[Adopted 5-1807]
2 Resolves of Connecticut 1521, An Act to enable the Towns of Fairfield, Norwalk, Weston and Wilton, to establish a work-house, and to ordain by-laws for the Government thereof.
Be it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, that the Towns of Fairfield, Norwalk, Weston and Wilton, by their agents appointed for that purpose, be, and they are hereby authorized to establish a work-house for said towns; and to ordain such by-laws as they may judge necessary relative to the persons to be committed to such work-house; to the manner of their being committed and confined therein; and to the well ordering and governing said house, and keeping the persons confined to labor, not contrary to the laws of this State.
Provided, that any by-law made by virtue of this act, may be repealed by the Superior Court, if on a hearing adjudged unreasonable or unjust.