All meetings of more than one member the PAA shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. The term "meeting" has two statutory exceptions (MGL c. 39, § 23):
On site inspection of a property that is the subject of an application; and
A chance meeting or social meeting at which matters related to official business are discussed, so long as no final agreement is reached.
All hearings shall be open to the public. No person shall be excluded unless he is considered by the Chair to be a "serious hindrance" to the workings of the PAA.
The PAA shall hold meetings once per month, as required, through the year following the initial public hearing when an application has been submitted for review under the provisions of the Queset Smart Growth Overlay District, except that by majority vote set a different or additional time for a particular meeting. Notice of all meetings must be filed with and posted in the Town Clerk's office at least 48 hours in advance (including Saturday but not Sunday or legal holidays), including date, place and time of meeting.
A quorum of three members of the PAA shall be required to conduct business.
PAA members present may be counted to determine whether a quorum is present even if they abstain from voting affirmatively or negatively. Exception: If the PAA member is abstaining due to conflict of interest, he or she cannot be counted as being present for the quorum for that portion of the meeting for which they are disqualified due to conflict of interest.
All votes must take place at a PAA meeting in person. No phone-in, email, proxy, or faxed votes are acceptable.
The agenda shall be duly posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The PAA may refuse to review an incomplete application, unless it is a Preliminary Review (see Article IV). The first item on the agenda of every PAA meeting will always be the approval of minutes from a previous meeting(s).