Other guidelines are also in place to ensure meetings of the Council emphasize the importance of the business being conducted in a professional manner. Council members and staff shall:
Work to preserve appropriate order and decorum during all meetings.
Address Council members as Alderman/Alderwoman, followed by last name, such as "Alderman Jones" and staff member's last name.
Discourage side conversations, disruptions, interruptions or delaying efforts.
Inform the presiding officer when departing from a meeting.
Limit disruptive behavior. The presiding officer will call persons demonstrating rude, boisterous, or profane behavior to order. If such conduct continues, the presiding officer may call a recess, request the removal of such person(s) from the Council Chambers, adjourn the meeting, or take such other appropriate action as permitted by law. The Common Council discourages applause, booing or other similar behaviors, including holding up or waiving banners, from the public during meetings.
Recognize that only the Common Council, staff, advisory body chairs or designated representatives, and those authorized by the presiding officer shall be permitted to sit at the Council or staff stations.
The City Attorney assists the Mayor as a resource to confer with and an advisor for interpreting the Common Council's adopted protocols.