This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Zoning Chapter of the Consolidated Town-Village of Tuxedo ("Town of Tuxedo"), New York," and is also referred to herein as the "Zoning Chapter."
There is hereby established a set of comprehensive zoning regulations for the Town of Tuxedo, which regulations are set forth in the text and map that constitute this Zoning Chapter. These regulations are adopted for the enumerated purposes set forth in Article 16 of the New York State Town Law, which, in the interest of the protection and promotion of the public health, safety and welfare, shall be deemed to specifically include the following purposes, among others:
To implement the Town of Tuxedo Comprehensive Plan.
To guide and control growth in an orderly and efficient manner consistent with the ability of the Town to provide services and facilities necessary to accommodate residential and nonresidential uses allowed by these regulations.
To facilitate the efficient and adequate provision of community facilities and services and ensure that the Town's current and future needs, including but not limited to emergency service protection, recreational, and educational facilities, are considered and addressed during review of development applications. This purpose includes directing community benefit facility uses to residential zones or open space zones where they may better serve the public.
To protect properties and residents from nuisances such as noxious odors, noise, light, air and water pollution.
To protect the Town's sensitive environmental features, including but not limited to steeply sloping topography, wetlands, streams, ponds, lakes and other surface water features, and the 100-year floodplain, from disturbances which would have a significant negative impact on the Town's population and environs.
To protect the Ramapo River, Indian Kill Reservoir, Tuxedo Lake and other surface and groundwater resources within the Town that are used as drinking water supplies by ensuring that appropriate design measures are integrated into development decisions to mitigate against pollution and contamination.
To protect the Town's historic structures, features, and character.
To protect the Town's scenic qualities and promote architecturally and visually attractive development.
To promote the Tuxedo hamlet as the Town's center for governmental, civic and commercial activities.
To promote the revitalization and improvement of the Southfields hamlet.
To promote and encourage economic development, including establishment of new nonresidential uses, and re-use of existing vacant and underutilized nonresidential buildings, in locations consistent with this Zoning Chapter; to also protect nonresidential zone usage by directing community benefit facility uses to residential or open space zones where they may better serve the public.
To ensure that development is served by adequate transportation facilities in order to prevent and reduce traffic congestion, and to encourage a circulation system that promotes pedestrian and bicycle use.
To eliminate nonconforming uses.