Major Subdivision - Shall be those subdivisions of land, which are generally of major significance to the future development of the community, and shall include all subdivisions, which do not conform to the definitions established for minor subdivisions. Major subdivisions are those, which create more than five (5) lots. All commercial, or industrial subdivisions shall be classified as a major subdivision. If a new street is created or if an existing street is extended, the subdivision automatically is classified as a major subdivision regardless of the number of lots involved.
In addition, the following elements of a subdivision proposal may constitute major significance, depending on the particular circumstances:
Public safety impacts (including fire protection, traffic capacity, traffic safety, and road access).
Availability and capacities of utility infrastructure.
Significant changes to existing drainage patterns, stormwater quantity, or stormwater quality.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to describe the content and format of required plat materials and the information, which the plats must contain. Conformance to these requirements will provide for the expedient processing of plats. All plats must adhere to these specifications unless the Planning Commission grants permission for modification due to unusual or special circumstances. Plats, which are flagrantly or repeatedly lacking the required data, shall be returned to the developer by the Planning Commission's staff immediately after the absence of data is apparent.
Chronology of Submittals.
Pre-Application Conference (See Section 3.3).
Master Plan Submittal (See Section 3.4).
Preliminary Plat Submittal (See Section 3.5).
Final Plat Submittal (See Section 3.6).
Conferences and submittals shall be sequential from Step 1 through Step 4 as applicable, except in the case of industrial subdivisions, which may submit preliminary and final plats simultaneously.
Sectionalization of Subdivisions. In such cases where an applicant intends to subdivide only a portion of a tract of land, the applicant shall submit for approval a master plan for the entire tract of land prior to any fractional portion of a preliminary plat being accepted for review. The proposed sectionalization plan of the subdivision shall be shown on the master plan. The Planning Commission may impose any restrictions upon the filing of sections, as it may deem necessary in order to secure the orderly development of the subdivision. After approval of the master plan, the Planning Commission may permit the preliminary and final plats to be divided into 2 or more sections provided that at least 10% of the total number of lots contained in the master plan are incorporated into the preliminary and final submittals. If an overall preliminary plat is submitted and approved, the Planning Commission may permit the final plats to be divided into 2 or more sections provided that at least 10% of the total number of lots contained in the overall preliminary are contained in the final submittals.
Divisions in a Special Flood Hazard Area. All divisions in a special flood hazard area will be forwarded to the full Planning Commission for approval after review by Staff When a portion of a proposed subdivision lies within a special flood hazard area only that portion outside the special flood hazard area will be considered when computing the minimum required lot size for the development. Special flood hazard areas shall be noted prominently on the face of all plats.
Applicants shall contact the Planning Commission Staff to determine the need for a pre-application conference. This conference may include the Planning Commission Staff, the Local Government engineer, utility staff, and/or the Land Development Committee, and should be held before a master plan or preliminary plat is submitted. The purpose of the conference is to give the applicant the assistance of the Planning Commission Staff and other resources of local government before they prepare a master plan or preliminary plat and make formal application for its approval. Planning Commission Staff will assist the applicant in determining the level of detail for information submitted to the pre-application conference.
A master plan may be submitted by the developer for approval in lieu of an overall preliminary plat to allow the developer to obtain approval of the general layout and other pertinent features of his development before incurring costs for engineering design of public improvements. A master plan must be submitted for the entire tract if the developer intends to subdivide only a portion of a tract of land.
Application Procedure and Requirements. The applicant shall file an application for approval of a master plan. The application shall include:
Be accompanied by a completed master plan checklist.
Be accompanied by the minimum number of copies of the master plan as described in these regulations.
Be presented to the office of the Planning Commission at least seven (7) days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Land Development Committee.
A copy of the master plan will be distributed to the technical advisors to the Planning Commission by the Planning Commission staff.
