The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city. He shall:
Take care that within said city the laws of this state and the ordinances and bylaws passed by the Common Council and the Board of Health be faithfully obeyed and executed, and arrest or cause to be arrested or prosecuted all persons liable to arrest for violating the same or any thereof.
Have authority, with force if necessary, to suppress all tumults, riots and unlawful assemblages, reveling, quarreling or other disorderly conduct, to the disturbance or annoyance of the peaceable inhabitants of said city.
Have power to call out and command the police and firemen, whenever in his discretion he shall deem it necessary, and such command shall be in all respects obeyed.
Have power to administer oaths and take affidavits and acknowledgments in the said city, and receive therefor the same compensation that is allowed to Justices of the Peace for the same services.
Communicate to the Common Council, on or before the first day of February in each year, a general statement of the affairs of the city, in relation to its finances, government and improvements, with recommendations such as he may deem proper, and from time to time thereafter to recommend to the Common Council, and to any of the city boards, such measures as he shall deem necessary or advantageous for it to adopt.
Expedite and cause to be carried out all such measures as shall be adopted by the Common Council.
Exercise a constant supervision over the conduct of all subordinate officers, and examine into all complaints against them for misconduct or neglect of duty, and report the facts to the Common Council.
Have power at all times to examine the books, accounts, vouchers and papers of any officer or employee of said city, and to summon and examine under oath any person connected therewith.
Sign all appointments, countersign all orders or warrants ordered by the Common Council to be drawn on the City Treasurer, when the fund on which it is drawn is not exhausted.
At the first meeting of the Common Council in each municipal year, or as soon thereafter as may be, appoint all standing committees required by the rules of the Common Council, and appoint all special committees of the Council, unless otherwise by it ordered. [§ 75, L. 1911, c. 870]
The Mayor shall not countersign, nor the City Clerk sign, any warrant or order on the City Treasurer for the payment of money at any time when the fund whereon said order is drawn is exhausted, or when there is no money in said fund applicable to and sufficient for the payment of such order. A willful violation of this section is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor. [§ 76, L. 1911, c. 870]
The City Clerk shall:
Keep the corporate seal and all papers, books and documents belonging to said city.
Give immediate notice in writing to any person appointed to any office under this act of his appointment, which notice shall be deposited in the post office, properly addressed to such person and thereon prepaid.
Make a record of the proceedings of the Common Council, whose meetings it shall be his duty to attend.
Carefully arrange, index and file all books and papers convenient for use. He shall countersign all licenses granted by the Common Council, or any officer of said city authorized by this act to grant the same, and shall enter in an appropriate book the name of every person to whom such license shall be granted, the date thereof, the time during which it shall continue in force, and the sum paid for the same.
Within 24 hours after each and every meeting of the Common Council, make and deliver to the City Treasurer a copy certified by him of all resolutions and proceedings of the Common Council relating to the finances of the city, including a statement of all orders for the payment of money by it directed to be drawn.
Make and deliver to the Mayor, within 24 hours, a certified copy of motion, resolution, ordinance or bylaw passed by the Common Council, except those relating to rules for its own government and appointment of officers.
Keep an accurate account of all moneys received by him belonging to the city, and upon receipt thereof pay the same over to the City Treasurer, take a proper receipt therefor and file the same in his office, and report the same to the Common Council at its next meeting.
Draw all orders or warrants on the City Treasurer and keep an accurate account of all expenditures by the Common Council and of all warrants or orders drawn on the Treasurer; his accounts shall be kept in such book or books and manner as the Common Council shall direct.
Report to the Common Council, at each regular meeting thereof, the aggregate amount of the orders drawn by him on each fund during the current fiscal year, except local improvement funds, and report thereon when directed by the Common Council, and said weekly report shall also specify what amount to the credit of the several funds must be reserved to pay salaries and other fixed expenditures during the remainder of the fiscal year.
Perform all the duties of clerks of towns, not inconsistent with this act, and his office is hereby declared a town clerk's office for the purpose of depositing and filing therein all books and papers required by law to be filed in a town clerk's office, and he shall possess all the powers and discharge all the duties of a town clerk except so far as they may be inconsistent with the provisions of this act or the Local Finance Law. Copies, printed or written, of all papers filed in his office, the transcript thereof, and the records and proceedings of the Common Council, and all copies of the ordinances of the city, certified by him under the corporate seal, shall be evidence in all courts and places with the like effect as the original would be if produced.
