There shall be standing committees of the City Council on finance, general services, law, planning and economic development, public safety, public utilities, and science and technology.
The Committee on Finance shall consist of the President as Chair and all other Council members. Each of the other committees shall consist of at least three Council members, one of whom shall be designated Chair by the committee. Committee members shall be nominated by the President and confirmed or rejected by a majority of the members of the Council at each organizational meeting. Each committee shall, if possible, have at least one member from a minority political party. If an original nominee of the President is rejected by the Council, the President shall immediately submit to the Council a list of three nominees in the place of the original nominee, who shall not be renominated by the President. The Council shall select, at the said organizational meeting, from each list so submitted, one Council member to serve as committee member in place of the rejected nominee. Only Council members shall have the right to vote as members of standing committees. All committee reports shall be made public.
Finance. The standing Committee on Finance shall periodically review and report on the budget, audits and accounts, the Bureau of Assessments, and the Bureau of Purchases. Membership on this Committee shall include the Comptroller, Budget Officer, Auditor, Treasurer, Assessor, Purchasing Agent and all City Council members.
General services. The standing Committee on General Services shall periodically review and report on public works, parks, recreation, engineering, streets, sanitation, buildings, and safety inspection. Committee membership shall include the Commissioner of General Services, City Engineer, Director of Parks and Recreation, and at least three City Council members.
Law. The standing Committee on Law shall periodically review and report on all actions, suits, and proceedings brought by or against the City. Membership on this Committee shall include the Corporation Counsel, counsel staff as the Corporation Counsel desires, and at least three City Council members.
Planning and economic development. The standing Committee on Planning shall periodically review and report on planning and economic development for the physical and social planning of the City, including matters involving senior citizens, veterans, the homeless, and human rights. Membership on this Committee shall include the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, any assistant commissioners, the Chair of the Planning Commission, the Corporation Counsel, and at least three Council members.
[Amended 12-7-2017 by L.L. No. 2-2017]
Public safety. The standing Committee on Public Safety shall periodically review and report on the Bureaus of Police and Fire. Membership on this Committee shall include the Commissioner of Public Safety, if any, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and at least three City Council members.
Public utilities. The standing Committee on Public Utilities shall periodically review and report on public utilities, the water plant, water maintenance and sewer maintenance. Committee membership shall include the Superintendent of Public Utilities, Chief Water Plant Operator, Supervisor of Water, Supervisor of Sewers, and at least three City Council members.
Science and technology. The standing Committee on Science and Technology shall periodically review and report on the use of technology in government, including but not limited to information services, network security, telecommunications, and hardware and software procurement. The committee's purview shall also extend to environmental and scientific initiatives, including energy efficiency, conservation of resources, air and water quality, and sustainability. Membership on this Committee shall include the Director of Operations, the Deputy Mayor and/or a representative of the Bureau of Information Services, and at least three City Council members.
All standing committees of the City Council shall meet as needed, but at least annually. Public notice of regular meetings shall be given at least one week prior to each meeting. Meetings shall be open to the public. Participation, however, shall be restricted to committee members, unless extended to others by invitation of committee chairs.
Special committees may be authorized by the City Council to study and report on any matter of interest to the Council, provided such matter is not clearly within the purview of a standing committee. The resolution creating a special committee shall recite the scope of its assignment, shall name its personnel, and may contain an appropriation to cover anticipated expenses of the committee. Committee membership shall consist of Council members, with at least one minority party member included if possible.