Staff of the Planning Commission shall refer the proposed master plan to the Land Development Committee for its review, recommendations and report. Such report of the Land Development Committee shall be submitted, in writing to the Planning Commission at the time of the next regularly scheduled public hearing. No major subdivision shall be considered for action by the Commission until it has been reviewed by the Commission staff and the Land Development Committee.
The master plan will proceed to the Planning Commission at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Master Plan Approval. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the master plan, the report of the Land Development Committee, technical advisors and testimony and exhibits at the Planning Commission Hearing, the applicant shall be advised of any required changes and/or additions. One (1) copy of the proposed master plan shall be returned to the developer with a letter from the Planning Commission staff informing the developer of the Planning Commission decision.
Effective Period of Master Plan Approval. The approval of the master plan shall be effective for a period of three (3) years at the end of which time application for preliminary plat approval on the subdivision or the first section thereof, must have been made. If no application for preliminary approval of a subdivision or a section thereof has been submitted within the said three (3) year period, then the master plan is null and void, and a new application for master plan must be submitted. After initial application has been made for the first section of preliminary approval within the time period specified, then the master plan shall remain valid provided three (3) years does not elapse with no new sections of preliminary being submitted. Any new application for a master plan shall be subject to all provisions of the Zoning Ordinances and Subdivisions Regulations in effect at the time of the submission of the new application for master plan.
Zoning Regulations. Every plat shall conform to existing zoning regulations, subdivision regulations and access standards regulations applicable at the time of proposed preliminary approval.
Requirements for Master Plan Plat:
The master plan shall be prepared by a Professional Registered Land Surveyor on 18" x 24" or 24" x 36" sheet size unless another size is requested and granted by the Planning Commission.
Title Block. The title block should be placed at the bottom of the sheet and contain the following information:
Subdivision Name: The name of the proposed subdivision, which shall not duplicate or approximate the name of any other subdivision in Henderson or Henderson County.
Property Identification: The record address of the property being submitted and the Property Identification Number as assigned by the PVA office.
Identification: The name and mailing address of the property owner and the Professional Registered Land Surveyor who prepared the plat.
Legend Information: Graphic scale, written scale, north arrow, date of preparation and any other pertinent information and legend information.
Vicinity Map. A sketch showing the general location of the subdivision shall be placed in an appropriate location, preferably in an upper corner of the sheet. The vicinity map shall clearly show the property location's relationship to existing and proposed features such as major traffic arteries, schools, recreational areas, shopping areas and industrial areas.
Lot Design. The design scheme shall be drawn at a scale determined by the Planning Commission staff and the developers.
Boundary Lines: The location, distance and bearing of all exterior boundary lines of the proposed development.
Uses: The proposed uses on the development tract.
Streets: Layout of proposed streets, access points and adjacent streets with street names.
Utilities: The location and size of all existing utilities and easements adjacent to and within the proposed development.
Lot lines: The approximate locations and distances of all lot lines.
Other conditions of the site: Existing watercourse, marshes, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees and other significant features, which will be retained or removed, should be indicated.
Adjoining property owners: The names and plat reference of adjacent subdivisions or the names and deed reference of adjacent owners.
Other features: Any additional information deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
Sectionalization Plan. Clearly show planned sections, and streets and public improvements that will be constructed in each section.
Application Procedure and Requirements. The applicant should file an application for approval of a preliminary plat. The application should:
Be made on forms specified by the Planning Commission together with fees as specified in Addendum B.[1] Land Use Restriction fees are refundable to the applicant if the plat is not approved.
Editor's Note: Addendum B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Be accompanied by a completed preliminary plat checklist.
Be accompanied by the minimum number of copies of the preliminary plat as described in these regulations.
Be accompanied by the minimum number of copies of construction plans as described in these regulations.
Be presented to the Planning Commission office at least seven (7) days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Land Development Committee.
A copy of the preliminary plat and construction plans, where applicable, will be distributed to all technical advisors by the Planning Commission staff.
