The purpose of this article is to establish minimum stormwater management requirements and procedures in order to minimize damage to public and private property and infrastructure; safeguard the public health, safety, environment and general welfare; protect aquatic resources and wildlife habitat; protect the quality and health of water resources; conserve groundwater supplies; and foster climate change resiliency.
This article seeks to meet that purpose through the following objectives:
Establish the Department of Public Works as the authority to ensure compliance with the provisions of this article through a review process, inspections, monitoring, and enforcement;
Establish administrative procedures for: the submission, review, and approval or disapproval of stormwater management permits; the inspection of approved active projects; and post-construction monitoring;
Establish decisionmaking processes surrounding new development and redevelopment that protect watershed integrity and preserve and/or restore the health of local water resources such as lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, wetlands, and groundwater; and
Ensure compliance with requirements of the NPDES general permit for stormwater discharges from MS4 and other applicable state and federal mandates.
No person may undertake a construction activity, including clearing, grading, or excavation that results in a land disturbance to an area equal to or greater than one (1) acre of land or will disturb less than one (1) acre of land but is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb an area equal to or greater than one (1) acre of land within the Town of Falmouth without first obtaining a stormwater management permit issued by the Department of Public Works.
The Department of Public Works shall not have jurisdiction over stormwater issues within areas where the Conservation Commission has jurisdiction under the Wetlands Protection Act and/or any local regulations.
The Department of Public Works or reviewing agent shall take any of the following actions as a result of an application for a stormwater management permit as specifically defined within the Stormwater Management Rules and Regulations promulgated as a result of this article: approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval.
The following activities are exempt from requirements under this article:
Normal maintenance and improvement of land in agricultural use as defined by the Wetlands Protection Act regulation 310 CMR 10.04, as amended;
Maintenance of existing landscaping, gardens, or lawn areas associated with a single-family dwelling;
The construction of fencing that will not substantially alter existing terrain or drainage patterns;
Normal maintenance and improvements of the Town of Falmouth publicly owned roadways and associated drainage infrastructure;
Emergency repairs to any stormwater management system or feature that poses a threat to public health or safety, or as deemed necessary by a Town department or board; and
Projects that are wholly subject to jurisdiction under the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Falmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw and demonstrate compliance with the Massachusetts Stormwater Management Policy as reflected in an order of conditions issued by the Conservation Commission
The Building Inspector shall not issue a building permit without first confirming that a stormwater management permit has been obtained or is otherwise not required. The stormwater management permit process shall be incorporated into existing permits to ensure efficiency of the Town permitting process for the Town and applicant. The following Town boards or commissions shall serve as the permit granting authority (PGA) as described below and their respective permits may serve as the stormwater management permit upon finding the project has demonstrated compliance with these rules and regulations:
Conservation Commission: An order of conditions issued by the Falmouth Conservation Commission shall serve as the stormwater management permit, provided that the project demonstrates compliance with these rules and regulations and the order includes a condition as such.
Department of Public Works: All other applications, including site plan applications, subdivision plan applications, or special permit applications that meet the applicability criteria of this article shall also be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review for compliance with these rules and regulations.
Filing application.
The site owner or his/her agent shall file with the Department of Public Works, three (3) hard copies and an electronic version of a completed stormwater management permit application package as outlined below. Permit issuance is required prior to any applicable site-altering activity. While the applicant can be a representative, the permittee must be the owner of the site.
Proposed projects shall submit the following:
Completed application form with original signatures of all owners;
List of abutters, certified by the Assessor's office;
Three (3) copies of the stormwater management plan as specified in § 277-20 of this article of these rules and regulations;
Three (3) copies of the erosion control plan as specified in § 277-21 of this article of these rules and regulations;
Three (3) copies of the operation and maintenance plan as specified in § 277-22 of this article of these rules and regulations;
An acknowledgement of the site inspections and final reports requirements as specified in § 277-23 of this article of these rules and regulations; and
Payment of any application and review fees.
Fee structure.
