[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Socorro 6-1-1987 by Ord. No. MA-87-02. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Socorro Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations."
The Federal Aviation Regulations promulgated by the Federal Aviation Administration for observance by aircraft operated anywhere in the United States, presently or hereafter effective, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part hereof as though fully set forth and incorporated.
Knowledge of rules implied. By publication of this chapter as required by law, all persons will be deemed to have knowledge of its contents. However, the Airport Manager is directed to have copies of the chapter printed and at all times available at his office, and to furnish such copies to owners and operators of aircraft using the airport.
Any person, corporation or aircraft owner going upon the grounds of the Socorro Municipal Airport shall be bound by and obey all rules and regulations concerning and pertaining to said airport. The Airport Manager will be informed immediately of any violations of these rules and regulations, accidents on airport property, or damage to airport or personal property. Persons, corporate or individual, causing injury or damage to persons on property of said airport, whether through violation of this chapter or through any act of negligence, shall be fully responsible for damages and any cost required to repair or replace the damaged facility.
No person shall operate an aircraft on the airport unless that person complies with the airman certification requirements and the aircraft meets the certification and registration requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration appropriate to that operation.
Safeguard of persons and property. The Airport Manager shall at all times have the authority to take such action as may be necessary to safeguard any person, aircraft, equipment or property at the airport. The Airport Manager may suspend or restrict any or all operations without regard to weather conditions whenever such action is deemed necessary in the interest of safety. Examples of such events causing suspension or restriction of operations are as follows: excessive ice or snow on taxiways or runways, air shows, or construction.
All aircraft will be taxied at a safe and reasonable speed with due regard for other aircraft, persons, and property and in a manner so as to be at all times under the control of the pilot.
Aircraft awaiting takeoff shall park clear of the runway in use and in a position so as to have a direct view of aircraft approaching for landing.
After completion of landing roll, aircraft will expeditiously clear the runway.
A standard left-hand traffic pattern shall be used.
The traffic direction shall be indicated by the windsock. If a calm condition exists, all landings and takeoffs shall be made at pilots' discretion.
Aircraft without radios will conform to local traffic and runway in use.
All aviation fuel dispensed for profit on Socorro Municipal Airport property shall be only by vendors holding written authorization from the City Council of Socorro.
All persons fueling aircraft from fixed-based operators will have prior instructions and experience as deemed necessary by the Airport Manager for completion of the task.
No smoking or open flame will be allowed within 50 feet of a fuel dispenser or aircraft being serviced with fuel.
No fuel, except that contained in aircraft fuel tanks, shall be kept or stored within hangars or other structures on the airport.
All non-hangared aircraft shall be parked in the areas designated by the Airport Manager for that purpose. When leaving a parked aircraft unattended, it is the responsibility of the pilot to see that the brakes are set or that the plane is properly checked and/or tied down. Tiedown lease agreements must be executed in advance if tiedown is to be used for more than 30 calendar days.
Lease agreements shall be executed and approved by the City prior to the construction of any hangar on airport property. Such construction will be approved only in designated areas and only after review and acceptance of the building design.
The normal airport lease agreement is for up to a ten-year period from January 1 to December 31, and may be renewable on a yearly basis with payment of the lease fee. Leases with commencement dates other than January 1 will be pro-rated on a monthly basis. Tiedown leases may be on a month-to-month basis. Tiedown rentals may be on a day-to-day basis not to exceed 30 calendar days as determined by the Airport Manager.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All vehicular traffic on the airport shall be confined to the roads, streets, avenues and alleys or other areas designated by the Airport Manager provided for that purpose and shall not be operated at a speed in excess of 20 miles per hour or as posted.
Aircraft shall at all times have the right-of-way over vehicular traffic. All vehicles shall pass to the rear of taxiing aircraft.
No aircraft shall be permitted to remain on any part of the landing or take-off area for the purpose of repairs, and all repairs shall be effected at the places designated therefor.
Every aircraft owner, his pilot and agents, severally, shall be responsible for the prompt removal, under the direction of the Airport Manager, of wrecked aircraft.
The Airport Manager may refuse departure clearance to any aircraft until all charges for storage, supplies or services rendered to it have been paid.
No house trailers or other temporary living quarters will be allowed on airport property unless they are provided for under an executed lease agreement.
If and where there is a conflict in these and the Federal Aviation Regulations, the latter shall prevail.
Each violation of this chapter or of any regulation promulgated hereunder shall constitute a misdemeanor and be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1, Article III, Penalties, of the Socorro City Code.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).