The governing body does hereby declare the following principles to constitute the personnel policy of the Borough of South River:
Employment in the local government shall be based on merit and fitness and be free of personal and political considerations and any discrimination because of age, race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Just and equitable incentives and conditions shall be established and maintained in order to promote efficiency and economy in the operation of the local government.
Positions with similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated on a uniform basis.
Appointments, promotions and other personnel actions requiring the application of the merit principle shall be based on systematic tests and evaluations of knowledge and performance.
Every effort shall be made to stimulate high morale by fair administration of this chapter and by consideration of the rights and interests of employees, consistent with the best interests of the public and the Borough of South River.
Continuity of employment shall be subject to good behavior, satisfactory performance of work, necessity for the performance of work and availability of funds.
An Employee and Personnel Policy Manual will be passed, at minimum, at the annual reorganization meeting of the Mayor and Council.
All offices and positions of the Borough shall be and are hereby allocated to the classified or exempt service.
The exempt service shall include the following:
All elected officials and all members and employees of citizen boards and committees.
Borough Clerk, Borough Attorney, Borough Engineer, Borough Auditor, Borough Tax Collector, Judge of the Municipal Court, Borough Tax Assessor, Utility Engineer, Programmer, Borough Prosecutor, Code Enforcement Officer, Construction Official, Sewer/Water Supervisor and department heads and assistant department heads.
Positions involving seasonal, part-time and temporary employment or consulting services.
Volunteer personnel and personnel appointed to serve without compensation.
Consultants and counsel rendering temporary professional services.
The classified service shall include all other full-time positions in the Borough service which are not specifically placed in the exempt service by this section.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to the classified service unless otherwise specifically provided therein.