacity. The applicant will be billed quarterly thereafter. Delinquent payments will allow the Authority to allocate the applicant's capacity to another project.
Special charges for reimbursements required under prior payback agreements (if applicable).
Industrial waste discharge permit fees (if applicable).
Upon final plan approval by the Authority, the applicant will be obligated to the following procedures before initiating construction:
Preliminary approvals.
Township approval. The applicant must furnish written documentation of township approval of the project for construction.
Preconstruction meeting. The applicant or his designated construction manager must schedule a preconstruction meeting with the Authority's representative to review all aspects of the proposed project and the construction schedule. It is the contractor's responsibility to maintain a current construction schedule and to notify the Authority of any changes to the schedule.
List of contractors.
A list of contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers must be submitted for the Authority's approval. The list shall include the name and telephone number of the person in charge of this contract for each contractor and subcontractor.
Where paving is involved, a point of contact and a phone number shall be provided to ensure the immediate repair of temporary paving deficiencies. A phone number for nonworking hours, evenings and holidays must also be provided.
Material samples. Material samples and material compliance certifications shall be provided at the request of the Authority.
Highway occupancy permit. The highway occupancy permit, if applicable, will be obtained by the applicant in the name of Valley Forge Sewer Authority. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the occupancy permit (bonding, etc.) and the securing of any other municipal permits or blasting bond.
Start of construction. Construction shall not begin until 45 days after a letter of approval is issued by the Authority. It may begin sooner with written permission by the Authority.
Wetlands. If wetlands or other natural resources of concern are involved, these areas shall be delineated in the field by a qualified professional. The delineation shall be in such a manner that it is easily recognizable during all phases of construction. It is the applicant's responsibility to coordinate wetland delineation with the appropriate agencies.
Preconstruction video. Where the construction is proposed to traverse existing improved properties, a preconstruction video shall be made to establish the original condition of the improved properties.
During construction.
Inspection by the Authority.
All construction must be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of the Authority's technical specifications covering sanitary sewage facilities.[1] The Authority will designate a representative to act on the Authority's behalf during construction. The cost for inspections performed by the representative will be paid from the escrow established from the deposit of 15% of the cost of the required sewerage improvements.
Editor's Note: The latest edition of these specifications, including the standard detail drawings, is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
The Authority's designated representative shall make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine, in general, if the work is continuing in accordance with the Authority's specifications. He will not make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality of the work. His efforts will be directed toward providing assurance for the Authority that the completed sewage facilities will conform to the requirements of the Authority's specifications.
Neither the representative's authority to act under this specification nor any decision made by him in good faith, either to exercise or not to exercise such authority, shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the representative to the applicant, contractor, any subcontractor, any of their agents or employees or any other persons performing any of the work.
The representative will not be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and he will not be responsible for the applicant's or contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the construction documents and the Authority's specifications.
The representative will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the applicant, contractor, any subcontractor, any of their agents or employees or any other persons performing the work.
Defective work. The Authority's representative shall have the authority to disapprove or reject work which is defective, unsatisfactory, faulty or does not conform to the requirements of the Authority's specifications. Examples of defective work include, but are not limited to, separated pipe joints, pipe misalignment at the manhole invert, inadequate slope and debris in the pipelines.
As-built drawings. The developer/applicant shall be responsible for maintaining and submitting as-built drawings as prescribed in the General Requirements, Section 01010, 1.07.[2]
Editor's Note: The latest edition of these specifications, including the standard detail drawings, is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
Partial releases of financial security. As the work of installing the required improvements proceeds, the party posting the financial security may request the Authority to authorize the release of portions of the financial security, as long as the progress of work remains satisfactory to the Authority. The time frame for requests for progress releases will be established at the preconstruction meeting and may not be less than 30 days. Any such request shall be in writing to the Authority in accordance with the following:
At least 10 days prior to submitting the first application for a progress release, the applicant shall submit a schedule of values for the work, including quantities and unit prices aggregating the project estimate, satisfactory in form and substance to the Authority, and subdividing the work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as a basis for progress releases during construction. This schedule should include a category for as-built drawings and for the Authority's Engineer to prepare the computer model and mapping. Component parts should include cost per foot for pipe installations and road restoration unit costs for manholes, etc.
If the Authority approves the application, the Authority will, within 45 days of presentation of a partial release estimate, authorize a release to the applicant on the basis of the approved partial release estimate.
The Authority will not authorize release of more than 90% of the amount due the applicant on account of the partial estimates. The retainage will be held until the Authority issues a certificate of satisfactory construction.
A sample schedule of values is provided in Exhibit E[3] as guidance for developing a schedule as well as for submitting requests for progress releases.
Editor's Note: Exhibit E is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
Following construction.
