[R.O. 2012 §135.010; CC 1988 §135.010]
There is hereby created the Warson Woods Parks and Beautification Commission. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all park areas and common grounds within the corporate limits of the City. Park areas shall mean all property owned or used by the City of Warson Woods, Missouri, whether dedicated or not, for the purpose of public use, amusement, pleasure and recreation.
[R.O. 2012 §135.020; CC 1988 §135.020; Ord. No. 935, 2-18-1992]
Such Commission shall be composed of not less than four (4) citizens, each from a different Ward of the City and not more than seven (7) citizens, the Commissioner of Parks and one (1) Alderman. The citizens referred to, the Commissioner of Parks and the member of the Board of Aldermen shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Aldermen. Said appointees are to be chosen by the Mayor from nominees provided by the individual members of the Board. Each citizen member, the Commissioner of Parks and the Aldermanic member of the Commission shall serve a term from the date of appointment and expiring on the third (3rd) Monday of April of each even year and thereafter until a successor is appointed, unless such Commission member removes themselves from office or is removed from office by the Board of Aldermen for a good cause shown. The Mayor shall be an Ex-Officio member of the Commission.
Before assuming the duties of his/her office, the Commissioner of Parks shall take the oath of office required of other City Officials.
[R.O. 2012 §135.030; CC 1988 §135.030]
The Chairman of the Parks and Beautification Commission shall be the Alderman designated to serve by the Mayor.
[R.O. 2012 §135.040; CC 1988 §135.040]
The Commission shall fix the time of its meetings, and shall, except as herein provided, adopt such other procedures as the Commission shall deem necessary for the successful administration of the objectives and the consummation of the purposes of this Chapter.
[R.O. 2012 §135.050; CC 1988 §135.050]
To manage, control, maintain and supervise the use of all park areas and recreational facilities therein by the promulgation of rules and regulations as the Commission may deem necessary and proper. Such rules shall be effective upon order of the Parks and Beautification Commission approving the same when posted within the parks. Violation of such rules and regulations shall be subject to the penalties provided for violation of this Code.
To anticipate and receive the assistance and cooperation of the Police Department of this City in effectively carrying out the rules and regulations so adopted by the Commission.
To make recommendations from time to time to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen urging the manner and means by which park areas and recreational facilities might be improved or acquired to more effectively afford greater enjoyment by the public.
To receive and use any funds and other property forthcoming from private or public sources in furthering the purposes and objectives of the Commission and this Chapter.
Said Commission shall be responsible for making, or causing to have been made, an inventory of the common property and park areas within the City of Warson Woods, including therein the current status of the trees, shrubs and flowers located within said common grounds or park area, and a plan for additions, or removals, if any, and the maintenance and care of the trees, shrubs and flowers determined by the Commission to be a benefit to the property.
Said plan is to be reviewed no less often than annually and in advance of budget preparation with any projected expenses related to removals or additions or special maintenance submitted to the Chairman of the Finance Commission to be considered for inclusion in the Streets or Parks budget.
Except for emergency situations resulting from winds, storms, accidents, sudden disease or other acts of God and conditions determined to be detrimental to public safety by the Board of Public Safety and/or the Board of Aldermen, the removal of trees, shrubs or flowers from public grounds shall conform to and be in accordance with the latest plan approved by the Commission.
To administer the City's Commemorative Tree Program.
[R.O. 2012 §135.060; CC 1988 §135.060]
In addition to the annual inventory of common property and park areas, and improvements thereto through removal or additions of trees, shrubs and flowers on public grounds, the Commission may properly consider and recommend legislation deemed proper to advance and protect the grounds and plantings in the City's parks and common grounds, or relating to new or existing plantings within the City on private property which would add to the beauty of the City or the overall safety of the citizens of the City, including any educational program deemed necessary to educate the citizens to the plan. The Aldermanic member shall be responsible for introducing legislation to the Board of Aldermen as recommended by the Commission.