An applicant requesting a victualer's license, special amusement license or renewal of the same shall certify to the Board of Selectmen, to the Board's satisfaction, that the establishment or entity is in compliance with all applicable municipal ordinances and regulations, state and federal laws, statutes and regulations. The Board shall deny any application that fails to meet these requirements.
New applicants may apply at any time during the year. The Selectmen shall hold a public hearing within 21 days of the receipt of any new application.
The Board of Selectmen annually shall review all victualer and special amusement license renewal applications at its first meeting in May for the purpose of determining the applicant's previous conformance to this chapter and to determine either to:
Approve the renewal application;
Table the renewal application, setting a date for the applicant to appear before the Board to answer questions affecting consideration of the renewal application; or
Reject the renewal application, stating in a findings of fact the reason for the rejection.
Applicants for renewal shall submit a completed application with appropriate fees on or before each April 30. Failure to meet the April 30 renewal obligation shall constitute a new application.
The establishment of an applicant requesting a license for the first time shall be inspected by the Town of Islesboro Codes Enforcement Officer prior to any action taken on the application.
An applicant shall apply for a victualer's license or special amusement license or renewal of a license on a form provided for that purpose by the Town. Failure by an applicant to fill out the form completely or any material misstatements provided by the applicant on the form shall be grounds to deny granting the license.
An applicant previously licensed as a victualer shall provide a copy of the current food establishment license issued by the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services with the renewal application. A new application shall be granted by the Board of Selectmen only under the condition that the victualer's license becomes effective after the Department of Health and Human Services has made an on-site inspection and has issued an food establishment license.
[Amended 6-6-2012]
Each applicant shall annually submit documentation indicating satisfactory water tests for potable water.
Each establishment or entity required to be licensed shall be either connected to a public sewer; have an approved sewage waste disposal system or shall provide documentation showing how its wastewater will be disposed.
Licensees who cook food on the premises shall have a vent or vents from the cooking area to the outdoors. The vent or vents shall be installed to avoid unreasonable nuisance to any abutting property or to the public because of fumes, grease, smell, heat, steam, condensation, smoke or noise.
All victualer and special amusement license applications shall be advertised by posting notices in two or more public places in the Town of Islesboro at least seven days prior to the meeting scheduled to consider the application.
A new victualer's or special amusement license shall be valid until May 31 immediately following the approval of the license, except that licenses granted in May shall be valid until May 31 of the following year, unless previously revoked. Renewals shall be valid until May 31 of the following year unless previously revoked.
A compliance bond shall be returned to the licensee upon termination of the license unless the bond shall have been forfeited under the provisions of § 257-9D.