Hearings on matters before the Board shall be had as reasonably soon after the filing of the notice of appeal or application for variance or application for gas station, automobile dealers' or auto repairers' location approval as publication of such notice and prior business before the Board may permit, but in no event shall such hearing be delayed by the Board, without the consent of the applicant, beyond two full calendar months from the date of filing the notice.
Continuation of a hearing in session may be had in the discretion of the Chairman, who shall announce the adjourned date at the hearing. No additional notice of such adjourned hearing shall be given.
Postponement of hearing prior to the mailing of notice to interested parties and prior to publication may be had upon request of the applicant. In a case where notice to interested parties has been mailed but publication has not been had, such hearing may be postponed upon the applicant's filing proof of notification to the interested parties of such postponed hearing with the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing. However, postponement of a hearing after the mailing of notice to interested parties and publication will be treated as a new application, including costs, except, however, that such new application in the case of an appeal must be made within 30 days of the decision appealed from unless, for good cause shown, the Board grants the applicant an extension not to exceed an additional 30 days, as provided in § 26 hereof, and the application for such extension shall have been made within such initial 30 day period.
An appeal or application may be withdrawn at any time without prejudice to a new filing prior to final decision of the Board, except that in the case of an appeal, the withdrawal of such appeal shall not operate to extend the time of the applicant to refile such appeal. In case of the withdrawal of an appeal or an application the Board in its discretion may refund the applicant his filing fee.
Appeals or applications usually but not necessarily are to be heard in the order in which they are placed on file, and as shown in the call of the meeting.
The Secretary shall give a statement of the ease, followed by a reading of written communications dealing with the matter.
The appellant or applicant or their representative shall present the argument in support of the case.
The Board shall have the opportunity to question the appellant or applicant, or their representative.
All those in support of the case shall be heard.
The Board shall have the opportunity to question those in support of the case.
Those in opposition to the ease shall be heard.
The Board shall have the opportunity to question those in opposition to the case.
The Board shall have the opportunity to question anyone who was heard.
To maintain orderly procedure, each side shall proceed without interruption by the other.
The order of business at public hearings before the Board, except as changed by the Chairman, shall be substantially as follows:
Roll call.
Hearing of cases.
Adjournment of public hearing.
Executive session.