The Department of Public Works shall obtain with each submission an application fee payable to the Town of Falmouth. Applicants shall pay review fees as listed below to cover any expenses connected with the review of the stormwater management permit application before the review process commences. The Department of Public Works may, at the applicant's expense, retain a registered P.E. or other professional consultant to advise the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent on any or all aspects of these plans.
Fees are subject to review on an annual basis by the Select Board acting in accordance with the bylaw.
Application fee for single-family residential or duplex [one (1) or more acres]: one hundred dollars ($100).
Application fee for projects from one (1) to two (2) acres: two hundred dollars ($200).
Application fee for projects from three (3) to ten (10) acres: three hundred dollars ($300).
Application fee for projects greater than ten (10) acres: five hundred dollars ($500).
Application fee for a resubmittal/amendment: one hundred dollars ($100).
Fees for a professional peer review: assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Information requests. The applicant shall submit all additional information requested by the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent to issue a decision on the application.
Actions. The Department of Public Works or reviewing agent's action, rendered in writing, shall consist of either:
Approval of the stormwater management permit application based upon determination that the proposed stormwater management plan meets the standards and will adequately protect the water resources of the community and is in compliance with the requirements set forth in these rules and regulations.
Approval with conditions of the stormwater management permit application subject to any conditions, modifications, or restrictions that will ensure the proposed stormwater management plan meets the standards and will adequately protect the water resources of the community and is in compliance with the requirements set forth in these rules and regulations.
Disapproval of the stormwater management permit application based upon determination that the proposed stormwater management plan, as submitted, does not meet the standards or will not adequately protect the water resources of the community and is not in compliance with the requirements set forth in these rules and regulations.
Appeals. The applicant may appeal the decision, within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, to the Superior Court, in accordance with MGL c. 249, § 4.
Access permission. To the extent permitted by Massachusetts law, the Department of Public Works, reviewing agent, or their designee and third-party inspector may enter upon privately owned property for the purpose of performing their duties under these rules and regulations and may make or cause to be made such examinations, surveys or sampling as the reviewing agent deems reasonably necessary to determine compliance with the stormwater management permit.
Plan changes. The permittee must notify the Department of Public Works in writing of any drainage change or alteration in the system authorized in the stormwater management permit before any change or alteration is made. If the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent determines that the change or alteration is significant, based on the standards, the requirements set forth in these rules and regulations, or accepted construction practices, the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent may require that an amended application be filed. If any change or alteration from the stormwater management permit occurs during any land-disturbing activities, the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent may require the installation of interim erosion and sedimentation control measures before approving the change or alteration.
The stormwater management permit application shall consist of a submittal of a stormwater management plan to the Department of Public Works. This stormwater management plan shall contain sufficient information for the Department of Public Works, reviewing agent, or their designee to evaluate the environmental impact, effectiveness, and acceptability of the measures proposed by the applicant for reducing adverse impacts from stormwater. The stormwater management plan shall be designed to meet the standards, as set forth in § 277-20C of this article of these rules and regulations, and the Massachusetts DEP Stormwater Handbook Volumes 1, 2, and 3, as amended.
The stormwater management plan shall fully describe the project in drawings and narrative. It shall include, as a minimum, the following:
Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the owner, applicant, and person(s) or firm(s) preparing the plan;
Project narrative containing relevant information related to stormwater requirements;
Locus map of the site;
Description of existing and proposed conditions;
Existing and proposed zoning and land use at the site;
Existing and proposed easements and utilities at the site;
Existing and proposed topography (one-foot or two-foot interval contours with additional spot grades as needed to depict detailed drainage patterns) at the site;
Existing and proposed hydrology, watershed boundaries, drainage area, and stormwater flow paths;
Existing and proposed stormwater conveyances, impoundments, and wetlands into which stormwater flows at and adjacent to the site;
Existing and proposed 100-year floodplain, if applicable;
Estimated high groundwater elevation (November to April) as determined via completion of representative test pits or other suitable geological investigations in areas to be used for stormwater retention, detention, or infiltration;
Description of subsurface conditions in areas to be used for stormwater retention, detention, or infiltration;
Plans, drawings, and descriptions of proposed drainage system and all components including:
Locations, cross sections, and profiles of all stormwater conveyances, such as drainage swales and their method of stabilization;
All measures for the detention, retention, and/or infiltration of stormwater;
All measures for the protection of water quality;
The structural details and sizing for all components of the proposed drainage systems and stormwater management facilities;
Notes on drawings specifying materials to be used, construction specifications, and typical details and cross sections;
Analysis of existing and proposed hydrology with supporting calculations;
Calculations supporting the estimate of stormwater treatment performance;
Calculations supporting the design of infiltration practices, including design infiltration rates, estimated dewatering times, and mounding analyses, where applicable;
Stormwater runoff shall be calculated using latest Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC) extreme precipitation amounts for recurrence intervals (storm events) two-, ten-, twenty-five-, fifty- and 100-year frequencies;
An erosion and sediment control plan as detailed in § 277-21 of this article of these rules and regulations;
An operation and maintenance plan as detailed in § 277-22 of this article of these rules and regulations;
Documents must be stamped and certified by a qualified P.E. registered in Massachusetts; and
Any other information requested by the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent.
