[Adopted 3-12-2018 by Ord. No. 18-007]
The owner or owners or tenant or tenants, where applicable, of lands abutting or bordering upon sidewalks or contiguous pedestrian areas as defined herein shall remove or cause to be removed from said sidewalks or contiguous pedestrian areas all snow and ice within 24 hours of daylight after every fall of snow or after the formation of any ice upon the sidewalk. For purposes of this article, "contiguous pedestrian area" shall mean that area adjacent to a public sidewalk in a line of continuation thereof and of the same width thereof and not a part of a public street or highway, commonly used as a pedestrian traffic area across the land or any portion thereof, whether or not said area is graded or covered with concrete.
Owner(s) or tenant(s) who fail to comply with the snow removal obligation imposed pursuant to § 372-31 are subject to a fine of not less than $100 for the first offense and $200 for every subsequent offense, but not more than $1,000.
Each day on which a violation of this article exists shall be considered a separate and distinct violation and shall be subject to imposition of a separate penalty for each day of the violation as the Municipal Court Judge may determine.
The Division of Code Enforcement is charged with enforcement of this article. Enforcement shall proceed on a complaints-made basis at the discretion of the Township.
The obligations and penalties imposed by this article do not apply to snow amassed on sidewalks as a result of municipal or county snowplowing operations.