The Planning Commission staff shall refer the proposed preliminary plat to the Land Development Committee for its review, recommendations, and report. Such report of the Land Development Committee shall be submitted, in writing, to the Planning Commission at the time of the next regularly scheduled meeting. No major subdivision plat shall be considered for action by the Commission until it has been reviewed by the Commission staff and the Land Development Committee.
The preliminary plat will proceed to the Planning Commission at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Preliminary Approval. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary plat and construction plans, the report of the Land Development Committee, the technical advisors testimony, and exhibits at the meeting, the applicant shall be advised of any required changes and/or additions. One (1) copy of the proposed preliminary plat shall be returned to the developer with, a letter from the Planning Commission staff informing the developer of the Planning Commission's decision. The Planning Commission Staff will advise the applicant of the required bond amount on the preliminary approval date.
Effective Period of Preliminary Approval. The approval of a preliminary plat or any section thereof shall be effective for a period of one (1) year at the end of which time application for final plat approval on the subdivision must have been made to Planning Commission. After initial application has been made for the first final plat approval within the time period specified, then the preliminary plat shall remain valid provided that three (3) years do not elapse with no new final section being submitted. Any plat not submitted for final plat approval within the period of time set forth herein shall be null and void, and the developer shall be required to re-submit a new plat for preliminary approval subject to all current zoning restrictions and subdivision regulations.
Regulations. Every plat shall conform to existing zoning and subdivision regulations applicable at the time of proposed final approval. Plats, which have received preliminary approval, shall be exempt from any subsequent amendments to the Zoning Ordinance,[2] provided that final plat approval is obtained within a one (1) year period, or the final plat is proceeding under an approved sectionalization process.
Editor's Note: See Appendix A, Zoning.
Requirements for Preliminary Subdivision Plat. The preliminary plat material shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor with the construction drawings prepared by a licensed professional engineer. The preliminary plat submittal shall consist of material as explained below. Other material may be submitted by the developer or may be required by the Planning Commission.
Preliminary Plat. The required number of copies of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted on sheet sizes of 18" x 24" or 24" x 36" unless the Commission's staff grants permission for other sizes because of unusual or special circumstances. If necessary, more than one sheet may be used if a key map is prepared to relate each sheet to the entire subdivision.
Sectionalization of Subdivisions. In such cases where an applicant intends to subdivide only a portion of a tract of land, the applicant shall submit a preliminary plat for the entire tract of land unless a master plan has been submitted in conformance with the Land Subdivision Plat Requirements. If the preliminary plat is subject to sectionalization process, a key map shall be submitted on sheet size 24" x 36" or 18" x 24" showing the proposed sectionalization plan along with a classification system suitable for the identification of the sections. If a master plan has been approved, the sectionalization plan shall be in accordance with the approved master plan. The Planning Commission may impose any restrictions upon the filing of sections, as it may deem necessary in order to insure the orderly development of the subdivision.
Title Block. The title block should be placed at the bottom of the sheet, and shall contain the following information:
Subdivision Name: The name of the proposed subdivision which shall not duplicate or approximate the name of any other subdivision in Henderson or Henderson County.
Property Identification: The record name and mailing address of the property being subdivided.
Identification: The name and mailing address of the property owner and the applicant, surveyor and/or engineer.
Legend Information: Graphic scale, written scale, North Arrow, date of preparation, and any other pertinent legend date.
Vicinity Map: A sketch showing the general location of the subdivision shall be placed in an appropriate location, preferably in an upper corner of the sheet. The vicinity map shall be drawn at a scale large enough to show the proposed subdivision's relationship to existing and proposed features such as streets, streams, etc.
Lot Design. The design scheme shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch or other appropriate scale approved by the Planning Commission staff, and shall show the following existing conditions and proposed development features:
Boundary Lines: The location, distance and bearing of all exterior boundary lines of the proposed development.
Streets: Street names, right-of-way widths and approximate grades shall be shown on all streets adjacent to and within the proposed subdivision.
Utilities: The location and size of all utilities and easements adjacent to and within the proposed subdivision. Show locations of existing and proposed fire hydrants when required.