Stormwater management standards. Projects shall meet the Massachusetts DEP Stormwater Management Standards, as amended, which are as follows:
No new stormwater conveyances (e.g. outfalls) may discharge untreated stormwater directly to or cause erosion in wetlands or waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The design of treatment and infiltration practices should follow the guidance in Volume 2 of the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook, as amended, or other federally or state approved BMP design guidance.
Stormwater management systems on new development sites shall be designed to:
Not allow new stormwater conveyances to discharge untreated stormwater in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 1;
Control peak runoff rates in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 2;
Recharge groundwater in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 3;
Eliminate or reduce the discharge of pollutants from land uses with higher pollutant loads as defined in the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 5;
Protect Zone II or interim wellhead protection areas of public water supplies in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 6;
Implement long-term maintenance practices in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 9;
Optimize stormwater BMPs for nitrogen and phosphorus removal to the maximum extent practicable; and
Require that all stormwater management systems be designed to:
Retain the volume of runoff equivalent to, or greater than, one (1.0) inch multiplied by the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site; and/or
Remove 90% of the average annual load of total suspended solids (TSS) generated from the total post-construction impervious area and 60% of the average annual load of total phosphorus (TP) generated from the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site. Pollutant removal shall be calculated consistent with EPA Region 1's BMP performance extrapolation tool or other BMP performance evaluation tool provided by EPA Region 1, where available. If EPA Region 1 tools do not address the planned or installed BMP performance, any federally or state approved BMP design guidance or performance standards (e.g., state stormwater handbooks and design guidance manuals) may be used to calculate BMP performance.
Stormwater management systems on redevelopment sites shall be designed to:
Not allow new stormwater conveyances to discharge untreated stormwater in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 1;
Control peak runoff rates in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 2;
Recharge groundwater in accordance with Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Standard 3;
Meet the pretreatment and structural best management practices requirements of Massachusetts Stormwater Standards 5 and 6;
Optimize stormwater BMPs for nitrogen and phosphorus removal to the maximum extent practicable; and
Retaining the volume of runoff equivalent to, or greater than, eighty one-hundredths (0.80) inch multiplied by the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site; and/or
Removing eighty percent (80%) of the average annual post-construction load of total suspended solids (TSS) generated from the total post-construction impervious area on the site and fifty percent (50%) of the average annual load of total phosphorus (TP) generated from the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site. Pollutant removal shall be calculated consistent with EPA Region 1's BMP performance extrapolation tool or other BMP performance evaluation tool provided by EPA Region 1 where available. If EPA Region 1 tools do not address the planned or installed BMP performance any federally or state approved BMP design guidance or performance standards (e.g., state stormwater handbooks and design guidance manuals) may be used to calculate BMP performance.
Stormwater management systems on redevelopment sites may utilize off-site mitigation within the same USGS Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 10 as the redevelopment site to meet the equivalent retention or pollutant removal requirements in § 277-20C(4) of this article of these rules and regulations.
