Except for traps which do not create a danger for dogs or cats (such as traps of a size designed to entrap small rodents including mice), no person other than the Animal Control Officer or an employee of the Maryville Public Safety Department shall knowingly set a trap for any animal of any type within the City limits of the City of Maryville, Missouri. Except for the foregoing, no traps of any type shall be allowed within the City limits of the City of Maryville, Missouri, except under the direction of the Animal Control Officer or a Public Safety Officer. Any person convicted in violation of this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable under the Municipal Code of the City of Maryville, Missouri. Each day of illegal trapping by an illegal trap shall constitute a separate violation of the Municipal Code of the City of Maryville, Missouri.
No person shall promote, manage, attend or receive money for admission of any person to any place kept or used for the purpose of baiting, fighting or causing to fight any animal or fowl. Animal fighting is a Class D felony and punishable as set out by State Statute.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal to breed or to permit the breeding of any animals, except fowls, within the City limits unless the same is to be done within an enclosure so constructed that such animals are not in view of persons outside such enclosure.