[Amended 6-2-2011 by Ord. No. 672]
Meters shall be read monthly for water services rendered. Bills shall be due not later than 30 days following the first day of the month following the billing period or such other billing due date that the Township Committee may determine the due date of which shall be shown upon the billing. Should the water rent or any bill for meter repairs or for water system materials furnished or work done remain unpaid for 30 days from the date of the bill, the Township reserves the right to take action against the owner or consumer as provided in this chapter or by statute.
[Amended 4-5-1990 by Ord. No. 349]
The net rates specified in the Township rate schedule set forth in Article VIII are contingent upon payment within a thirty-day period. The final date for payment for the net amount billed will be shown on each bill. If that date falls on other than a normal business day for Township offices, the final date of payment shall be the next normal business day for said Township offices.
All balances for charges or rents unpaid on or before the due date shown on the bill as set forth hereinabove shall incur interest charges at the rate as set annually by the Township Committee for water bills. Payment made on delinquent balances shall be applied first to all interest accrued on all said delinquent balances.
[Amended 5-2-1991 by Ord. No. 378; 5-5-2011 by Ord. No. 669]
A charge as provided in Chapter 152, Checks, Returned, will be made when a consumer's check is returned by the consumer's bank as uncollectible, as allowed by P.L. 1990, c. 105, of the Laws of the State of New Jersey.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:5-18.
In the event that a meter reading is not obtained by the Township, an estimated bill shall be rendered based on previous metered usage. If the estimated bill so rendered is less than the minimum charge for the meter size involved, the Township shall charge the minimum rate for said size. Said estimated bill shall be valid and assessable to the owner in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as a metered bill.
When water is furnished for temporary or other purposes or for special services on an unmetered basis, the charge for such service as provided in Article VIII shall continue so long as the owner's premises shall remain connected with the water supply system. Owners desiring to discontinue the use of any special service must give prior written notice of such intent to the Township Water Superintendent, and the work of disconnection must be done by the Township. The charge for such special service shall cease on the date of such discontinuance of service, but in no case will an abatement of an advance-billed flat-rate charge be taken into consideration for a shorter period of time than one month nor for part of a month.
The Township shall charge on a time-and-materials basis for work done which is made necessary by user negligence or neglect or the user's failure to comply with Township regulations as provided in this chapter.
Excessive or unnecessary use or waste of water, whether caused by carelessness or defective or leaking plumbing or fixtures, shall be prohibited. Correction of such use or repairs to plumbing or fixtures shall be undertaken in a reasonable period of time upon written notice from the Township of same. All property owners and users shall comply with duly promulgated Township regulations as authorized by § 396-43 hereof, restricting water use on a seasonal basis or for specified periods of time.
For willful or indifferent waste of water, special unmetered charges may be imposed as the case may require. The Township may discontinue water service for such waste or the nonpayment of said special unmetered charges assessed. Such discontinuance of service shall be in accordance with § 396-48 and, if discontinued, shall remain discontinued until all charges are paid and satisfactory assurance is obtained by the Township that such waste shall not occur again.
The Township Tax Collector shall prepare and deliver bills for all rents, rates, fees and charges due under the terms of this chapter; shall collect same and keep proper records thereof; and shall pay over the sum so collected to the Township Treasurer as required by law. In preparing bills, the Tax Collector shall utilize the date and information provided by the Township Water Superintendent and shall cooperate with the Superintendent in the issuance of bills as required by this chapter.
The Township Tax Collector shall certify annually to the Township Water Superintendent a list of public water supply property owners and users to whom water rents, rates, fees or charges have been billed. Said list shall contain the names and addresses of the property owners and users and the addresses and Tax Map block and lot numbers of the premises involved.