Redevelopment activities that are exclusively limited to maintenance and improvement of existing roadways, (including widening less than a single lane, adding shoulders, correcting substandard intersections, improving existing drainage systems, and repaving projects) shall improve existing conditions where feasible and are exempt from part § 277-20C(4)(a) through (e) of this article of these rules and regulations. Roadway widening or improvements that increase the amount of impervious area on the redevelopment site by greater than or equal to a single lane width shall meet the above requirements.
The stormwater management permit application shall include submittal of an erosion and sediment control plan to the Department of Public Works. This erosion and sediment control plan shall contain sufficient information for the Department of Public Works, reviewing agent, or their designee about the nature and purpose of the proposed development, pertinent conditions of the site and adjacent areas, proposed erosion and sedimentation controls, and proposed control for other wastes on construction sites, such as demolition debris, litter, and sanitary wastes to ensure they are not discharged to the MS4, drainage system, or waters of the United States or Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The applicant shall submit such material as is necessary to show that the proposed development will comply with the design requirements as follows:
Minimize total area of disturbance;
Sequence activities to minimize simultaneous areas of disturbance;
Minimize soil erosion and control sedimentation during construction, provided that prevention of erosion is preferred over sedimentation control;
Divert uncontaminated water around disturbed areas;
Maximize infiltration and groundwater recharge;
Install, inspect, and maintain all erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and good engineering practices;
Prevent off-site transport of sediment and wastes;
Protect all storm drain inlets and armor all newly constructed outlets;
Protect and manage on- and off-site material storage areas (overburden and stockpiles of dirt, borrow areas, or other areas used solely by the permitted project are considered a part of the project);
Comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations including waste disposal, sanitary sewer or septic system regulations, and air quality requirements, including dust control;
Institute interim and permanent stabilization measures, which shall be instituted on a disturbed area as soon as practicable but no more than fourteen (14) days after construction activity has temporarily or permanently ceased on that portion of the site;
Properly manage on-site construction waste and materials;
Stabilize construction site entrances and exits and prevent off-site vehicle tracking of sediments; and
Ensure that any stormwater BMP (for post-construction stormwater management) installed during construction will be protected from compaction, siltation, and erosion or will be restored or replaced such that the BMP will be capable of functioning as designed in accordance with these rules and regulations.
The content of the erosion and sediment control plan shall contain the following information:
Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the owner, applicant, and person(s) or firm(s) preparing this plan;
Title, date, North arrow, names of abutters, scale, legend, and locus map;
Location and description of natural features including:
Watercourses and water bodies, wetland resource areas and all floodplain information, including the 100-year flood elevation based upon the most recent Flood Insurance Rate Map, or as calculated by a qualified P.E. for areas not assessed on these maps;
Existing vegetation including tree lines, canopy layer, shrub layer, and ground cover, and trees with a caliper twelve (12) inches or larger, noting specimen trees and forest communities; and
Habitats mapped by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program as endangered, threatened or of special concern, estimated habitats of rare wildlife, and certified vernal pools, and priority habitats of rare species within five hundred (500) feet of any construction activity.
Lines of existing abutting streets showing drainage and driveway locations and curb cuts, including immediately downstream of the project;
Existing soils, volume and nature of imported soil materials;
Topographical features, including existing and proposed contours at intervals no greater than one (1) foot with spot elevations provided when needed;
Surveyed property lines showing distances and monument locations, all existing and proposed easements, rights-of-way, and other encumbrances, the size of the entire parcel, and the delineation and number of square feet of the land area to be disturbed;
Drainage patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities;
Location and details of erosion and sediment control measures with a narrative of the construction sequence/phasing of the project, including both operation and maintenance for structural and nonstructural measures, interim grading, and material stockpiling areas;
Path and mechanism to divert uncontaminated water around disturbed areas, to the maximum extent practicable;
Location and description of and implementation schedule for temporary and permanent seeding, vegetative controls, and other stabilization measures;
A description of construction and waste materials expected to be stored on-site. The plan shall include a description of controls to reduce pollutants from these materials, including storage practices to minimize exposure of the materials to stormwater, and spill prevention and response;
A description of provisions for phasing the project where one (1) acre of area or greater is to be altered or disturbed;
A description of how the project owner will inspect the site during the course of construction to monitor the management of stormwater in accordance with applicable town, state, and federal regulations;
Plans must be stamped and certified by a qualified P.E. registered in Massachusetts or a CPESC; and
Such other information as is required by the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent.
