[CC 1978 Sch. I; Bill No. 96-16031), 7-15-1996; Bill No. 2007-11(320.070), 4-16-2007]
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 320, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below on the streets as designated.
Speed In Miles Per Hour
Elliott from 3rd to 5th
15 mph
1 hour before school opens to
1 hour after school closes
Helen Street from Fifth Street west to Route 77
30 mph
Main Street from its intersection with Black Street to the north City limits
30 mph
Parks including, but not limited to, Chronister Field, Harmon Field and Frisco Park
5 mph
Route 77 from north City limits to its intersection with Helen Street
45 mph
Route 77 from south City limits to its intersection with Elliott Avenue
40 mph
Route 77 from its intersection with Elliott Avenue to its intersection with Helen Street
40 mph
Route A from east City limits to the intersection of Frisco Street and Yoakum Street
30 mph
Route A from Fifth Street west to Route 77
20 mph
Third Street from Elliott to Gray
15 mph
1 hour before school opens to
1 hour after school closes