The Chief of Police with the approval of the Borough Administrator, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, is hereby authorized to update, adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the government of the Police Department and for the discipline of its members.
Said rules and regulations shall govern the conduct of and be binding upon the entire membership, sworn officers and civilian employees of the Police Department.
Said rules and regulations shall be in manual form and shall be called the "Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the Borough of Hillsdale."
Each sworn officer and each civilian employee is duty bound to be thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the Police Manual and rules and regulations of the Police Department.
The appropriate authority, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, is hereby authorized to update, adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the governing of the Police Department and for the discipline of its members with a view to making the Police Department and all its members thereof efficient, vigilant and effective in the service of the Borough of Hillsdale. Said rules and regulations will be in manual form and shall be called the "Rules and Regulations of the Police Department for the Borough of Hillsdale" and shall govern the conduct of and be binding upon the entire membership of said Police Department, including the Borough Administrator and all subordinates as listed in Article I hereof. Said Rules and Regulations shall provide for penalties and forfeitures for violations thereof.
The Rules and Regulations shall be distributed in manual form as follows: A serialized copy will be issued to and signed by each employee of the Police Department for the Borough of Hillsdale. A copy will be maintained by the Borough Clerk for the personnel designated as special officers and to provide public access to same.
All members and employees who are assigned a manual shall be responsible for its maintenance and care. Said manuals shall remain the property of the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, and, upon separation from police service, each person is bound to return same. Each person will be responsible for the security of his/her manual, and loss of same will constitute neglect of duty and will result in disciplinary action. All manuals shall be kept current, and supplementary pages concerning additions, revisions or amendments shall be promptly and properly inserted. No Police Department operating policies will be inserted as part of this manual unless and until properly assimilated by the appropriate authority.