The legislative powers of the town shall continue to be exercised by a Town Meeting open to all voters.
[Amended by Chapter 163 of the Acts of 2020]
The Moderator, as provided in § C3-3, shall preside at all sessions of the Town Meeting. At the first town meeting session at which the moderator presides following the moderator's election, the moderator shall appoint a deputy moderator to serve as acting moderator in the event of the moderator's temporary absence or disability. The appointment of a Deputy Moderator shall be subject to ratification by the Town Meeting.
Subject to the provisions of the Charter and such bylaws regarding committees as may be provided by the Town Meeting, the moderator shall appoint the members of such committees of the Town Meeting, special or standing, as may from time to time be established.
The moderator shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to the office of Moderator by bylaw or other vote of the Town Meeting.
The regular Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Easton for the transaction of business relating to the prudential affairs of the town shall be held on such date as may from time to time be fixed in the bylaws of the town.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 44, Meetings.
[Amended by Chapter 163 of the Acts of 2020]
Every town officer, the head of each department and the head of each division within the said departments shall attend all sessions of the Town Meeting for the purpose of providing the Town Meeting with information pertinent to matters appearing in the warrant.
In the event any town officer, department head or division head is to be absent due to illness or other reasonable cause, the town officer, department head or division head shall designate a deputy to attend in place of the town officer, department head or division head.