The stormwater management permit application shall include a submittal of an operation and maintenance plan (O&M plan) to the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent. This O&M plan shall be designed to ensure compliance with the stormwater management permit, these rules and regulations, and that the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, 314 CMR 4.00, are met in all seasons and throughout the life of the system. The Department of Public Works or reviewing agent shall make the final decision of what maintenance option is appropriate in a given situation. The Department of Public Works, reviewing agent, or their designee will consider natural features, proximity of the site to MS4 infrastructure, proximity of the site to waterbodies and wetlands, extent of impervious surfaces, size of the site, the types of stormwater management structures, and potential need for ongoing maintenance activities when making this decision. The O&M plan shall remain on file with the Department of Public Works and shall be an ongoing requirement. The O&M plan shall include:
The name(s) of the owner(s) of all components of the system;
Maintenance agreements that specify:
The names and addresses of the person(s) responsible for operation and maintenance.
The person(s) responsible for financing maintenance and emergency repairs.
A maintenance schedule that includes routine inspection along with routine and nonroutine maintenance tasks for each BMP.
A list of easements, if applicable, with the purpose and location of each.
The signature(s) of the owner(s).
Estimated operation and maintenance budget.
The responsible party shall:
Maintain a log of all operation and maintenance activities for the last three (3) years, including inspections, repair, replacement, and disposal (the log shall indicate the type of material and the disposal location);
Make this log available to the Department of Public Works, reviewing agent, or their designee and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts upon request; and
Allow DEP and the reviewing agent or their designee to inspect each BMP to determine whether the responsible party is implementing the operation and maintenance plan.
Stormwater management easement(s).
Stormwater management easements shall be provided by the property owner(s) as necessary for:
Access for facility inspections and maintenance;
Preservation of stormwater runoff conveyance, infiltration, and detention areas and facilities, including flood routes for the 100-year storm event; and
Direct maintenance access by heavy equipment to structures requiring regular cleanout.
The purpose of each easement shall be specified in the maintenance agreement signed by the property owner.
Stormwater management easements are required for all areas used for off-site stormwater control, unless a waiver is granted by the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent.
Easements shall be recorded by the owner with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds prior to issuance of a certificate of completion.
Changes to operation and maintenance plans.
The owner(s) of the stormwater management system must notify the Department of Public Works of changes in ownership or assignment of financial responsibility.
The maintenance schedule in the maintenance agreement may be amended to achieve the purposes of these rules and regulations by mutual agreement of the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent, and the responsible parties. Amendments must be in writing and signed by all responsible parties. Responsible parties shall include owner(s), persons with financial responsibility, and persons with operational responsibility during future years.
Stormwater infrastructure shall be privately owned, inspected and maintained per the operation and maintenance procedures approved for the project. Inspection and maintenance logs shall be provided to the Department of Public Works on a yearly basis by the final day in June for the Town to use in preparation of its annual report to the US EPA as part of the NPDES MS4 permit requirements.
The landowner shall provide the Department of Public Works an annual report prepared and stamped by a Massachusetts licensed professional engineer documenting and certifying performance of required maintenance and providing an assessment of overall system performance.
The O&M Plan shall include procedures for using dedicated funds, establishing an escrow account, and/or developing a maintenance contract, if determined appropriate to ensure adequate long-term maintenance.
Stormwater management operation and maintenance duties shall be recorded with the deed for each lot in a subdivision. The applicant may elect to set up a homeowners' association (HOA) or other means to ensure all BMPs are inspected and maintained as required.
Long-term operators responsible for O&M plan implementation shall submit an annual report to the Department of Public Works documenting all inspection and maintenance completed on the stormwater system.
Preconstruction meeting. Prior to starting clearing, excavation, construction, or disturbance of land, the applicant, the applicant's technical representative, the general contractor, or any other person with authority to make changes to the project, shall meet with the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent to review the permitted stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, and operation and maintenance plans and their implementation.