Perform such other acts and duties as may be required of him by the Common Council. [§ 77, L. 1911, c. 870; amended by L. 1943, c. 710; L.L. No. 3-1965]
In case of sickness, absence or disability of the Clerk to act, the Deputy City Clerk shall act as City Clerk and shall have all his powers and perform all his duties. [§ 78, L. 1911, c. 870]
The City Physician appointed under this act shall be a physician and surgeon of good standing, and shall discharge all the duties of a physician and surgeon for the Commissioner of Public Welfare and the Police Department, and furnish all necessary medicines, and perform all necessary surgical operations for those Departments. He shall also be Health Officer of the Board of Health. [§ 79, L. 1911, c. 870; amended by L.L. No. 2-1939]
The Corporation Counsel of said city shall prosecute and defend all actions brought by or against said city, and render such other professional services connected with the affairs of said city as may be required of him by law or by the Common Council, except that he shall not be required to collect accounts due Lockport Memorial Hospital for services rendered by or at said hospital. Such accounts due to the hospital may be collected by collection agencies or by counsel hired for that purpose by the Board of Managers of the hospital. Actions for the collection of such accounts may be prosecuted by counsel hired by said Board of Managers for the purpose of collecting such accounts. In actions brought by or defined by the Corporation Counsel in any court of record, wherein costs shall be adjudged in favor of said city, he shall be entitled to have and receive the same when collected. The Corporation Counsel may appoint a stenographer, who shall act as his secretary and assist the Corporation Counsel in rendering professional services connected with the affairs of the City of Lockport. [§ 80, L. 1911, c. 870; amended by L.L. No. 2-1954; L.L. No. 2-1957; L.L. No. 4-1962]
The Supervisors of each of said wards shall have the same powers and duties as Supervisors of the towns in the County of Niagara, except as otherwise provided in this act or the Local Finance Law, and the said Supervisors shall be members of the Board of Supervisors of the said county. The Supervisors shall receive the compensation allowed by law in the same manner as Supervisors of towns. [§ 81, L. 1911, c. 870; amended by L. 1943, c. 710]
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall be a practical mechanic, competent to perform the duties of his office. He shall possess the same powers and be subject to the same duties as sealers of weights and measures in cities, and the laws applicable to weights and measures and to sealers thereof in cities shall be applicable to said city and said City Sealer of Weights and Measures, except that said Sealer shall be entitled to receive for his services the salary fixed by the Common Council instead of the fees prescribed by § 16 of the General Business Law. He shall, in addition to his other duties, as often as shall be necessary, and at least once in each year, procure the weights and measures used by every person keeping any store, grocery or other place in said city for the sale or purchase of such commodities as are usually sold by weight or measure, to be compared with the official standards in his possession, and he shall from time to time, as such duties are performed, cause to be entered in a book kept for that purpose in the City Clerk's office in the City of Lockport, the names of each and every person whose weights and measures he has caused to be sealed, the number and kind of such weights and measures, and the date of such sealing. It shall be the duty of every person keeping any store, grocery or other place in said city for the sale or purchase of such commodities as are usually sold by weight and measure, at least once in every year, to procure the weights and measures used by him to be compared with official standards in the custody of said Sealer, and every such person shall be subject to a fine of $5 for every neglect to comply with this provision, to be recovered by any person who shall prosecute therefor. Any Sealer of Weights and Measures of the City of Lockport who shall receive any sum of money, gift or gratuity for the performance of any of his duties under this section other than the salary herein provided, or who shall enter in the record book in the City Clerk's office any record of unsealed weights and measures, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [§ 82, L. 1911, c. 870]
The Commissioners of Deeds may administer oaths and take affidavits and acknowledgments of written instruments at any place within the County of Niagara; their oaths of office shall be filed with the County Clerk of said county; they shall have the powers and be entitled to the fees and subject to the duties of commissioners of deeds, by and under the general laws of the state. [§ 83, L. 1911, c. 870]
The Justice of the Peace in said city shall have and keep an office or place for the transaction of his official business within said city, and not elsewhere; he shall have and exercise all powers and authority, and discharge all the duties and be entitled to all the fees and compensation of Justices of the Peace of the several towns in this state, except as modified by this act; he shall have and exercise all the powers of a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the cities of this state; he shall have the same territorial jurisdiction as if said city constituted a part of the Town of Lockport; and before entering upon the duties of his office he shall give a bond in the penal sum of $1,000, conditioned that he will faithfully pay over, on demand, to the person, firm or corporation entitled to the same, all moneys that may come into his hands as such Justice; and a neglect to give said bond for 10 days after the time for entering upon the duties of his office shall vacate his said office. [§ 84, L. 1911, c. 870]
The Constable in said city shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, give a bond in the penal sum of $1,000, conditioned that said Constable shall and will pay over to the City Treasurer daily all moneys collected or received by him upon any tax list or other process or precept placed in his hands for collection by the City Treasurer, and that said Constable shall and will pay to each and every person who may be entitled thereto all such sums of money as said Constable may have become liable to pay, by reason or on account of any execution or other precept which shall have been delivered to him for service or collection, and that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office. All actions on any such instrument shall be prosecuted within two years from the expiration of the term for which he may have been elected or appointed, and an action may be maintained thereon by and in the name of said city or other corporation or any person entitled to money collected by virtue of any such tax list, process, execution or precept, or who may have sustained damages by his default or misconduct, and a copy of such instrument, duly certified by the Clerk of said city under the seal thereof, shall be presumptive evidence in all courts of this state of the execution of the same by said Constable and his sureties. [§ 85, L. 1911, c. 870]