This Newsrack Code is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the City of Easton Codified Ordinances; is made in accordance with the Official Comprehensive Development Plan of the City, hereinafter referred to as the "Comprehensive Plan"; and is intended to be consistent with the City's Building, Emergency Management and Public Works Codes. It is adopted for the following purposes:
The promotion and protection of the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and the general welfare of the people.
The establishment and subdivision of boundaries into specific single and multiple newsrack zones in the Downtown District.
The restriction and regulation of newsracks, specifically the establishment, placement, location, size, type, attachment, condition, repair, maintenance, replacement or removal, and number and density of newspaper boxes in the Downtown District.
The establishment of classes of newsracks for such purposes; for defining certain terms used herein; and for providing for administration for such purposes; and for the imposition of penalties and violations thereof.
The protection of the City's public realm, including streetscape and rights-of-way for reasons of public safety, walkability, access, and connectivity.
The prevention of overcrowding of the City's public realm and undue concentration of newsracks, by regulation of size, design, height, bulk, location, and use in relation to the surrounding land.
The preservation of the Downtown District's natural, historic and scenic values in the interest of the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare.
The protection against undue rights-of-way obstruction in the interest of public health, safety, comfort and general welfare.
The promotion in the public interest of the utilization of land for the purpose for which it is most appropriate.
The conservation of taxable value of land and buildings in the Downtown District.
The definition of and limitation on the powers and duties of the administrative offices and bodies provided in this Newsrack Code.
The protection of the established character and maintenance of the stability of commercial, industrial, recreational, heritage, cultural, tourism and residential areas within the Downtown District and the promotion of orderly and beneficial use of such areas.
The purpose of the designated Newsrack Zone is to:
Protect and enhance the public realm of the unique urban, historic, and naturally sensitive Downtown District neighborhood.
Protect and enhance the streetscape in the Downtown District to continue and improve residential, commercial and industrial use of lands.
Provide safe and convenient public access to lands and the uses contained therein in the Downtown District.
The purpose of the designated Multiple Newsrack Zone is to:
Protect and enhance the public realm of the unique urban, historic, and naturally sensitive Downtown District neighborhood, specifically Centre Square, the City's historic, cultural, commercial, residential and tourism core.
Protect and enhance the streetscape in the Downtown District to continue and improve residential, commercial and industrial use of lands, specifically the core of the City, Centre Square.
Provide safe and convenient access to lands and the uses contained therein in the Downtown District, specifically the core of the City, Centre Square.
In interpreting and applying the provisions of this article, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the City of Easton. The provisions of any statute, other articles of this chapter, law, rule, or regulations which impose greater restrictions than this chapter shall be controlling. Conversely, the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling when such provisions impose greater restrictions than those of any other statute, other articles of this chapter, law, rule, or regulations.