[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Town of Deerfield 5-8-1952. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person, firm or corporation shall sell, offer for sale or hold in possession with intent to sell, to exchange or to deliver, any milk or cream within the limits of the Town of Deerfield, unless, until and only when such milk or cream is certified according to the provisions of law as described in MGL c. 180, §§ 20 to 25, inclusive, with referral to MGL c. 94, § 13E, or pasteurized, as defined in MGL c. 94, § 1.
This order, rule or regulation shall not apply to milk or cream, intended to be delivered for the purpose of pasteurization.
Violation of this health regulation shall be punished by the imposition of a fine, not to exceed $20 for each offense.
MGL c. 111, § 187, may be invoked by said Board of Health of Deerfield by application to the Superior Court of the Commonwealth for injunctive and other pertinent relief.