The Position Classification Plan is the official, approved system of group positions into appropriate classes, including:
A schematic index of class specifications.
Class specifications.
Rules for administration.
For position classification purposes, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A group of positions (or one position) that:
Have similar skill levels and responsibilities;
Require like qualifications; and
Can be equitably compensated by the same salary range.
The official designation or name of the class as stated in the class specification. It shall be used on all personnel records and actions.
A group of currently assigned duties and responsibilities requiring the full- or part-time employment of one person. A "position" may be occupied or vacant.
The City Manager shall be responsible for administering the classification plan.
Prior to the approval of a new position, the head of each department shall complete a position description covering the duties and responsibilities of each proposed position. The City Manager shall recommend allocation of the position to one of the classes in the classification plan. If a suitable class does not exist, he shall recommend the establishment of a new class to the City Council.
[Amended 6-10-1997 by Ord. No. 97-4]
For each class of positions, a salary range is assigned which consists of a minimum and maximum salary. In arriving at salary ranges, consideration is given to prevailing rates for comparable work in other public employment and relevant private business, the current cost of living, responsibilities of the position, working conditions and the City financial condition and policy.
Each time a vacancy occurs, a position description shall be completed by the department head and submitted to the City Manager for review. The City Manager may waive this requirement in cases where he has determined that no material changes have occurred.
The City Manager may require departments or employees to submit position descriptions on a periodic basis, or any time he has reason to believe that there has been a change in the duties and responsibilities of one or more positions.
Each time a new class is established, a class specification shall be written and incorporated in the existing plan. The class title shall be added to the schematic list of titles. Likewise, an abolished class shall be deleted from the classification plan by removing the class title from the schematic list of titles.
Periodically, after the adoption of these regulations, the City Manager shall conduct a general review of the classification plan.
The class specifications are descriptive and not restrictive. The use of a particular description as to duties, qualifications or other factors shall not be held to exclude others of similar kind or quality. They are intended to indicate the kinds of positions which shall be allocated to the classes established. In a series of classes such as police classes, the specifications for all classes should be reviewed as a unit.
The City Manager shall maintain an official copy of the Position Classification Plan. The official copy shall include a schematic list of class titles and class specifications, plus all amendments thereto. A copy of the official plan shall be available for inspection by the public under reasonable conditions during normal business hours.
Each time a new class of positions should be established or a current class of positions abolished, the City Manager shall submit his findings and recommendations to City Council for approval. They shall determine whether the establishment or the abolition of a class is in order. Such changes shall take the form of amendments to these Personnel Rules and Regulations.
The Position Classification Plan shall be considered a part of this section and have the same force and effect as these personnel regulations.
The Position Classification Plan may be amended by a majority vote of Council, based on a recommendation by the City Manager.