Inspection. Each lateral connection must be inspected by the Authority's inspector before being backfilled. For connections going online immediately, connection and tapping fees must be paid and a connection permit obtained before connection is made. The connection will be inspected to check fitting-to-main coinstallation, confirm no additional connections have been made and examine materials used.
Testing must be conducted in the presence of the Authority's inspector and in accordance with the technical specifications. The costs for the testing will be paid from the inspection escrow.
Each section of pipe between manholes must be tested in accordance with Section 02651 of the Technical Specifications[4] before any lateral connections are made. No lateral connections shall be made until all sections and manholes downstream of the lateral have been deemed acceptable by the Authority's inspector.
Editor's Note: The latest edition of the specifications, including the standard detail drawings, is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
Guidelines for completeness.
When the applicant considers the entire work ready for its intended use, the applicant shall, in writing to the Authority's inspector, certify that the work is substantially complete and request that the inspector issue a certificate of satisfactory construction. Within 15 days thereafter, the applicant and the Authority's inspector shall make an inspection of the work to determine the status of completion. If the inspector does not consider the work substantially complete, he will notify the applicant, in writing, giving his reasons therefor. If the inspector considers the work substantially complete, he will prepare and deliver to the applicant a certificate of satisfactory construction. There shall be attached to the certificate a detailed list of each and every uncompleted item and a reasonable cost of completion.
Before the certificate of satisfactory construction is issued, the Authority requires the posting of financial security [See § 70-4D(7) for acceptable financial instruments.] to secure structural integrity of said improvements for a period of 18 months. The financial security shall be 15% of the actual cost of installation of the improvements.
As-built drawings. All field notations about changes to the construction plans and a complete set of as-built drawings must be turned over to the Authority before the warranty period can begin. See Section 01010, 1.07[1] for requirements of the as-built drawings.
Editor's Note: The latest edition of the specifications, including the standard detail drawings, is on file in the offices of the Engineering Department.
Use of facilities. The Authority shall have permission to use the applicant's system before acceptance by the Authority. The applicant shall maintain said system in good and workmanlike condition for 18 months from the date the Authority issues a certificate of satisfactory construction or for 12 months after the system is in use, whichever period is longer.
Inspection of facilities. While the system is in use, periodic inspection will be made by the Authority and the applicant during periods of high water table. If manhole inspection indicates excessive infiltration, a video inspection will be done at the expense of the applicant to locate leaks. Leaks shall be repaired by the applicant, at his expense.
Corrective work. If corrective work and punchlist items are not completed promptly, defects will be repaired by the Authority and the financial security held in escrow shall be used for this purpose.
Televising. Prior to the end of the eighteen-month warranty period, the entire system installed by the applicant will be video inspected, at his expense, and all defects corrected at his expense.
Release of escrow. When this is done, the Authority will authorize release of the balance of funds held in escrow and accept dedication of the system from the applicant. At this point, the Authority will become responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system.
Application for a permit shall be made by the owner of the improved property to be served or by his duly authorized agent.
Each improved property shall be connected separately and independently with a sewer through a building sewer. Grouping of more than one improved property on one building sewer shall not be permitted, except under special circumstances and for good sanitary reasons or other good cause shown, and then only after special permission of the Authority, in writing, shall have been secured and subject to such rules, regulations and conditions as may be prescribed by this Authority.
All costs and expenses of construction of a building sewer and all costs and expenses of connection of a building sewer to a sewer shall be borne by the owner of the improved property to be connected, and such owner shall indemnify and save harmless the township and the Authority from all loss or damage that may be occasioned, directly or indirectly, as a result of construction of a building sewer or of connection of a building sewer to a sewer.
Every building sewer of any improved property shall be maintained in a sanitary and safe operating condition by the owner of such improved property. The sewer must be watertight and not admit groundwater to the sewer system.
Every excavation for a building sewer shall be guarded adequately with barricades and lights to protect all persons from damage and injury. Streets, curbs, sidewalks and other public property disturbed in the course of installation of a building sewer shall be restored, at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property being connected, in a manner satisfactory to this Authority.
If any person shall fail or refuse, upon receipt of a notice of the Authority, in writing, to remedy any unsatisfactory condition with respect to a building sewer within 60 days of receipt of such notice, the Authority may refuse to permit such person to discharge sanitary sewage and industrial or commercial wastes into the sewer system until such unsatisfactory condition shall have been remedied to the satisfaction of the Authority, or at its option, it may make such repairs at the expense of the property owner.
A building sewer shall be connected to a sewer at the place designated by this Authority and where the lateral is provided.
The invert of a building sewer at the point of connection shall be at the same or a higher elevation than the invert of the sewer. A smooth, neat joint shall be made and the connection of a building sewer to the lateral shall be made secure and watertight.
Where an improved property, at the time connection to a sewer is required shall be served by its own septage disposal system or device, the existing house sewer line shall be broken at the house wall unless the pipe is constructed of cast iron and attachment shall be made, with proper fittings, to continue such house sewer line as a building sewer.
