[Adopted 6-20-2022 by Ord. No. 14-2022]
There is hereby established the Livingston for All Ages Committee for the Township of Livingston to advance education and outreach, collaboration, assessment, and implementation for improving livability in the Township as described in the WHO age-friendly cities framework's interconnected domains of urban life.
The Committee shall consist of not less than nine and not more than 13 members to be appointed by the Township Council annually.
The membership shall include:
An Age-Friendly Coordinator appointed by the Township Manager, with assigned responsibilities that include management and administration of the age-friendly initiative.
A member of the Township Council.
A member or alternate member of the Township Planning Board.
At least three of the members shall be Township residents not holding any other position in Township government, with at least two of the members being residents aged 55 or older, at least one of whom qualifies to receive social security benefits, and one member being aged 25 or younger.
The remaining members of the Committee may include any of the following:
Township Manager or designee.
Police Department representative.
Health Department representative.
SYLS Department representative.
Board of Education representative.
Township Engineer representative.
Transportation Committee representative.
Green Team or Community Sustainability representative.
Faith-based representative.
Nonprofit Civic, Education, Advocacy or Facilities representative.
Community Engagement and Inclusivity representative.
Township resident.
The Committee shall be advisory and its duties shall include, but not be limited to:
Responding to requests from the Township Council for advisory support on issues related to the status of older residents living or working within the Township.
Making recommendations to the Township Council on resolutions and ordinances that have an impact on the quality of life for older residents living or working in the Township.
Studying and making recommendations to the Township Council on issues that impact the ability of older residents to live in the Township.
Studying and making recommendations to the Township Council on ways to better integrate older residents into the political and civic life of the Township.
Being a source for information regarding transportation and health issues affecting older residents in the Township.
Assisting the Township Administration and Council with outreach to older residents and identifying those in the Township who may need assistance receiving communications from the Township other than electronically.
Assisting the Township Administration and Council with outreach to civic organizations, faith-based groups, and educational institutions to advance the committee's goals.
Assisting the Township with the implementation of the work plan of the Age-Friendly Initiative.
In coordination with the Township Council representative, provide an annual report to the Township Council on the committee's accomplishment of goals and how it addressed any issues.