Topography: Contours at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet.
Subsurface Conditions.
Lots containing less than one (1) acre. When new lots are created in a minor subdivision, a site evaluation report, approved by the Henderson County Health Center as prescribed by 902 KAR 10:085 shall be submitted with the plat for each lot if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed for lots containing less than one acre. With lots containing less than one acre and proposing individual sewage disposal systems shall receive tentative approval from the Henderson County Health Center before preliminary plat submittal to the Planning Commission.
Lots containing one (1) acre or more area. A site evaluation test shall not be required by the Planning Commission for lots containing one (1) acre or more area, however, the Planning Commission may request that an on-site soils analysis be conducted by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service to ascertain soil percolation quality.
All plats approved by the Planning Commission without on site evaluation approved by the Kentucky Green River Area Health Department, are approved and eligible for recording with the following stipulations:
All data pertinent to on site evaluation shall be filed in the Planning Commission office and made available for review by the public.
Disclaimer of liability. Approval of a subdivision plat does not imply that the lot(s) described thereon will meet state regulations pertaining to individual sewage disposal systems. The Planning Commission does not warrant that a developer or potential homebuilder will be eligible for any permits required by the Kentucky Green River Area Health Department.
Notification on plat. All subdivision plats approved by the Planning Commission without a site evaluation report for each lot, approved by the Kentucky Green River Area Health Department shall contain the following statement of notification:
Other Conditions of the Tract. Existing drainage features, Special Flood Hazard Areas, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees, houses or accessory structures, and other significant features, which will be retained or removed, should be indicated. The engineer and applicant should make these decisions based on design techniques that preserve sensitive areas, manage and promote open space, and protect and enhance buffers.
Adjoining Property Owners. The names and plat reference of adjacent subdivisions or the names and deed reference of adjacent owners, and the Property identification Number as assigned by the PVA office.
Other Features. The names, location and width of pavement and right-of-way of all existing or proposed streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the subdivisions, and existing permanent buildings, railroad right-of-way, all utility easements and other important features such as political subdivision, corporation lines, and school district boundaries within or adjacent to the tract to be subdivided.
Proposed Development on Tract. The following information on proposed development shall be shown:
Streets: The proposed names, rights-of-ways, and pavement widths, and approximate grades and direction thereof.
Other Right-of-Way or Easements: The locations, widths and purposes.
Lot Lines: The location and approximate distances of all lot lines. Lot numbers shall also be shown. If sectionalization is used, the lot numbers shall carry a prefix identifier showing the section-lot relationship.
Setback Lines: The location of proposed building setback lines with dimensions showing the distance from the street right-of-way.
Public Sites: The name, acreage, and use of any sites proposed for public use such as parks or playgrounds.
Multi-family and Non-Residential Uses: The acreage and use of non-public uses such as multi-family dwellings, planned unit developments, shopping centers, churches, etc.
Lot Size: Each lot shall have the size noted. The notation shall be in square feet for lots under an acre. If an acre or more the notation shall be to the hundreds of an acre.
Street footage: Show the total number of lineal feet of proposed street construction measured along the street centerline.
Special flood hazard areas shall be noted prominently on the face of all plats. When a portion of a proposed subdivision lies within a special flood hazard area only that portion outside the special flood hazard area will be considered when computing the minimum required lot size for the development.
Green Design: Show the location of proposed green infrastructure features, sustainable stormwater management practices, and low-impact development techniques.
Construction Drawings. The required number of copies of these drawings shall be submitted to the Planning Commission on a sheet size of 24" x 36". The drawings shall be referenced to the name of the proposed subdivision and shall be stamped by a Licensed Professional Engineer. These drawings shall show the following information:
Street Profiles: The profile of each street indicating the existing ground at a horizontal scale equal to the scale of 1/10th of the horizontal scale with final grades indicated.
