There shall be prepared a written job classification for each position in all Village services and operations. Each job classification shall include a title, work definition, distinguishing features of the job, typical examples of work performed, and other pertinent information relative to the qualifications and abilities necessary to perform the duties of that job.
Particular examples will not be isolated and treated as a full definition of a job classification. Classifications are descriptive and explanatory of the kind of work to be performed, but not necessarily inclusive of all duties to be performed.
The Village Board may create or abolish a job classification.
A new employee shall be assigned to a job classification in accordance with his qualifications. A part-time employee may be hired outside the job classification. A part-time employee who shall work more than one year continuous full-time employment at a job for which there is a job classification shall be assigned to that job classification.
Supervisory and part-time positions involving duties not comparable with another position may be left as unclassified positions in the salary and wage schedules. Other than this, each employee shall be assigned to a job classification and shall be paid at the rate therefor.
It shall be the general practice to keep employees in their regular job classification.