[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Easton 5-4-1987 by Art. 21 (Art. 5 of the 1922 Bylaws). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 5-20-2019 ATM by Art. 21]
All reports shall be placed in the hands of the Select Board for printing and publishing, as soon as possible, but no later than the 15th day of February of each year.
The Select Board shall annually cause to be printed and made available to the public not later than seven days before the Annual Town Meeting, the reports of the officers of the various departments and boards of the town and a report on such matters as directed by the town and these bylaws.
[Amended 5-20-2019 ATM by Art. 21]
The distribution or availability of the Annual Report provided for in this section shall not be deemed to be a part of the legal service of the town meeting, and failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall not serve to invalidate the proceedings of any Annual Town Meeting.
[Added 5-9-1988 STM by Art. 7]
Whenever a town way is laid out or altered, a plan thereof shall be made and filed in the Town Clerk's office, with the location thereof, and it shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to keep a book of records for the sole purpose of recording the location of all highways and town ways within the town, with an index thereto.