Street Cross-Section: A cross-section of each new street shall be shown at a scale of ten (10) feet or less to the inch, and shall include the width of pavement including curbs and gutters, the location and width of sidewalks, and the location of all utilities.
Additional plans and profiles including, but not limited to, drainage easements, rights-of-way, manholes and catch basins, the location, size and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm water drains, and fire hydrants showing connections to any existing or proposed utility systems; and exact location and size of all water, gas, or other underground utilities or structures. Where drainage swales, curb cuts, rain gardens or other green infrastructure techniques are used, they should be shown along with the other utility information.
The construction drawings shall bear the approval of the local government engineer or utility engineer having jurisdiction over public improvements to be constructed.
Other Information. The Planning Commission may require other information it deems necessary to properly evaluate the proposed development.
Following the approval of the preliminary plat, the applicant, if they wish to proceed with the subdivision, shall file with the Planning Commission the required number of copies of the final plat. Plats must also be submitted in digital format (See Addendum A[1]). The plat shall:
Include as much of the subdivision as possible with special emphasis given to the section, which is being submitted for final approval.
Be accompanied by an index drawing if the plat is a section of the entire subdivision and has received approval for sectionalization from the Land Development Committee review. The status of other approved sections of the subdivision shall be indicated on the index plat.
Comply in all respects with the preliminary plat and approved construction drawings.
Be accompanied by formal irrevocable offers of dedication to the public of all streets, local government uses, utilities, open spaces, and easements, in a manner approved by the local government or utilities affected, and the subdivision plat shall be marked with a notation indicating the formal offers of dedication.
Be accompanied by the acceptable bond, if required, in a form satisfactory to the Planning Commission and in an amount established by the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the Local Government Engineer at preliminary approval state and shall include a provision that the principle of the bond shall comply with all the terms of the final subdivision plat approval as determined by the Planning Commission and shall include, but not limited to, the performance of all required subdivision and off-site improvements, and that all improvements and land included in the irrevocable offer of dedication shall be dedicated to the local governments free and clear of all liens and encumbrances on the premises.
Be accompanied by all applicable inspection fees, per the inspection fee schedule in Addendum B.[2]
Editor's Note: Addendum B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Be accompanied by a fee, payable to the Planning Commission, and computed by the Local Government Engineer, for each street name sign and each traffic control sign deemed necessary by the Local Government Engineer. All signs shall be installed by the local government.
Be accompanied by an application fee as specified in Addendum B.
Be accompanied by a plat recording fee as specified in Addendum B, which is refundable to the applicant in the event final approval is not granted.
Be accompanied by an application made on forms available at the office of the Planning Commission.
Be accompanied by a completed final plat checklist.
Shall bear all appropriate signatures and ready for Planning Commission approval and signatures.
Editor's Note: Addendum A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Public Improvement. The Planning Commission may require that all public improvements be installed and dedicated prior to the signing of the final subdivision plat. If the Planning Commission does not require that all public improvements be installed and accepted prior to the signing of the final subdivision plat by the Planning Commission, the amount of the bond shall be established by the Planning Commission based upon the recommendation of the local government or utility engineer. The Planning Commission shall require the applicant to indicate on the plat all streets and public improvements to be dedicated.
Endorsement by Health Authorities, and/or Officials Representing Local Utilities. The final subdivision plat shall be properly endorsed by the local utilities with respect to all water and sewer facilities and that same comply with all rules, regulations, and requirements of the Local governments, Regional, State, and Federal authorities. When such services are not available in whole or in part, said final plat must have endorsement by the appropriate state or local office. In the case of lots proposed to be served by individual sewage disposal systems, the requirements of Section 3.5(F)(6) shall apply.