Permittee erosion and sediment control inspections. The permittee shall conduct and document inspections of all erosion and sediment control measures no less than weekly or as specified in the stormwater management permit, and prior to and following anticipated storm events. The purpose of such inspections is to determine the overall effectiveness of the erosion and sediment control plan, and the need for maintenance or additional control measures. The permittee shall submit monthly erosion and sediment control reports to the Department of Public Works in a format approved by the Department of Public Works.
Routine inspections. Routine inspections shall be performed as follows:
Initial site inspection: prior to approval of any permit/plan;
Erosion and sediment control inspection: to ensure erosion and sediment control measures are in place and stabilized, and to ensure erosion control practices are in accordance with the filed plan.
Site clearing has been substantially completed;
Rough grading has been substantially completed;
Final grading has been substantially completed;
Bury inspections: prior to backfilling of any underground drainage or stormwater structures;
Close of the construction season;
Landscaping (permanent stabilization); and
Final inspection. After the stormwater management system has been constructed, and before any surety is released, the applicant must submit a record as-built plan detailing the actual stormwater management system as installed. Such plans shall show compliance with the final approved plans by the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works, reviewing agent, or their designee shall inspect the system to confirm its as-built features. This inspector shall also evaluate the effectiveness of the system in an actual storm. If the inspector finds the system to be adequate, he/she shall so report to Department of Public Works which will issue a certificate of completion.
Inspector qualifications. Inspections shall be performed by an independent third-party registered professional engineer or CPESC. Alternatively, inspections shall be performed by a qualified employee of the Town of Falmouth.
Final reports.
Upon completion of the work, the permittee shall submit a report (including certified as-built construction plans) to the Department of Public Works from a P.E. or CPESC. As-built drawings shall be submitted no later than one (1) year after completion of construction projects. The as-built drawings must depict all on site controls, both structural and nonstructural, designed to manage the stormwater associated with the completed site (post-construction stormwater management). The report shall certify that all permitted construction, plans, and approved changes and modifications were completed in accordance with the conditions of the approved stormwater management permit. Any discrepancies should be noted in the report.
If the system is found to be inadequate by virtue of physical evidence of operational failure, even though it was built as called for in the stormwater management plan, it shall be corrected by the permittee before the performance guarantee is released. If the permittee fails to act, the Town of Falmouth may use the surety bond to complete the work. Examples of inadequacy include, but are not limited to: errors in the infiltrative capability, errors in the maximum groundwater elevation, failure to properly define or construct flow paths, or erosive discharges from basins or other structural BMPs.
The Department of Public Works will issue a letter certifying completion upon receipt and approval of the final inspection reports and/or upon otherwise determining that all work of the stormwater management permit has been satisfactorily completed in conformance with these rules and regulations. The Department of Public Works or reviewing agent may, in addition to certifying satisfactory completion of the project, require ongoing maintenance procedures as outlined in the O&M Plan and/or work deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works or reviewing agent.
The Department of Public Works or reviewing agent may waive strict compliance with any requirement of this article promulgated hereunder, where:
Such action is allowed by federal, state and local statutes and/or regulations;
It is in the public interest;
A public safety issue exists; and/or
It is consistent with the purpose and intent of this article.
Any applicant may submit a written request to be granted such a waiver. Such a request shall be accompanied by an explanation or documentation supporting the waiver request and demonstrating that strict application of this article does not further the purposes or objectives of this article. The Department of Public Works or reviewing agent may require documentation to be submitted and stamped by a qualified P.E. registered in Massachusetts or a certified professional in erosion and sediment control (CPESC).
The Department of Public Works may require the permittee to post before the start of land disturbance or construction activity, a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, cash, or other acceptable security. The form of the bond shall be approved by Department of Public Works, and be in an amount deemed sufficient by the Department of Public Works to ensure that the work will be completed in accordance with the permit. If the project is phased, the Department of Public Works may release part of the bond as each phase is completed in compliance with the stormwater management permit but the bond may not be fully released until the Department of Public Works has received the final inspection report as required by the Stormwater Management Rules and Regulations and issued a certificate of completion.