Building sewers shall in no case be less than four inches in diameter. Where double or multiple homes are permitted to be served by a common building sewer under a special connection permit issued by the Authority, the double and multiple homes will be served with a six-inch line, unless a larger line for the multiple homes is required by the Plumbing Inspector. An approved adapter connecting the building sewer to the lateral must be used.
Cast-iron soil pipe and fittings: ASTM A74, Service Class, hub and spigot or double hub; lead-caulked or double-seal compression gasketed joints; gaskets shall conform to physical requirements of ASTM C564; FS HH-P-117, Type II jute packing; FS QQ-C-40, Type I lead.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) gravity pipe and fittings: ASTM D3033 or ASTM 3034, SDR-35; flexible elastomeric seats ASTM D3212; seal material ASTM F477.
Pipe bedding materials: Building sewers shall be laid on crushed stone or gravel aggregate conforming to AASHTO No. 57 as specified in Section 703.2, Publication 408 Specifications.
The building sewer shall be laid on a grade of not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot for four-inch pipes and one-eighth (1/8) inch per foot for six-inch pipes or larger.
Building sewers shall be laid as direct as possible. Changes in direction must be made with wyes, combination wye and eighth-bends or half wyes or one-eighth (1/8) bends or sweeps. Changes in size where the lateral is connected to the building sewer shall be made only with fittings.
Ditches shall be promptly backfilled after inspection and approval by the Plumbing Inspector. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to the pipe in backfilling and to secure a well compacted and firm trench.
Building sewers shall be vented, trapped and provided with cleanouts as follows:
Fresh air vents. A vent shall be placed as close to the building as possible, in the case of existing construction and in the case of new construction when, in the opinion of the Authority, adequate venting has not been provided for. Vent risers shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above the ground surface and shall be capped with a mushroom vent or double bend. Fresh air vents shall be at least four inches in diameter.
Running trap. A standard running trap and vent shall be provided near the curbline. The trap size shall be the full size of the building sewer.
Building sewer cleanouts. A building sewer cleanout shall be placed at changes of direction of more than 45°, on runs of more than 100 feet and at other locations required by the Plumbing Inspector. A minimum of one cleanout per building sewer is required. The cleanout shall consist of a line size tee wye branch with a riser of not less than four inches extending to the surface where it is to be provided with a leaded-in ferrule and brass plug for cleaning purposes.
Building sewers shall be subject at all time to the inspection and approval of the Authority or its duly authorized representative who shall have supervision and control over the same.
Such person shall have given the Authority at least 48 hours notice of the time when connection will be made so that this Authority may supervise and inspect all the work of connection and necessary testing.
No building sewer shall be covered until it has been inspected and approved by the Authority. If any part of a building sewer is covered before so being inspected and approved, it shall be uncovered for inspection at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property to be connected to a sewer. Upon completion of each service installation, the Plumbing Inspector is to be notified and an appointment made for inspection. All pipes and pipe joints must be visible and accessible to the Plumbing Inspector. If the work is satisfactory, the permit, which must be on hand at the time of the inspection, will be endorsed and returned to the owner and the Authority.
This Authority or its authorized representative (Plumbing Inspector) shall have the right of access at reasonable times to any part of the improved property served by the sewer system as shall be required for purposes of inspection, measurement, sampling and testing and for performance of other functions relating to service rendered by this Authority through the sewer system.
Upon connection to the sewer system, any septic tank and/or seepage pit shall be abandoned, sanitized and filled with suitable material.
All persons owning any occupied building now erected upon property in the township accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within 60 days after written notice to such persons from the Authority.
All persons owning any property in the township accessible to the sewer system upon which an occupied building is hereafter erected shall, at the time of the erection of such building and at their own expense, connect the same with the sewer system.
[Added 9-10-1990]
No privately owned grinder pumps can be connected to the public sewer system until the applicant or proposed owner has:
Fully complied with this section and other rules and regulations of the Authority and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; and
Received prior written approval of the Authority through the issuance of a sewer connection permit.
All privately owned grinder pumps, and the installation, operation, maintenance and service thereof, shall comply with the Technical Specifications of this Authority in effect from time to time.
All privately owned grinder pumps shall be connected to the sewer system in full compliance with the rules and regulations of this Authority in effect from time to time.
The owner of the property served by a privately owned grinder pump shall have the responsibility for maintaining, operating, repairing and replacing privately owned grinder pumps.
The Authority shall have no responsibility for the purchase, operation, repair or replacement of any privately owned grinder pumps.
The proper officers, employees and agents of this Authority are authorized and directed to do all acts which may be necessary and proper to implement this section.
This section shall become effective immediately.
In the event that any provision, section, sentence, clause or part of this section shall be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provisions, section, clause or part of this section, it being the intent of this Authority that such remainder shall be and shall remain in full force and effect.