Signing and Recording Plats. Upon receipt of formal application and all accompanying materials, the Executive Director or the Chairman shall after review, sign and record the final plat at the office of the Henderson County Court Clerk. Final Plats will not be recorded until the plat is submitted in digital format, as specified in Addendum A.[3]
Editor's Note: Addendum A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Time Limits. In no event shall the period of time stipulated by the Planning Commission for completion of required improvements exceed one (1) year from the date of the final approval unless said final plat is processed in accordance with sectionalization procedures set forth in these regulations, or is processed under the provisions for Bonding of Improvements under Section 4. One copy of the final subdivision plat shall be returned to the applicant with the date of approval noted thereon.
Vested Rights. No vested rights shall accrue to any plat by reason of preliminary or final approval until the actual signing of the final plat by the Chairman or the Executive Director of the Planning Commission. All requirements, conditions, or regulations adopted by the Planning Commission applicable to the subdivision or on all subdivisions generally are deemed a condition for any subdivision prior to the time of the signing of the final plat. Where the Planning Commission has required the installation of improvements prior to signing of the final plat, the Planning Commission shall not modify the conditions set forth in the preliminary approval.
Signing and Recording of Subdivision Plat.
Signing of Plat.
When a bond is required, the Chairman or the Executive Director of the Planning Commission shall endorse approval on the plat after the bond has been approved by the Planning Commission, and all conditions of preliminary approval have been met.
When installation of improvements is required, the Chairman or the Executive Director of the Planning Commission shall endorse approval on the plat after all conditions of the final plat have been satisfied and all improvements satisfactorily completed. There shall be written evidence submitted by the Public Improvements Inspector that the required public facilities have been installed in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Commission and those local authorities having jurisdiction.
Recording of Plat.
The Chairman or the Executive Director shall sign the final subdivision plat before the recording of same.
It shall be the responsibility of the Planning Commission Staff to file the final plat for recording with the County Clerk's office.
Sectionalizing Major Subdivision Plats. Prior to granting final approval of a major subdivision plat, the Planning Commission, upon recommendation of the Land Development Committee, may permit the final plat to be divided into two or more sections and may impose such conditions upon the filing of the sections as it may deem necessary to assure the orderly development of the subdivision. The Planning Commission may require that the performance bond be in such amount as is commensurate with the section or sections of the plat to be filed. In addition, it may defer the remaining required performance bond principle amount until the remaining sections of the plat are offered for approval and filing. The applicant may file irrevocable offers to dedicate streets and public improvements in the sections offered for approval and defer filing offers of dedication for the remaining sections until such sections are offered for final approval. Final plat sections of the total subdivision must contain at least ten (10%) of the total number of lots contained in the entire subdivision. No additional sections can receive final plat approval until such time as a previous final section plat has been signed by the Chairman/or Executive Director approving the recording of said plat with the County Clerk's office.
Requirements for Final Subdivision Plats. The final plat materials shall consist of a final plat as herein specified and the applicable restrictive covenants, if any. Other material may be submitted by the applicant as required by the Planning Commission.
Restrictive Covenants. When the applicant intends to regulate land use in a subdivision one (1) copy of the restrictive covenants shall be submitted as part of the final plat submission.
Sectionalization of Subdivisions. If a subdivision is subject to sectionalization, the final plat submittal must include a graphic description of sections, which have received preliminary and final approval as well as a status report on the construction of improvements and the dollar amount and time limit remaining on any outstanding bonds.
Plat for Recording. A legible plat suitable for recording with an overall sheet size of 18" x 24" shall be prepared. The required number of copies (per inspection fee schedule in Addendum B[4]) of this plat shall be submitted by the applicant when they make application for final approval. The information required on this sheet shall be as required below:
Title Block: The title block should be placed at the bottom of the sheet, and shall contain the following information:
Subdivision Name: The name of the subdivision and, where the proposed final is a portion of a larger section number or other positive identification shall be included. A subdivision name shall not duplicate or closely approximate any other subdivision name located in Henderson County.
Person Identification: The names and mailing addresses of the property owner and the applicant's surveyor.
Legend Information: The graphic scale, written scale, north point, date of preparation, and other pertinent legend information.
