[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Bayfield 4-1-1992 (§§ 5-3-1, 5-2-2, 5-2-4 and 5-2-6 through 5-2-10 of the 1992 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire Department — See Ch. 60.
Alarm systems — See Ch. 119.
Building construction — See Ch. 152.
Brush, grass and weeds — See Ch. 146.
Hazardous materials — See Ch. 244.
State codes. The following orders, rules and regulations of the Department of Commerce, all of which are set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code as from time to amended, are incorporated herein by reference and adopted as part of this Fire Prevention Chapter:
Ch. Comm 32, Public Employee Safety and Health
Ch. Comm 7, Explosive Materials
Ch. Comm 10, Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Ch. Comm 40, Gas Systems
Ch. Comm 14, Fire Prevention
Ch. Comm 43, Anhydrous Ammonia
Chs. Comm 61 to 65, Wisconsin Commercial Building Code
Fire Prevention Code adopted.
American Insurance Association Code adopted. The Fire Prevention Code recommended by the American Insurance Association (formerly the National Board of Fire Underwriters), 1976 edition, except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein.
Enforcement. The Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire Department and such personnel as he may designate for such purpose.
Wherever the word "Municipality" is used in the Fire Prevention Code, it shall mean the City of Bayfield.
Wherever the term "Corporation Counsel" is used in said Code, it shall mean City Attorney.
Modifications. The Chief of the Fire Department may grant a variance to the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in carrying out the strict letter of the Code, provided the spirit of the Code shall be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modification when granted or allowed and the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Department and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. A copy of each order or modification by the Fire Chief shall be filed with the City Clerk.
Appeals. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the Code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the Code has been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to the Zoning Board of Appeals within 30 days from the date of the decision of the appeal.
No person shall impede the progress of a fire engine, fire truck or other fire apparatus of the Bayfield Volunteer Fire Department along the streets or alleys of such City at the time of a fire or when the Fire Department of the City is using such streets or alleys in response to a fire alarm or for practice.
Driving over fire hose. No person shall willfully injure in any manner any hose, hydrant or fire apparatus belonging to a Fire Department serving the City, and no vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department when laid down on any street, private driveway or other place, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the Fire Department official in command.
Parking vehicles near hydrants. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or leave any object within 10 feet of any fire hydrant at any time.
No parking near fire. It shall be unlawful for any person, in case of fire, to drive or park any vehicle within one block from the place of fire without the consent and authority of the Fire Chief or any police officer.
Every person who shall be present at a fire shall be subject to the orders of the Fire Chief or officer in command and may be required to render assistance in fighting the fire or in removing or guarding property. Such officer shall have the power to cause the arrest of any person or persons refusing to obey said orders.
Whenever there shall be a fire or fire alarm or the Fire Department shall be out for practice, every person driving or riding in a motorized or other vehicle shall move and remain to the side of the street until the fire engine and fire truck and other fire apparatus shall have passed.
No person shall occupy any portion of such streets or alleys with a motorized or other vehicle between such fire engine or fire truck or other fire apparatus or any hydrant to which a fire hose may be, or may be about to be, attached.
Open burning prohibited. No person, firm or corporation shall build any outdoor fire within the corporate limits of the City of Bayfield excepting as set forth in Subsection B of this section.
Outdoor cooking over a fire contained in a device or structure designed for such use is permissible;
Ceremonial campfire or bonfires, with prior written approval of the Fire Chief, may be permitted;
Other occasions of desirable outdoor burning not specified by this subsection, but not as an alternative to refuse removal or disposal of which other methods are available, may be granted single occasion approval as in Subsection B(2) and (3) above.
Whenever approval and special permit are granted by the Fire Chief or a fire warden under Subsection B(2) and (3) of this section, the permit may specify and be conditioned on observance of safety restrictions and insurance requirements set forth therein.
Chief may prohibit. The Fire Chief is permitted to prohibit any or all fires when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous. If possible, notice of designation of a fire danger emergency period shall be made by publication of an appropriate notice in the official newspaper, to be effective forthwith.
Liability. Persons utilizing and maintaining outdoor fires shall be responsible for any liability resulting from damage caused by his fire.
Declarations of emergency. When there occurs a lack of precipitation, there may exist an extreme danger of fire within the City of Bayfield. This extreme danger of fire affects the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the City of Bayfield and constitutes a state of emergency. It is hereby found that the regulation of fires, burning materials, and fireworks is necessary and expedient for the health, safety, welfare and good order of the City during said emergency.
Regulation of fires, burning materials and fireworks. Pursuant to § 166.23, Wis. Stats., and when a burning state of emergency is declared, it may be ordered that a person may not:
Set, build, or maintain any open fire, except:
Charcoal grills using charcoal briquets, gas grills, or camp stoves on private property; or
Charcoal grills using charcoal briquets, gas grills, or camp stoves in City parks placed at least 20 feet away from any combustible vegetation.
Throw, discard, or drop matches, cigarettes, cigars, ashes, charcoal briquets or other burning materials while outdoors except into a noncombustible container that does not contain combustible materials.
Light or ignite a flare, except upon a roadway in an emergency.
Light, ignite or use anything manufactured, processed, or packaged solely for the purpose of exploding, emitting sparks or combustion for amusement purposes, including fireworks, firecrackers, bottle rockets, caps, toy snakes, sparklers, smoke bombs, or cylindrical or cone fountains that emit sparks and smoke, except in displays authorized by the City where adequate fire prevention measures have been taken.
Period of emergency.
The periods of emergency for which this section shall be in effect shall be during such periods that Bayfield County, Wisconsin, is under Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources emergency fire regulations banning outdoor smoking and campfires.
Pursuant to § 166.23, Wis. Stats., burning emergencies shall become effective upon the time and date of the Mayor declaring a state of emergency and shall remain in effect until the period of emergency ceases to exist or until the ratification, alteration, modification, or repeal of the burning state of emergency by the Common Council.