[Ord. No. 268 §1]
That inground waste water-sewage holding tanks shall be used only where no sanitary sewers are available and where it is impractical to use septic tank and drain field disposal due to the location of the property in question.
[Ord. No. 268 §2]
That before any property owner or lessee within the corporate limits of the City of Herculaneum can use or install an inground waste water-sewage holding tank, he/she shall obtain a permit for the use of same from the City of Herculaneum.
[Ord. No. 268 §§3 —5]
That before a permit for the installation of said holding tank shall be granted the owner or lessor of said property shall submit to the City specifications by way of a diagram of the holding tank including both the inside and outside dimensions of same, said owner or lessor shall present to the City a signed contract with an established person or firm which as a course of its regular business cleans said waste water-sewage holding tanks and said contract shall be subject to the review of the City of Herculaneum and same shall require that the owner or lessor of said property shall have said tank pumped out on a regular basis on dates approved by the City of Herculaneum, based upon the number of dates approved by the City of Herculaneum, based upon the number of employees or residents of the building using the holding tank. Said tank shall have a capacity of no less than fifteen (15) gallons per day per person for each employee or resident of said building.
That at the time such inground waste water-sewage holding tank is installed, a representative of the City of Herculaneum shall be present to check the installation including, but not limited to checking that the seal is proper and insuring that there are no cracks, seams, or outlets which could cause contamination.
That the City of Herculaneum shall have the right to inspect such holding tank at such times as deemed necessary by said City.
[Ord. No. 268 §6]
That if a violation of this Chapter is determined to exist or if said lessor or owner does not comply with the terms of the aforesaid contract on which the City relied in issuing the permit then, and in such event, said permit can be revoked by the City of Herculaneum.
[Ord. No. 268 §7]
That whenever an owner, operator or occupant is deemed to have violated the terms of this Chapter, he will be given notice of such violation in writing and same shall be corrected within fourteen (14) days thereof. Notice, if posted on the building in a conspicuous location, shall be deemed adequate.
[Ord. No. 268 §§8 —9]
That whenever an owner, operator or occupant of the structure serving the aforesaid holding tank fails to abate the conditions specified in the aforesaid notice, the owner, operator, or occupant and each of them or all of them shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00).
Each day that any condition shall continue in violation of this Chapter, as provided above, shall constitute a separate offense.