The executive power of the municipality shall be exercised by the Mayor who shall have those powers and duties enumerated by N.J.S.A. 40:69A-1 et seq., and other appropriate law.
Whenever the Mayor is to be absent from the Township or is otherwise unable to perform the duties of his office, he shall appoint the Business Administrator or the Municipal Clerk or other department head to serve as acting Mayor, without additional compensation, but with all other rights, powers and duties of Mayor.
[Amended by Ord. No. 93-90-113]
Whenever the office of any department head shall become vacant, the Mayor may appoint an acting department head to temporarily fill such office for a period of up to 120 days from the date of such appointment. After the expiration of such period, the Mayor shall be entitled to appoint an acting department head for an additional period of up to 90 days. Thereafter, such office may only be filled by a permanent appointment. An acting department head, appointed under this section, shall have all the powers and duties of the office to which he has been temporarily appointed for the period of such appointment.