[Article 2, voted in the affirmative 3-12-1996 by the Annual Town Meeting, reads as follows: "Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Hudson, NH?"]
[Article 40, voted in the affirmative 3-9-2004 by the Annual Town Meeting, reads as follows: "To see if the Town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 41:14-b which allows establishment and amendment of Town ordinances and codes by the Selectmen after holding two public meetings. However, if a petition of 50 registered voters is presented before the Selectmen's vote, then the establishment or amendment must be inserted as an article in the warrant at Town Meeting. RSA 41:14-b does not apply to the establishment or amendment of zoning ordinances, historic district ordinances or building codes. Once adopted, RSA 41:14-b remains in effect until rescinded at Town Meeting."]
[Article 17, voted in the affirmative 3-11-2008 by the Annual Town Meeting, read as follows: "Shall the Town of Hudson, pursuant to NH RSA 32:5(V-a) and NH RSA 40:13(V-a), require that all votes by the Board of Selectmen and by the Budget Committee, concerning items appearing in the budget or concerning any warrant article, be recorded votes and the numerical tally of any such vote be printed in the Town Warrant next to the affected warrant article?"]