Certification Block: The certification block should be placed on the bottom of the sheet at the end of the title block, and shall contain the following certifications with signatures:
I (we) do hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of record of the property platted herein which is recorded in Deed Book _____, page _____, in the Henderson County Clerk's office, hereby dedicate the streets and any other spaces so indicated to public use, and do establish and reserve the indicated easements for public utilities and drainage purposes.
Provide a certification statement that complies with the requirements of the Kentucky Standards of Practice for Professional Land Surveyors, as contained in 201 KAR 18:150.
  Surveyor's Name
I hereby certify that the water supply installed or proposed for installation in the Subdivision titled __________ will fully meet the requirements of __________ and are approved as shown.
  Agent having jurisdiction
I hereby certify that the sewage disposal system installed, or proposed for installation in the subdivision titled __________ will fully meet the requirements of Henderson Water Utilities and are approved as shown.
I hereby certify that the improvement plans for this subdivision have been reviewed by me and are in conformance with the Subdivision Regulations, and the estimated cost for such improvements have been prepared by my office and communicated to the Planning Commission for the purpose of establishing the amount of the surety performance bond.
  Local Government Engineer
I hereby certify that this record plat was approved by the Henderson City-County Planning Commission on _____, and is now eligible for recording.
  Planning Commission Chairman or
  Executive Director
I (we) hereby understand that completion of this consolidation plat may require a transfer of title in conformance with consolidation hereon. No building permits will be issued in reliance on this plat until appropriate transfer of titles are made.
  Owner's signature
Editor's Note: Addendum B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Vicinity Map. A sketch showing the general location of the subdivision shall be placed in an appropriate location, preferably in an upper corner of the sheet. The vicinity map shall be drawn at a scale large enough to show the proposed subdivision's relationship to existing and proposed features such as streets, streams, etc.
Lot Design. The design scheme shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch or other appropriate scale approved by the Planning Commission staff, and shall show the following information for the proposed subdivision and adjacent land:
Streets on Adjacent Land: The exact location of streets on adjacent land, and the width along the property lines for all existing or recorded streets intersecting or paralleling and boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
Owners of Adjacent Land: The names and plat reference of adjacent subdivisions or the names and deed reference of adjacent owners.
Boundary Lines of Tract: In a line style and weight, which will distinguish the applicant's property from all adjacent property, show the tract boundary lines in accordance with the Kentucky Standards of Practice for Professional Land Surveyors. These boundaries shall be determined from an accurate survey in the field.
Property Corners and Monuments: Show the accurate location and description of all property corners control monuments and reference points that are found or set in the field. Provide for setting of permanent control monuments in accordance with the requirements of Addendum A,[5] if required.
Editor's Note: Addendum A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Street Rights-of-Way, Easements, and Lot Lines: For street right-of-way show name, bearings, angles of intersection by bearing comparison, right-of-way and pavement widths; for all arcs show the length, radii, curve points and tangent bearings; for all easements or other rights-of-way show the locations, widths, and purposes; for lot lines show dimensions; all in accordance with the Kentucky Standards of Practice for Professional Land Surveyors.
Lot Numbers: Lot numbers shall be shown and numbered in numerical order.
Reservations and Dedications: Show the accurate outline of all property which is either offered for dedication or public use or which is reserved by covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose plainly printed therein.
Building Setback Line: Show the required building setback line, as regulated by the Zoning Ordinance.[6]
Editor's Note: See Appendix A, Zoning.
Lot Size: Each lot shall have the size noted. The notation shall be in square feet if under an acre and in numbers and decimal fractions (to hundredths of an acre) if an acre or more.
Special flood hazard areas shall be noted prominently on the face of all plats. When a portion of a proposed subdivision lies within a special flood hazard area only that portion outside the special flood hazard area will be considered when computing the minimum required lot size for the development.
All subdivision plans in Special Flood Hazard Areas shall show the base flood elevation and a note referencing the source of this information.
MS-4 and Stormwater Drainage: Must be in conformance with Local, State and Federal Regulations.