[Adopted 12-3-2019 by Ord. No. 22-19]
To set up, maintain, or permit, suffer or allow to be set up, kept or maintained in any house or other premises or place any device or game of chance for the purpose of gaming, or engage in any game of chance either as banker, player, dealer or otherwise for the purpose of gaming, except those bona fide qualified organizations which, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 5:8-24 et seq. (Bingo Licensing Law), and N.J.S.A. 5:8-50 et seq. (Raffles Licensing Law), may conduct games of chance on any day, including Sunday, upon application to and approval by the Borough Clerk pursuant to the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission. In the event that the Borough Clerk is unavailable or unable to review the application, the Chief of Police shall approve or disapprove of the application pursuant to the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission.