[R.O. 2011 §5-81; Ord. No. 2832 §5-73, 5-16-1994]
Upon receipt of notification from the Missouri Department of Health that a rabies alert protocol is in effect for this City, County or region, and/or by emergency proclamation/quarantine order of the Mayor of this City, action will be taken in the steps as mandated below:
Increase public awareness without creating panic by the use of the media and schools.
At the direction of the Chief of Police, or in his/her absence the Animal Control Officer, intensify collection of strays by whatever means is deemed acceptable for the seriousness of the problem.
Coordinate efforts to increase the immunization of domestic animals through local veterinarians and health care professionals through free, subsidized or reduced fee clinics.
Submit for immediate testing all animals demonstrating clinical signs of rabies and those animals which have bitten or scratched any human.
Coordinate with the Missouri Department of Health to stem the spread of rabies.
Rigidly enforce all local ordinances for the control of animals within the corporate limits of the City of Salem.
[R.O. 2011 §5-82]
Rabies is hereby declared to be a reportable disease within the City limits of Salem.