Inspection. Public records of the Township shall be open for inspection by members of the public, as provided by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1. Inspection shall be made at reasonable times during business hours and without unreasonable interference to the conduct of the affairs of the office or other place where the records are kept or maintained.
Fees. Fees for copies of public documents shall be as set forth in Chapter 91, Fees.
Use of personal copying machine. Where the document sought to be copied is more than 100 pages in length, the Township Clerk may permit the person requesting copies to use his/her own copying machine, provided there is no risk of damage or mutilation of the documents and it would not interfere with the transaction of public business. Such determination shall be within the discretion of the Township Clerk.
Whenever the Chief of Police authorizes the assignment of a police officer or a special police officer to quasi-public duty or a private activity which is necessary for safety or security, the party requesting such service shall pay the Township the fee as set forth in Chapter 91, Fees. All payments shall be made to the Township. No person shall pay the officer directly.
[Added 8-13-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-6]
Any person wishing to receive police services which the Township is not obligated or expected to provide or does not usually provide as part of its regular plan of police services may arrange to receive such services within the Township through the office of the Chief of Police. Such person should notify the Chief of Police, in writing, of the specific nature of the services desired at least 15 days before such services are required, unless exigent circumstances exist. All requests shall be subject to the availability of personnel as shall be determined by the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police shall administer all activities and maintain the financial files pursuant to this section. All requests for additional police services will be finalized in a written agreement provided by the Chief of Police. The agreement will specify the duration of the police services to be provided, a termination date when the police services will be completed and a modification clause.
All fees for police services will be paid in full directly to the Township Treasurer before services are rendered. All fees for use of Township equipment shall be paid directly to the Township Treasurer. Fees shall be based on hourly rates established by agreement between the Township and person wishing to receive police service. Such rates shall include the hourly rate of the police officer working, plus a daily rate for use of Township equipment. All payments for services of police officers and for use of Township equipment shall be paid directly to the Township and made payable to the Township of Springfield.
Before each work assignment, the Chief of Police shall forward a summary of the assignment to the Chief Financial Officer and/or Township Treasurer for payment of use of Township equipment. Rates shall be as follows:
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-8; 9-8-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-06]
Per officer, per hour or any part thereof, in a Township which is a party to interlocal services agreement: $60.
Police vehicle, per day or part thereof, outside Springfield Township which is a party to interlocal services agreement: $90.
Administrative fee per hour, per officer, paid to the Township: $10.
All police officers providing extra duty services pursuant to this section shall function under the control and supervision of the Chief of Police in his/her capacity as administrator of the Springfield Township Police Department. The Police Department and its employees will maintain all employment rights while assigned to extra duty details and will operate under the mandates of the Department rules and regulations.
Extra assignment duties will be available to a particular officer on a rotating basis. All officers would get an equal chance to receive these assignments. Extra assignment duties will not be assigned to officers who worked a twelve-hour shift the day before or the day of the extra duty assignment.